Chapter 9 - Adjusting to Haixing

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Every detail of their investigation was handed over so that a proper case could be built against the guy. His dna matched the evidence found at the crime scenes, and his knife was confirmed as the weapon used to kill all those young women.

Lin Jin provided the recording which showed how the guy had attacked Hong first although ‘unfortunately’ it ended before the second blade came into view.

He also handed over the device that was used that night, the microcamera that was ‘broken’ during the ‘fight’.

Now that they knew his identity, they could look into his personal history and they found out that he worked in an office and had been repeatedly rejected by a young colleague who had complained about him to her friends and ultimately to their director when he wouldn’t stop harassing her.

He had been transferred to another department, but that hadn’t stopped his obsession. Not able to get close to her, he had vented his rage onto other innocent-looking young women like her.

The man had been rushed to the hospital, but there was nothing they could do to save him, Zhu Hong had aimed too well.

Zhao Yunlan never changed his deposition on how they had fought until the guy’s accidental lethal wound put a stop to it.

Nobody believed him, of course. Zhao never really expected to be believed, he only hoped that they'd choose to side with him and accept his story without giving him too much trouble.

And indeed nobody really wanted to accuse him after he had stopped the murders taking off the street a confirmed killer, but there were many points that remained unclear.

“Where did he keep the second weapon? Why hadn’t you noticed before that he had another?”

“We were fighting, I didn’t think of asking him.”

“On the second weapon were found fingerprints belonging neither to him or to you, they belonged to your officer Zhu, how do you explain that?”

“She touched it too, did I forget to tell you that?”

“... there were a lot of her fingerprints...”

“She touched it a lot”


Zhao Yunlan pretended not to notice how uncomfortable they looked with the whole situation. Eventually he rose and asked them where did he have to sign to put an end to it, but found more resistance than he had expected.

It is an established fact that it is much easier to get used to comforts than hardship, and Yunlan had gotten used to being treated as the Mighty Chief of Sid pretty quickly, these guys in front of him had to be new, he thought, and didn't really know who he was... he will have to let them know, he decided.

They weren’t really satisfied with his words, no surprise, and he was asked to repeat it all again, so he sighed deeply.
He hated what he was about to do.

The new guy about to question him made it slightly easier for him when he called him ‘officer Zhao’. It irked him immensely, and he replied with a dangerous smile. “I know I’m not a Director yet, that’s my father, but it's been a long time since my officer's days. I've been the Chief of Sid for a while now, so I’d really like you to address me as Chief Zhao if it's all the same to you.”

The mention of Director Zhao made the people present gulp, and Yunlan hoped that he would never learn about it, but he was pretty sure that the chances of that happening were almost zero.

Yunlan sighed, he was probably in for another father-son speech.


Zhu Hong felt responsible and asked Wang to teach her everything she needed to know about the rules of Haixing. From now on, she would live in Haixing and be part of this world, so she would have to adapt to its laws.


She stayed at Sid, spending most of her time with Wang Zheng, but slowly getting to know everyone and adapting to this new life.


Wang: You will see, it's very easy to get along with these men once you get to know them.

Zhu: I hope you're right...


Zhu : ...but if a guy is threatening my life, how can I defend myself without killing him?

Wang: You can if it's the only way to stop him, but you should always try to arrest him whenever possible.

Zhu: Oh...


Zhao: Is that a new lipstick? You're so pale already, with that light colour you want to look like a ghost?

Wang: Yes chief, so I can sneak into your office and scare you to death.

Zhao: Aaaah Wang Zheng, Wang Zheng, with that pretty face you couldn't scare anyone.

Zhu: (sigh)


Wang: It'll be a long time before you can afford your own place, why don't you come living with me?

Zhu: Can I really? Won't that be inconvenient for you?

Wang: Don't be absurd, it will be fun, we'll be like sisters, we can share our clothes, talk about our secrets...

Zhu: ...

