chapter 7

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Rose : byee Unnie.

Y/n : Mhm byee and Hobi drive slowly, you drive very fast.

Hobi : okay okay teacher.

Y/n : *giggles*

*Three off them go*

Suga : you stay here for a minute.

Y/n : where are you going.

Suga : to meet Joon, he will be embarrassed after everything that happened and today is his birthday, I don't want him to be sad.

Y/n : yeah.

*Suga goes from there to search Joon*

Suga : Namjoon?

Joon : hmm

Suga : Are you ok.

Joon : they all thought me wrong and Rose, Jennie , Hobi thinks I am gay.

Suga : if you are that then I am gonna support you .

Joon : Suga it's not funny.

Suga : Imao don't worry they all knows the real thing.

Joon : thank god, wait a minute 0-0,
If they know that then they also know that about whom I was dreaming and that person was present there.

Suga : yes, about Rose right 🤣

Joon : oh noo

Suga : you love her.

Joon : *nods head*

Suga : but be careful she is like her sister, you can say a whole copy of Y/n, her replies gonna make you shut your mouth.

Joon : really is Y/n like that.

Suga : yeah, you think I am joking with you. even sometimes I can't argue with her and she would win the argue.

Joon : :))))

Suga : byee gotta go, btw did you liked the gifts.

Joon : ofcourse I loved it.

Suga : So byee meet with you tomorrow morning, okay

Joon : yes byee.

Y/n : what took you so long.

Suga : yeah yeah now let's go.

Y/n : mhm.

*Inside the car, Suga was driving the car and Y/n sitting beside the driver's seat*

*Y/n's phone rings*
*Y/n looks at the call and cuts the call*
*Again the phone started ringing*
*After cutting the call for 3 times*
*When it rings for the 4th time*

Suga : pick up the call, why are you cutting it.

Y/n : 0-0 *picks up the call*

On the phone :-

Hobi : bish why were you cutting the call?

Y/n : oh Hobi you.

Suga : *slightly looked at her*

Hobi : yes it's me dumbo, btw what are you doing now.

Y/n : nothing much, inside the car and Suga driving it.

Hobi : oh I see.

Y/n : So anything important why you called me.

Hobi : no just called you for disturbing.

Y/n : Aish this boy.

Hobi : I am not sleepy.

Y/n : Imao do I need to pat your head until you go to sleep.

Hobi : it would be a nice idea but if you do your husband gonna kill me.

Y/n : Imao.

*Suga tooks the phone from Y/n's hand*

Suga : hey Hobi go to sleep, tomorrow we have to do the project's first part at *****.
Your workers should do the first part of the interior design.

Hobi : o-oh okay.

*Suga hangs up the call*

Y/n : who told you to snatch the phone from me, give it back.

Suga : *puts the phone inside his pocket* what did you thought I didn't hear what you two were talking.

Y/n : so you were listening our conversation.

Suga : Hmmm

Y/n : whatever give my phone back.

Suga : No

Y/n : give it to me.

Suga : Am I talking in Spanish? Don't you understand the meaning of No.

Y/n : ughhh

Suga : we are home.

Y/n : I saw that, you don't have to say, god gave me two eyes to see.

*Y/n went down from the car and closes the door with anger*

Suga : mad lady,
I parked the car. then went inside home and closed the main door.

Y/n : I was at the room, opening my earnings while facing the mirror.

Suga : I came inside the bedroom and saw Y/n was busy opening her earnings. my eyes fell on her, the room was dark she was looking beautiful in the moonlight, I was checking her out.

Y/n : I was opening the earnings, while I saw Suga's reflection on the mirror. he was leaning beside the door and was staring at me, I felt awkward and ngl his stares were killing me, I quickly turn around and went towards the switch board to on the lights, the switch board was beside the door yes where Suga was standing. There are two switch boards one at left the side of the bed and the other one beside the door.

Suga : She saw me from the mirror.
She turned around and was coming
Towards me to on the lights, cause the switch board was beside me.

Y/n : I passed Suga and was going to switch on the lights but I felt someone pulled me by my wrist and pinned me on the wall, my eyes got widened as I saw Suga infront of me, there was only a inch gap between us, he was so close I can feel his breath. I said, leave me let me go and on the lights.

Suga : There is no need to turn on the lights.

Y/n : I tried to go from the right side but he caged me inside his arms.

Suga : didn't I tell you not to on the lights.

Y/n : he took a strand of hair and tugged it behind my ears, "leave me".

Suga : What if I say no, hmm.

Y/n : "you are very weird", I tried to push him with my hands but he leaned over me with no gap  between us.

Suga : why do you want to go? Are you feeling awkward.

Y/n : when you know everything then why are doing these things.

Suga : smirked 😏

Y/n : *stop smirkin-* my words got cut off when I felt a soft pair of lips
on my lips, I felt butterflies on my stomach as this was the first time. He broke the kiss and was looking in my eyes, it was like it will never end. I felt that he loosen the grip between us and was about to go.

Suga : I broke the kiss and smiled sadly. what did I think she loved me, nah she will never love me, I was about to go but then I felt a pair of hands holding my face  and the next thing was unexpected, she kissed me and with no hesitation I kissed her back, it was a passionate one.

Y/n : we both were soo lost in kissing we forget to breath, I tapped his shoulder in a sign of breaking the kiss.

Suga : She was tapping my shoulder but I thought to tease her more I deepen the kiss and after some minutes I broke the kiss. We both were breathing heavily.

Y/n : were you trying to kill me.

Suga : *smirks*

Y/n : uff I was about to go but he again pinned me towards the wall, he buried his head under my neck and was kissing and sucking while  leaving dark purple spots but then I realised that he is drunk, "Suga leave me you are drunk, you are not in a right state".

Suga : "mhm baby, I looked at her and kissed her lips" and said "don't worry, I am not that drunk" and again buried my head at the crook of her neck where her sweet spot was and started sucking it.

Y/n : I couldn't hold it anymore as it was giving me pleasure, I  moaned as a tear drop left my eye.

Suga : I again kissed her on her lips, it was like I was getting addicted with her.

*The room's atmosphere was filled with kisses and moans*

*Imagine the rest, your Author is pure, I know that you all know what will happen next*

*Here is some hobiwater💦💦💦 and wash your eyes and pray to Namjesus*

Author :-
👀 Listen I am not gonna write a smut FF as you all are kiddos and as far as I know, mostly the readers are not 18+, yes yes your Author is also not 18+.

Till now byeee cuties love you all and thank you for reading it, vote, share and comment.

Next chapter coming soon~

Tae : wait a minute, isn't it is a horror Fanfiction.

Author : From where did you come and this will be very long Fanfiction so not gonna give spoilers.

Tae : ohh

Author : yes now go

Tae : when will you make my Fanfiction.

Author : Idk maybe after some years.

Tae : that's not fair, I am your Bias but you are making Fanfiction of your bias wreckers.

Author : What do you think that I have so many plots in my head that I can make fanfictions after fanfictions.

Tae : woh woh calm down.

Author : now enough, I am gonna drag you from here, you are ruining my story line.

*Author drags Tae*

Tae : *screaming* ARMY!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL, pls save me from this Author.

Author : what I am just gonna make a Fanfiction of yours after this one that's why I am draging you from here.

Tae : oh ok but did you noticed something.

Author : What?

Tae : you gave a Spoiler.

Author :


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