Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


       As soon as I woke up, I stayed in bed for a while, just staring up at the ceiling. Something happened yesterday and for some reason, I was thinking it was probably just a dream. There was no way Hunter would actually fall in love with me.

       My stomach started growling a bit so I got out of bed and slowly made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Hunter was already in there, making some scrambled eggs. When he noticed me standing there, he gave me a smile. "Hey," he said. "Want some scrambled eggs?"

       "Sure," I said, sitting on one of the stools at the counter. "So I had the weirdest dream last night and knowing you, you'll hate me for even telling you what it was about. So I'm going to tell you what it was about."

       Hunter rolled his eyes as he filled the eggs on two plates. "Of course you are. You know, at times I really think you're only purpose in life is to bug me."

       "It probably is," I said. "Anyway, my dream was the best thing ever. Well, to me. Again, you'll hate me. In my dream, it was pouring rain and you confessed your undying love for me, telling me how you can't live life without me and then we shared a kiss."

       Hunter walked over with both plates, placing one of them in front of me with the other at the spot beside me. "Yeah, that's not what happened because I don't remember saying I can't live life without you. I don't even remember confessing my undying love for you. I just kissed you and promised I would never play with your feelings."

       "Wait, so... It wasn't a dream?" I asked. "Are you sure? Because I'm fairly certain you would never actually fall for me."

       "Well, you can never be certain with anything," Hunter said. "I told you last night that I really do want to be with you."

       "I'm so confused."

       Hunter sighed. "Cannon, seriously, what happened yesterday wasn't a dream at all. I don't know why you think it would be."

       "Uh, because you kissed me," I said. "You kissed me. That's not really something I would expect to happen, like, ever."

       "So in other words, you don't want me to kiss you again?" Hunter asked.

       "Excuse you, that is not what I said. You really think I don't want to be kissed by the most amazing guy in the world?"

       Hunter smiled at me before actually giving me a lingering kiss and just like yesterday, my heart began beating rapidly. The love of my life actually felt the same way about me and it was such an amazing feeling; a feeling I never thought I would have actually felt.

       After Hunter pulled away, he sat down on the stool beside me. "So now do you believe that it wasn't a dream?"

       "Nope," I said. "You just might have to kiss me again." 

       Hunter gave me a fake wince. "You see, I would but I'm just very hungry so I am going to eat my breakfast and probably ignore you the whole time."

       "Well, that's mean," I said. Hunter only shrugged as he began eating his breakfast so I scowled as I ate mine. But then I realized Hunter could never ignore me so I started talking to him again. "Hey, so I have a question."

       "I told you I was going to ignore you," Hunter said.

        "No, you told me you were going to probably ignore me," I said. "Not the same thing. Anyway, I do have a legit question, not just one that will bug you. Are we... are we ever going to tell people about... whatever we are?"

        Hunter was silent for a bit  and part of me thought it was because he really didn't want to be with me. Then I had to mentally slap myself for overreacting.

       "I think... We should hold off for a while," Hunter said. "Maybe even as long as we could because once people find out, it might be hard to actually have time to ourselves. I want to enjoy this while we can; no stress from the media and everything else."

       "Fair enough," I said. "What about our parents? I mean, I probably won't tell mine for a while because they're too busy but... What about yours?"

       "That's, uh... I'm not sure," Hunter said. "I don't even know what to tell them. I've never been... attracted to a guy before and I'm not sure how they'll react."

       "You're being serious, right?" I asked. "Because they reacted in such a positive way when I told them I was bisexual. It's not going to be any different just because you're their son."

       Hunter sighed. "I know, I know but... As much as I really like you, it's not going to be an easy thing to admit to my parents. Or to anyone really."

       "Ouch," I said.

       "No, Cannon, I really didn't mean it like that, I just--" 

       "Hunter, I was just teasing you. I know what you meant."

       "And there's a downside with there being an us. You won't stop bugging me all the time."

       I smiled. "Oh, so there's an us know?"

       "No, there isn't," Hunter said sarcastically. "Even though I confessed I had feelings for you and kissed you, there isn't an us."

       "Hey, I can never be too sure," I said. "Because you haven't exactly asked me to be your boyfriend or anything."

       Hunter sighed. "I'm regretting this already. Alright, then, Cannon..."


       "Will you..."


       "Get me a glass of water?"

       I scowled. "I'm the guest of this house. Go get your own water."

       "Not so fun being on the other side, is it?" Hunter asked with a smug smile. "I'll be serious this time. Possibly."

       "Great," I muttered.

       "Wow, it really is fun bugging someone else," Hunter said. "Anyway, Cannon, will you be my boyfriend?"


       "Fine by me."

       "What, so you're not even going to try fighting for me."

       "Nope. Because you and I both know you can't really say no to being my boyfriend."

       "Well, you do have a point there. I guess I'll be your boyfriend. If it's what you really want."

       Hunter chuckled slightly. "I really am going to regret this, aren't I?"

        "Probably. But I definitely won't."


awe canter is so cute <3 (lol does that make me conceited to boost my own writing???)(oh well)

anyway idk what to say for the author's note so hi im laeti i love food and it's past midnight and i'm going to eat some food

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