Chapter 13 - The Chief meets the Envoy

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Zhao was running towards where he was supposed to meet his team, but he was attacked out of nowhere.

He reacted immediately, his training taking over, he dodged another hit and counterattacked.

Liu Pei kept trying to hit him, but having failed his surprise attack there was very little that he could do against the more experienced Yunlan, who overpowered him completely.

They were still fighting when suddenly a black shadow appeared at the corner of Yunlan's eyes startling him for a second.

Liu Pei freed himself from Yunlan's hold but was caught by another firm hand. The Envoy said, "You’re not allowed to hurt him."

He then ‘sensed’ his past actions and thought that if let free Liu Pei was a danger to society and wouldn't stop until he killed someone, so he judged him: "You have committed crimes, I will bring you back."

Seeing the Envoy Liu Pei panicked, screamed and tried to fight back, desperation guiding his movements. He couldn't stand a chance against the Envoy and the Chief's combined efforts, but still he kept fighting and in his frenzy he managed to hit Zhao hardly.

The Envoy saw blood on Yunlan's mouth and felt enraged. He judged Liu Pei's behaviour as "Assault on a Crown's Official, treason punishable by death," and the next moment Liu Pei was lying on the floor, his throat cut.

Zhao got closer to him, he didn't know who he was dealing with here but it clearly was someone dangerous so he decided to be cautious. The guy had acted in his defense, which put him on the right side, but he had gone rogue and had killed a man, which put him on the wrong side.

Yunlan wanted to understand who he was and whose side was he really on, so he acted friendly. "Thanks for the help, but you didn't need to kill him, I got things under control," he said, then the Envoy turned towards him and their eyes locked.

The Envoy didn't speak and Yunlan looked into those eyes and felt something... something he didn't yet understand, but his instinct told him that he didn't need to fear him.

There was silence for a few seconds until Zhu Hong appeared and recognised the figure in front of her. "The Envoy!" she gasped and in a single movement she drew her weapon and pointed it at him.

Yunlan didn't move, he wanted to see what was going on. He wasn't afraid that Hong might do something stupid, she had learned her lesson and had become a good officer and he wanted to trust her, and after all that was a reasonable reaction after what had happened, so he stayed put ready to intervene if necessary.

DaQing arrived too. He saw that Zhao's lip was bleeding but he seemed otherwise alright, then he heard Hong's panicked voice. "I won't go back! I'm 25 and I'm free, I live here and I have a life! I'm... I'm one of them now, I have a credit card and a cellphone!"

"Is that the only reason why you want to stay?" The Envoy asked, curious. He was surprised by his own question as much as she was, and Hong unconsciously looked at Yunlan but Yunlan didn't notice because he was looking at the second mysterious man he had met that day.

The Envoy took advantage of her moment of distraction, pushed her against Yunlan and ran away.

They were startled but couldn't just let him go, he had killed a man in the open under many eyes, they had to bring him in, so they went after him.

They turned the same corner he had run to but they couldn't see his black robes anywhere, he had disappeared.

Zhao and his team were still looking for the Envoy when suddenly Wei appeared. He saw Yunlan's blood and came near him, asking what had happened.

He seemed very concerned about him and Yunlan enjoyed that and wasted no time in flirting with him, declaring that he needed someone to take care of him because his face hurt.

Da Qing rolled his eyes when he heard his shameless boss saying, "My lips hurt, could you kiss the pain away?"

Shen Wei was speechless, Zhu Hong was annoyed. She didn't know who this new guy was but she was jealous of how shamelessly Zhao was flirting with him.

Why had he never acted like that with her?

Wei was sincerely concerned about his injury. He didn't want to leave him, he wanted to make sure that he was alright and taken care of, but he wasn't free to do what he wanted. He had never been and never would be so those thoughts had better stop.

He knew that Hong couldn't sense his Dixing nature, so he nonchalantly turned to her and asked her if she could point him in the right direction.

He didn't really have to go anywhere specific, and looked for a place that would sound plausible.

Remembering his earlier conversation with Yunlan, he asked her to show him the way to the University, ignoring her annoyed stare.

The Chief immediately wanted to offer his assistance, he opened his arms in a 'I'm here' gesture then smiled.

"I can take you if you let me," he said and Shen Wei wavered, staring at Yunlan's tongue that was licking leisurely the blood on his lip.

Yunlan noticed with deep satisfaction that his efforts weren't going to waste, he clearly had an effect on Shen Wei and he couldn't wait for them to be much closer...

To Yunlan's disappointment though, Wei refused his help categorically.

"You need to go back and take care of your injury, but I hope you will be so kind to lend Hong to me for a moment so I won't get lost."

Neither Zhao or Hong could find a polite way to say no, so she rolled her eyes and walked ahead with Wei following her.

Yunlan didn’t go away though, he waited where he was watching them, frowning a little when he saw Wei touching her han. Was he thanking her?

‘No matter how much he protested, I should have gone with him, so he'd be holding my hand now,’ he thought.

Wei was pretty sure he knew why Hong had escaped to Haixing, her previous words were quite a give-away, but he wanted to be sure so he walked alongside her until she stopped.

She pounted to their right. "Just go down that road and you'll get there," she said. "You don't need my help."

Wei once again ignored her hostility focusing only on his duty, so he took her hand and shook it with both his own, thanking her for her assistance, while he ‘sensed’ her past actions. This confirmed his first judgement, so he let her hand go when she forcefully pulled it away, and went forward alone.

He really shouldn't, she had met the ghost and she had escaped, by all means he should take her back to Dixing. The king would be furious if he knew that he was letting her go, but she had done nothing wrong and he judged her innocent.

Whatever happened, he would never deliver an innocent person to his cruel king.

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