Chapter 9

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Authors pov :-
So one month has passed everything was going fine, The environment was always filled with Suga and Y/n's little arguments but it was not the end of it. Suga started to confess his feelings to Y/n. It was a new feeling for him, it was a little hard for him at the first but as days went he got used to it.

Y/n pov : It have been a week and my health condition is not good these days. I even missed my periods. It's like I feel so weird but then I called my family doctor for an appointment and low-key I was guessing that I am pregnant cause the symptoms were same. It was 7:00 am I went to changing room and changed my clothes.

Y/n : I went to bedroom to the see what Suga was doing. As it was Sunday he gonna sleep for a long time.

I went near him and bend down to see his face, how can someone be so handsome while sleeping. I bend down more and kissed him on his left cheek and then got up and left him in the house alone, I didn't tell him about the appointment with doctor. I booked a cab and went to hospital for check up.

At the hospital :-

Y/n : Doctor may I come in.

Dr. Choi : yes yes come in.

Y/n : thankyou doctor.

Dr Choi : y/n how many times I told you don't call me doctor, it's Suzy and as per as I know we are of same age.

Y/n : ok ok *giggles*

Suzy : So sit here let me do your check up.

Y/n : ok.

Suzy : Congratulations, Y/n you gonna be a mom.

Y/n : what!!!!

Suzy : you are pregnant. You have to be more careful of yourself.

Y/n : hmm ok.

Suzy : Are you ok?

Y/n : yes doctor.

Suzy : then why are you sad.

Y/n : Actually I am just scared about the baby and the pain I would be going through.

Suzy : you don't have to be scared even I have a daughter and trust me this time period which you will be going through will be a memorable one.

Y/n : Thank you Suzy for comforting me.

Suzy : hey no thank you or sorry in friendship. Btw these are the medicines which you have to take.

Y/n : ohh ok, bye Suzy.

Suzy : Bye and Take care.

Y/n : yup and you too.

Back to home ~

Y/n : I thought that he would wake up by now but he was still sleeping. Uff what a sleepy cat is he. I went inside bedroom and saw he was sleeping in the same position. How can I make him wake up, 🤔. I smirked as an idea popped up on my mind.

Suga : I felt something watery on my cheeks and forehead it was the cause for ruining my sleep. I opened my eyes and saw y/n was a inch away from my face. my heart raced seeing her so close, she was smiling, She said "Good morning". She moved her face and I sat up on the bed while saying her good morning in my sleepy tone. She stood up and was about to leave I pulled her towards me while holding her wrist.

Y/n : I bumped on his hard chest as he pulled me.

Suga : hmm so why were you kissing me and it ruined my sleep.

Y/n : *pouts* cause you were sleeping so much.

Suga : you know that I have pressure of office work.

Y/n : hmm.

Suga : Idk why she was behaving weird today cause usually she argues with me,
she leaned on my chest.
I hugged her and stayed like that for sometime. I broke the silence and asked her, "Y/n what are you doing?"

Y/n : Listening to your heart beat.

Suga : why?

Y/n : you sleep a lot these days and it makes me scared.

Suga : you think I am dead.

Y/n : Suga!!! Stop saying this type of things.

Suga : okay okay, I will not say that again.

Y/n : Suga.

Suga : yes?

Y/n : I have something to say.

Suga : yeah say.

Y/n : I am pregnant.

Suga : hmm

Y/n : I looked up at him and said.
Aren't you happy about it, don't you love me or you have find someone else in your life.

Suga : hey who said that I am not happy and how can you judge my love, yes I am cold person but being a cold person doesn't means that I don't love you and I was just thinking about your health nothing else and further don't dare to judge my love.

Y/n : Are you sure of what you are saying?

Suga : Hey weirdo stop thinking so much and how many times I have to say you that I love you.

Y/n : what? This is the first time you told that to me.

Suga : oh *awkward smile*

Y/n : uff, now leave me.

Suga : no

Y/n : why?

Suga : don't you think you are forgetting something.

Y/n : nope.

Suga : what if I asked you the same question that you love me or not?

Y/n : ofcourse I love you.

Suga : Ahh really?

Y/n : what do you mean about really?

Suga : And what about Hobi?

Y/n : he is only my best friend.

Suga : ohh I see btw did you remembered that day when you told him that "I would rather married you than me".

Y/n : umm actually I was angry at you that time.

Suga : And what about those "I love you my Sunshine"

Y/n : dude I can say he is my best friend and were you listening to our conversation.

Suga : yes I was and he better be in your friend zone nothing more than that.

Y/n : Aww my cat is jelly.

Suga : nope I am not.

Y/n : I kissed him on his nose.

Suga : you can't kiss me.

Y/n : oh yes I can, I have all the rights as I am your wife.

Suga : oh really?

Y/n : yesh UwU ✨

Suga : Then as your husband, I also have rights on you and I can also kiss you.

Y/n :  Ahhh no, first go and brush your teeth, I will be making breakfast.

Suga : okay as you say but don't forget about the kiss.

Y/n : Aish this cat.

Authors pov :-
Who thought that the happy days of both of them would come to an end, you can say now the clock will be rotating at negative direction. What will happen if some untold truth comes out from it and it would take one second to ruin their love life. Relationship takes years to built but it would need only one misunderstanding to ruin it apart and that time it would be hard for both of the person to solve it again like a puzzle but the puzzle could only be solved if  that person have little bit of trust left on him/her.

To be continued..................

Thank you everyone for reading it. vote, share and comment. love you all bye 💜✨.

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