Wang: And I can teach you how to apply your own make-up.

Zhu: Can I have your lipstick? The darker one, you never use it anyway...


Wang: This is your bedroom and that's mine, the bathroom is in between our rooms, there's a small kitchen and this is the only other room, it's a small apartment but there's everything we need.

Zhu: It's perfect, you sure it won't be a problem?

Wang: You silly, of course not, I'm happy to have you here, and if you want to borrow something you can come right in and take it.

Zhu: thank...

Wang: But don't touch my bag. Bags are personal, never touch my bags.

Zhu: ...


Zhu: I've been to the crime scene again Chief, but I couldn't find a single picture of the deceased's wife, and her name must be a fake.
Zhao: There must be something... I want a detailed report, and, Zhu?

Zhu: Yes Chief?

Zhao: Getting along well with Wang huh? That's good, keep it up and you'll be one of the guys in no time.

Zhu: (sigh)


Zhu: ...but if you're looking for a woman, and she's killing men, could I kill her?

Zhao: NO!

Wang: (sigh) No Hong, you can't, same rules apply for men and women.

Zhu: Oh...


Guo: Th..this is for you.

Zhu: Sweets? You bought me sweets? Why?

Guo: To celebrate, today is a month since you joined our team.

Zhu: Thank you, we can eat them together and...

Da Qing: Oh, sweets! Can I have one? ...... uhm, this is really good, can I try another one?

Zhu: ...

Guo: ...


Zhu: Old Li, could you tell me what can I use to clean my desk? I've made a mess and...

Li: Don't worry miss, I'll take care of it immediately.

Zhu: Oh no, I can do it, really.

Li: It's my job miss, plus a pretty girl in a red dress should not risk ruining it with such trivial matters.

Zhu: Thank you.


Zhao: Have you given Zhu Hong her gun yet? She should have one too.

Wang: But she's never used one before.

Zhao: Ask Old Li to teach her.

Wang: Old Li? Are you sure?

Zhao:'re right, I better talk to him myself.


Zhao: I'd like you to teach Zhu Hong how to shoot, is that alright?

Old Li: Anything for you, Chief.

Zhao: Thank you, she must know how to use it so not to shoot herself or one of us.

Old Li: You can count on me, Chief.

Zhao: I'm sure of it, but... Li?

Old Li: Yes, Chief?

Zhao: Don't teach her how to kill, ok?


Zhu: You bought me sweets? Why?

Lin Jin: I heard you like them and maybe we could...

Zhu: I'm not going out with you!

Lin Jin: ...


Sales assistant: Can I help you miss?

Zhu: I want those high-heeled shoes, I can pay, I have my own money!

Sales assistant: ... of course, this way please.


Zhu: I'm sorry chief, he was too fast.

Zhao: Damn it girl, why did you wear those heels at work?

Zhu: ...(sigh)


Days turned into weeks and weeks into months and then:

Zhao: Congratulations Hong, you're officially part of the Sid team.

Zhu: Thank you Chief.

Lin Jin: You're one of the weirdos now.

Da: If only everyone knew about Dixing, we could add you to our list and the other depatments would go crazy.

Zhu: What list?

Zhao: Don't you know how they call us? I'm the director's spoiled son...

Guo: They call me scaredy-cat but it's alright, I like cats.

Da: And I'm the petty thief.

Wang: I'm the brainless beauty queen.

Lin Jin: They say I'm a failed scientist, they don't understand my genius, I...

Old Li: And I'm the old gangster.

Zhao: Ex gangster, Li, ex!

Li: I'm sorry Chief, old habits...

Da: If they could add Dixingian refugee to the mix, their brains would explode.

Zhu: Really? Could I watch?

Everyone: ...

Zhu: It was just a joke! I can joke like anybody else!

Da: Yeah... but it's creepy when you do it...


Adjusting to her life in Haixing, she thought she'd never have to worry about her old life anymore...

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