Part 2

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     Your mind raced faster than your bike, as you bolted back to the bodega. Your brain was filled with questions. You pulled up, and ran inside.
"Enid! K.O.! Rad! I need help!" You yelled.
"Help?! I am here!" K.O. yelled as he ran towards you. Enid strolled up, Rad closely behind.
"What's wrong?" Enid asked calmly.
"Well, I was doing the delivery, and I got this note from some guy!" You showed them the note, and K.O.'s eyes lit up.
"Prof. V? That sounds familiar..." Enid thought out loud.
"PROFESSOR VENOMOUS!" K.O. Yelled. He pulled out a binder, and flipped through it speedily.
"Professor Venomous? No way." Rad replied, shaking his head.
"That guy would have destroyed you the minute you stepped into his lab." Rad said taking a sip from his drink. K.O. Pulled a POW card from his binder and held it up. It was a picture of the man.
"Did he look like this?" K.O. Asked.
"YES! That's him!" You practically screamed. Everyone shouted.
"Wow, a real super villain wants me to work for him." You said.
"I wonder why..." you said, drifting off. Rad and Enid looked impressed, while K.O. Looked worried.
"Y/N, you aren't going to quit, are you?" K.O. Whimpered.
"Oh no, I am not going to quit. I will just have both at the same time! I will call this Professor V, and find out what exactly I will be doing. I really need the money." You said hopelessly. Although you did not show it, you were excited for your second job.
                  - Later that evening -
      You picked up your phone, and put his number in your contacts.
Y: Hello! It's Y/N. The delivery person from earlier.
P.V: Oh. Y/N. What a unique name. I am glad you replied so quick. Being early is good. You never miss anything.

You could almost imagine his smirk as he typed.

Y: Yeah, I just have a few questions about the job.
P.V: Go ahead.
Y: What exactly would I be doing?
P.V: Helping me out around the lab, and be part of my personal entourage. Your interview is tomorrow at 6:00 P.M. Don't be late.

You switched your phone off. You were really going to do this. You were working for a top super villain.
- Next Day-
Right after work, you pedaled to the old factory. Your palms were already sweaty. You arrived at the factory, and knocked on the door once again. This time, the child you knew to be Fink opened the door.
"Hey! You are the one looking for the job right?" She squealed.
"Yeah, is this the place?"
"Well of course it is! Do you have eyes?" She yelled.
"Oh, sorry..Just making sure.." you replied sheepishly. She seemed a little abrasive, but that will probably wear off eventually.
"Ok, come on in." She said as you stepped in. You were surprised by how high tech the factory looked inside. It looked like a lab-house hybrid. You were pulled by your sleeve to a room with a large dining table, and plenty of candles. The Prof. Was sitting at one end of the table, fiddling with a glass of water.
"Y/N. Right on time. Please sit down."
He seemed relaxed. You had never seen him like this. Everyone you talked to told you that he always was annoyed, and distant. But he seemed happy, and almost... intrigued.
"Huh, never seen him this happy since I was created." Fink whispered to me as I sat down. He looked up to meet my gaze.
"So, about the job?" You asked.
"Sh." He said putting a single hand up.
"Let's eat first." He said. Fink brought out some pasta, and sat down next to V. You felt like Fink was watching you eat, as you took a bite from your fork. You shifted in your seat, and finally began to calm down.
"So you work at Gar's?!" Fink yelled from across the table.
"Fink. Polite." He said. She looked over at him.
"Yeah, but why would she want to do that?!" She yelled again.
"Uh.. the pay is good." You said.
"I suppose that is important." He said, poking at his pasta.
"So Y/N. You have a unique set of skills. Stealthy, I hear."
"Yes. I have focused on stealth for a while now." You said.
"Stealth is important. Especially when you need to get the jump on vanquishing heroes." He said with a sinister smile. You didn't know what to say. You had to get used to the villain stuff. It threw you off a little bit. You always have been told heroes were the good guys. You finished your plate, and Fink cleared it off the table.
"Thank you" You said as she scampered off to clean it.
"So I see you have met Fink." He said.
"Yeah, She seems lovely." You replied.
"Yes, She is a great success. Much
better than those Boxman-Buckets-Of-Bolts" he said with a sneer. You could tell that he looked at Fink as a daughter.
"Do you have living quarters?" He asked very bluntly.
"Um..No..Not at the moment."
"Perfect." He replied. "You can stay with us. There is a room past that hall. You can stay there. Here is your towel, toothbrush, and hairbrush. Feel free to shower at any time." You sat there in shock. You got the job? Already? How?! You had the lamest powers, and answered one question! You nodded.
"Thank you." You said, as he reached out to shake your hand. You hesitated, and shook his hand. He smiled, which made you blush a little bit. He released your hand, and walked into the lab. Leaving you alone. You walked to the shower, and stepped in. Immediately, you noticed. The controls of the shower were crazy complicated. It looked like a spaceship console. You frantically ran your fingers along all the buttons, until you noticed a note.
               "This panel was Fink's idea.
                  Twist the nob on the left,
                     Then the red button.
You smiled, and followed the instructions, and water came out.
After your shower, you changed into your clothes and stepped outside the bathroom. You were greeted with V and Fink.
"So, how was your shower!?" Fink said smugly.
"It was fine, thanks." Fink's jaw dropped.
"Y-You figured out the controls?" She said.
"Yeah, why?" You replied. V smiled, and patted Fink on the head.
"I suppose she is smarter than you originally thought." He said.
"Yeah. I guess" Fink said, looking defeated.
"Well Y/N. See you tomorrow. Good night."

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