12 | carrot sticks

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Anne was sitting with Newt in the Homestead, the two of them eating their dinner when Minho walked into the room. It had been a couple of hours since the Runners had come back and the doors had closed so why he was here now was a complete mystery to her.

Or it was until he showed her his arm.

"I think I might need some help," Minho said, wincing when he moved his arm.

She got an answer soon enough. There was a large, bleeding cut on his bicep and Anne had a feeling she didn't really want to know how he got that wound. But she did want to know when. Was it while he was in the Maze or after he came back to the Glade?

"Might is an understatement, Minho," Newt said, leaning forward to take a look himself. "That looks bloody horrible."

"Look who's talking," Minho said, a smirk on his lips as he eyed Newt's leg. Newt did not like that joke.

"Okaay," Anne said, breaking up the tension Minho had willingly or unwillingly created. "Let's get that cleaned up."

While she tended to his wound, Minho proved that he wasn't as tough as he let on. He winced and squirmed and attempted to pull his arm away more than once causing the job to be a lot more difficult that it needed to be. But it seemed as though Newt was thoroughly enjoying seeing this side of the Keeper of the Runners. He was trying very hard not to laugh as he watched Minho squirm.

"Stay still!" Anne said, grabbing Minho's arm when he pulled it away while she was bandaging it. He made a face but let her finish her job. Once she was done, Minho walked out of the room, holding his now bandaged arm in an awkward position.

"That was awesome," Newt said, once Minho was out of view.

"You like watching him suffer that much?" Anne asked as she put away the things she had pulled out of the cupboard.

"If you actually knew Minho, you would too," Newt said, taking a bite of his chicken.

Anne washed her hands and sat down on the bed, scooting back so that she was sitting by Newt's feet with her back against the wall. Newt handed her her own plate of food and she took a bite. "Is he that much of a jerk?"

"Not a jerk, actually," Newt said, frowning as he tried to figure out a word to describe Minho. It was proving to be harder than he thought it would be. "He's... Sassy and sarcastic. The chance of you getting an actual answer from him is next to impossible."

"So it is possible?" Anne said.

Newt just rolled his eyes at her, leaning forward to grab a carrot stick from her plate. She tried to swat his hand away but Newt was too fast. He popped it into his mouth, laughing when she glowered playfully at him.

"Here, grumpy pants," he said, holding out one of his own carrot sticks.

Anne reached forward to take it, but he pulled it away from her reach. He held it out to her again only to pull it away from her right when she reached to grab it. He laughed at her annoyance and continued to do so until she finally gave up and leaned back against the wall.

"Okay, okay," Newt said, placing the carrot stick in her plate. "There you go."

Anne watched him lean back against the bed post and quickly reached forward. She grabbed it and quickly popped it into her mouth before Newt could attempt to take it.

Anne found herself watching Newt from the corner of her eyes as he ate the rest of his food. Newt was actually really fun to be around, especially when no one else was there to fuss over him and his leg, making him feel uncomfortable. He was more at ease around her than anyone else. She could tell that much. He may have known the others a lot longer than he had known her, but the fact that she wasn't continuously asking him about his health made him feel more comfortable around her.

"What's goin' on in that head of yours?" Newt interrupted her thoughts, making her jump slightly and turn her gaze down to her plate, embarrassed that she had been caught staring.

Anne looked up to find Newt smiling at her and desperately tryied to find a topic to talk about. "What was it like? I mean, when you first came here?"

Newt raised an eyebrow. "Well, I was the one of the first ones here. In a group of about... thirty so it went just as great as you'd imagine."

"So, not good at all?"

Newt laughed. "Not at all."

"How so?"

Newt launched into a detailed explanation of what had happened. He had a far away look in his eyes as though he was reliving everything he was saying.

"The doors didn't open until the second day, so we tried climbin' the walls inside and got nowhere with that. Other than that, most of us just tried to avoid each other since we were a bit freaked out about not remembering anything," Newt sucked in a deep breath. "Then the doors opened the next day and we started explorin' the maze. Some got stuck outside. Never came back."

Anne suddenly wondered if asking about that was the best idea.

"We eventually found out about the Grievers and stuff and that the Maze was changing. I mean, we figured out the Maze was changing pretty soon. We aren't that stupid," he chuckled. "Nick took charge and slowly established order. That's how we got to how we are today. Old days weren't so great..."

"So, there were no other girls?" Anne asked once Newt finished speaking.


"Wonder why."


I'll see you in three months.

The words popped into her mind, seemingly out of nowhere. Anne frowned as she mouthed the words to herself, remembering the weird dream or memory she had had a few nights ago. She heard the springs of the mattress squeak as Newt lenaed towards her curiously. She looked up just in time to see him wince and quickly pulled her legs closer to her chest so he could stretch his leg out.

"What?" Newt asked once he was comfortable.

"I saw a dream... Or a memory..." Anne started. She knew Newt wouldn't treat her any different. She trusted him.

"What did you remember?" Newt asked, curiosity evident in his tone.

Anne turned to look at Newt who gave her a reassuring look. She only hesitated for a second before telling him what she had seen.

"I was in a white room. It looked like a hospital room? There were lots of beds and machines lining the walls and doctors walking around wearing masks," Anne explained. "And there were these two kids. I'm pretty sure they were the same age as us. A boy and a girl. They said... They said that they were sorry about what what was happening and I told them I chose for it to happen?"

Anne was confused about the memory. Especially since there was really no context for her to apply it into. What had she agreed to do? Why would they feel bad for her?

"Is that it?" Newt asked, still curious. This was all new to him so she could understand why he was so eager to hear everything.

"Uh..." She wondered whether she should tell him what the boy had said. She had said this much so why not. "The boy... He said he'd see me in three months."

Silence spread between the two of them. Anne was nervous about how Newt would react and Newt... Well, he just looked like he was deep in thought. He had a frown on his face and his tongue was slightly poking out of his mouth.

"Three months later..." Newt said after a while. "Maybe he's going to be the third Greenie after you?"

"Yeah, maybe..."

Again, they sat in silence. He was right. Anne hadn't really thought about that. Maybe the boy in her dream would be coming to the Glade in two months. Maybe she could actually meet him. Would he remember her? Would he have any memories at all? Or would he get weird dreams while he slept like she did?

"Dont tell anyone," Newt said softly after a while.

When Anne looked up, he was watching her with a worried look in his eyes. "Why not?"

"This is different," he explained. "You are different. Some of the Gladers are still a bit freaked about you being a girl. They keep coming up with theories like you being a bloody spy for the people who sent us here. Trust me. It's better if no one else knows. At least for now."

Anne nodded slowly, a bit freaked out at what he had said. But it was true. She was different and her getting memories back, even if it was one, only made her even more of an outcast than she already was.


"Good," Newt said. He pointed at the carrot sticks on her plate. "Now are you going to eat that or not."

Anne just rolled her eyes, throwing a carrot stick at his face, causing him to laugh.


I happen to actually like this chapter it's a whole 1568 words just about Anne and Newt. And a bit of Minho. But mostly Newt and Anne. And Anne told Newt about her dream! And she trusts him enough to tell him that! Yay!


Did you like this chapter?

What's your favourite part about this chapter?

Newt and Anne's thing is throwing carrot sticks at each other? (ok, this isn't an actual question, but still)

Is Newt right about the boy from her dream coming three months after her? (so in 2 months now!)

Who is the boy? And the girl?

Do you want Anne to have known Newt before being sent to the Glade? (I've already decided on what to do about that but I want to hear what you think.)

Thanks for reading!

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