Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


       I had been staring at the directions for my mom's butterscotch pudding recipe for the longest time but I was only feeling useless. There was no way I was going to figure this out. That didn't stop me from feeling determined to actually make the stupid pudding.

       Mom took the right time to walk into the kitchen, so I looked at her and said. "Can you help me out? I can't read these stupid directions."

       Mom took the paper from my hand, looking at it with furrowed eyebrows. "Why are you trying to make butterscotch pudding? You know you could ask me to do it, right?"

       "I know but I wanted to be the one to make it," I said. "Cannon loves it and he could really use some cheering up. Speaking of, any chance you can, I don't know, talk some sense into Jess."

       Mom sighed. "I wish I could but I think it's too late for that."

       As soon as Mom said that, I knew exactly what happened. "No. Again?"

       "Yeah, again," Mom said. "She called me at one in the morning crying because they decided to get a divorce and she doesn't know what else to do."

       "That's going to completely kill Cannon when he finds out," I said. 

       "Don't be the one to tell him," Mom said. "You have to let his parents do it."

       "But..." I began, but she cut me off.

       "No, Hunter," Mom said. "It's not your place to tell."

       "He's my best friend, Mom," I said. "The reason why he crashed here last night was because he got fed up with watching Cameron and Jess argue in front of him. Them telling him the day after is only going to piss off Cannon, and you know what he's like when he's pissed. Just... Please let me be the one to tell him. He'll react a bit better to it if it comes from me."

       Mom sighed. "I guess I won't be able to stop you, will I?"

       "Nope. I'd go tell him even if you tell me not to."

       "Well, then I might as well make some butterscotch pudding in the meantime," Mom said. 

       "Thank you," I said before leaving the kitchen to head upstairs to the guest room that Cannon claimed as his own. He spent the night so many times that he even had a bunch of his clothes and other things in that room.

       I knocked softly on the door but I didn't get a reply. I slowly opened the door anyway, seeing Cannon sleeping soundly. He looked so peaceful and I know felt like it wasn't going to kill me inside to tell him. He was always such an optimistic person and it hurt me whenever I saw him so upset and broken.

       I was going to leave since I should really let him sleep, but Cannon muttered, "Are you just going to stand there like a creep?"

       "I was about to leave," I said, turning back around to see him looking at me. "I thought you were asleep."

       "I was only pretending to so you wouldn't come in but I guess that didn't work," he said. "So what do you want?"

       I hesitated before walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. "My, uh... My mom just told me something about your parents that you should know about."

       Cannon was silent for a bit before saying, "They're getting divorced again, aren't they?"

       "Yeah," I said. "I'm sorry."

       "Don't be," Cannon said. "It was bound to happen again. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner."


       "What do you want me to say, Hunter?" he asked as he sat up in the bed. "That I thought they were going to get over this? That I thought they wouldn't argue again and things would be perfect for once? I'm used to this."

       "You shouldn't be used to it," I said. 

       "But I am," Cannon said. "I'm used to them arguing over the stupidest things. I'm used to them debating if they should get a divorce or not. I'm used to them getting a divorce. And I'm used to feeling like complete and utter shit because of it. Every single time this happens, it's like I don't exist. The only thing that matters is themselves and I... I can't handle it. I just... I can't."

       I could already see the tears forming in Cannon's eyes so I fully sat on the bed before pulling him into a hug and letting him sob. My heart was breaking for him right now. I had seen him in so much pain because of his parents before but this... This seemed to be an all time low for him.

       I just wished Cameron and Jess would figure things out once and for all. We all knew within a few months, something was going to happen between them and they would get back together. That was the problem because it was just like a cycle. One that impacted Cannon the most.

       I didn't know how to make him feel better right now, so I just held him in my arms as he cried.

       A few minutes went by before Cannon was done crying. And the first thing he said when he finished was, "Why do I smell butterscotch pudding?"

       "Well, I was going to make you some but I couldn't read the directions so my mom is making it," I said. "Do you want to go downstairs to get some or would you rather have me bring you some?"

       "I'd rather have you bring me some," Cannon said. "I feel like lying in bed all day."

       "Okay, I'll be back," I said, getting off the bed. "And just so you know, you can stay here as long as you like. Days, weeks, even the whole month if you want to. My parents will obviously allow it too."

       "I know," Cannon said. "Thanks, Hunter. For being here for me when I need it."

       "Of course," I said. "You're always here for me when I need it. That's what best friends are for."


"best friends" surrrrrrre.

anyone wanna slap some sense into cameron and jess? if not, jerlan will. 

idk why i always start writing these chapters so late ahahaha. it's 1:05 am rn so i should probably go to bed byeeeeee.

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