Chapter 15 - Chu and Guo

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Chu didn’t know how long he waited, he didn’t have a clock and he didn’t care enough to ask anyone, it wasn’t like he had better things to do. He thought bitterly at his insane mission again.

The king was paranoid, did he think that a bunch of people could convince Haixing to wage war against Dixing?
When he was but a little child, his grandfather had told him stories of how their world used to be different when he was younger. He said that the King and Queen had been peaceful rulers that didn’t interfere much with ordinary people’s lives, and Chu had always wondered how could they generate such devious descendants.

Whatever the case, they were now stuck with a king that nobody wanted and everybody hated, even him.

Chu was not a man of strong emotions, but he hated the king, he hated his absurd orders and unjust laws, he hated everything he knew about him and hated even more what he didn't know.

He was sure that there was something dark between the king and the envoy, he didn't know what it was but he was sure, he felt it in his bones that if he knew it he would hate it.

He never asked of course, nor the king or the envoy. Asking the king would mean asking for trouble, and the envoy would tell him if he wanted him to know.

He respected the envoy but they could not really be described as 'friends'. Living at the Palace, everyone soon learned that showing friendship towards anyone would mean putting that someone in danger if the king found out about it.

He worried nonetheless, wondering what the envoy had to endure every time the king called for him.

If only they had the slightest chance of success, Chu would like nothing better than rid Dixing of this king's hateful presence.


When he was told that the patient was awake and could see visitors, he walked into the room still wondering what the hell was he doing there.

The old man looked at him and assumed that he was the person he owed his life to, so he thanked him many times before Chu could put a word in and explain that it wasn’t him but a man called Guo.

The man declared that he would like to thank Mr Guo as well, he would give him a reward for saving his life, he had money but no relatives. Chu asked himself, was this why Guo helped the old man and gave him his card? Was he aiming at the reward?

The man begged him to take him home, the hospital would release him only if there was someone else with him and he really wanted to go back home; Chu agreed, he might as well see this story to the end, he thought. As soon as it was possible the man signed the necessary papers then they went out together.

The man called a taxi and gave him his address. When they arrived, he paid the driver and Chu carried the bags inside.

The man asked him to call Mr Guo to come over so he could properly thank him personally; in response, Chu gave him Guo’s business card so he could call him directly.

Guo sounded extremely happy to hear from him, said that he was so glad that he was alright, that he had been so worried, and promised to get there as soon as he could. The guy gave him his address then hang up and turned to offer Chu a cup of tea while they waited for Guo to arrive.

The old man tried to make conversation but Chu was never a talkative person and only answered with a 'no' or a nod of his head, sometimes a shrug of his shoulders, so he tried to ask questions about Guo instead but Chu didn’t know anything about him and couldn’t say anything at all, so they waited in silence drinking their tea.

Guo excused himself at work, letting Wang know that if possible he needed to go out early, and since at the moment there was nothing more for him to do she told him to go, as always she would call him if he was needed.

He hurried to the address given to him and appeared at the door with a big happy smile, and thanked Chu for staying with the man and letting him know how it went.

Chu didn’t know what to say, he didn’t feel like he had done much really. He only gave him a slight nod and stood back, waiting and watching.
The man insisted on giving Guo a reward but the young man was unmovable and denied deserving anything.
"Oh no, there’s no need, I’m just so happy that you’re alright, I did nothing really, anyone would have done the same," but Chu knew that it wasn’t true, nobody had done anything, including him.

Guo seemed to believe his own words though, so the old man let it go and thanked him again and again, telling him to come visit sometimes if he had the time.

Guo promised that he would visit for sure, then walked out together with Chu.

Guo was very cheerful, Chu wasn’t used to this. Where he came from, there wasn't much to be cheerful about.

Guo talked all the time. "You look so scary," he said blushing, "but you’re a very good person to stay with the old man all day, and you were even so kind to bring him his bags."

Nobody ever said that Chu was kind before.

They walked side by side for a while; before parting ways, Guo asked him if he had plans for the next day and if he liked children...

Chu thought that this little guy was quite weird, and replied simply: "No" and "Why?" to his questions.

"That's a surprise, " Guo said. "If you have nothing to do, you could come with me, I'd love some company."

To learn about Haixing one place was as good as another, Chu thought, so he agreed, receiving another big smile from Guo.

Smiles were another thing Chu wasn't used to, but he'd like to be, he realised.

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