03 | beginning of a friendship

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[EDITED 4. 2. 2019]

Two whole weeks later, Anne waited outside the Homestead per Nick's request while the Gathering to determine her job went on inside. At first, she leaned back against the wall and waited. That lasted for about two minutes before she started pacing back and forth. She had just slid down to sit on the grass when someone approached her.

"That was probably the best idea."

Anne looked up to see Newt standing in front of her. He was leaning heavily on his right foot, keeping the weight off the left leg. It was clear that he wasn't comfortable standing that way. Anne could still remember the look of absolute pain on his face the first time she had seen him. It was gone now, replaced by well, a normal one. She had seen him walking around the Glade near the Deadheads with Alby. His leg had gotten much better but he now walked with a very visible limp. ***

"How long have you been watching me?" She asked cautiously.

"Don't worry," Newt smiled, a smile that somehow didn't entirely meet his big brown eyes. "I just thought it was funny. You're a restless one, aren't ya?"

"Not entirely sure yet, given the fact that I have only two weeks of memories."

Newt nodded, then pointed to the spot next to her. "Mind if I join you? I don't have much to do."

She patted the grass next to her and he sat down a little heavier than she thought, but that was probably because of his leg.

"How's your leg?" She asked, wanting to break the silence. She watched Newt's expression closely as she asked the question.

"Fine, I guess," Newt shrugged before attempting to change the subject. "How's your first few weeks in the Glade been?"

"Fine, I guess," Anne repeated what Newt had said and he laughed.

"Okay," Newt nodded, the smile not leaving his lips. "What job do you reckon you'll get?"

Anne frowned as she thought about it. The truth was she had already made up her mind in what she would choose if she could. "Medjack. Or at least that's what I hope I get."

"The way Jeff came runnin' in, begging Clint to make sure they got ya at the end kinda made it clear you're really good at being one," Newt said. "So, let's hope you get it."

"Thank you," she smiled.

"You're welcome," He smiled back, before turning towards the door. "I think they're done."

She frowned and turned towards the door as well. She could hear the sound of chairs scraping against the wooden floors as boys got up. She stood up quickly, almost bouncing on her feet. She held out a hand to Newt who looked like he could use a little help getting up. He grabbed her hand with a grateful look on his face and stood up.

Frypan was the first one out of the room. He smiled at her. "Fair warning. I haven't seen Clint this happy since he got Jeff." He clapped her on the back, then whispered, "don't tell Lincoln I said that."

Clint walked out a while later, a bright smile on his face. "Congratulations, Greenie. You're a Medjack now."

Anne had a feeling the smile on her face would rival the one on Clint's.

"I would love to stay and chat, but I gotta go help Jeff and Lincoln," he said. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Anne watched the rest of the Keepers rush off to their respective jobs, wondering what she could do for the rest of the day. Having nothing to do was pretty boring.

"Hey," Newt's voice made her turn around to face him. She had nearly forgotten he was there. "Since we don't have anything to do the rest of the day, you wanna go grab lunch before the others? We might be the only ones previliged enough for that kind of special treatment."

He had said the last sentence as a joke but there was something in his eyes that looked a lot like sadness. She wanted to ask about it, but kept her mouth firmly closed. If he wanted to tell her what he was dealing with, he would and honestly, they didn't even know each other very well anyway. It seemed to her that he just wanted someone who didn't look at him the way she noticed some Gladers did; with pity in their eyes. She was determined not to be one of those people, so she smiled and nodded.

"Sure, let's go."


Anne had her very first actual chat with Newt!!! What do you guys think? Was it weird? Awkward? Or good (I'm hoping)? Also, you guys should know that this book takes place a few days after Newt tries to... You know... I can't say it... So he's going to be a bit not-sunshiney for a while.

Thanks for reading!

Edit: I changed a bit of this chapter as well. There is a *** near the parts I changed if you want to see. Also, it's Anne's third week (beginning of third week) in the Glade. When it read this chapter, I feel like it's a bit forced but I want to explain that. Newt talked to Anne because he wanted a change of scene. Anne's new and won't treat him the way everyone else does. Hope you understand!

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