Part 1.5

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We take a quartz-powered cart out of Zilitron. The sounds of the city, of people and their inventions, fade as the cart passes through the grasslands and worms into a forest of towering evergreens.

Naemar is near the eastern coast of Kadrea. It was said you could see the Eternal Sea from there, and if you took a boat and sailed for months and months and months you'd eventually come to the Midnight Plains of the Second Continent, where Stellaris, the Dark City, towers over the Ebony Woods.

I'm not convinced that the tree at the heart of Naemar is a fallen deity. For all intents and purposes it's an ordinary tree, with sprawling branches that flow through the streets.

Legend has it that, thousands of years ago, Ignatius, one of the Light One's children, fell to the earth and never rose again. They say he had the form of a tree that wandered slowly through the wilderness. The sun was said to set his leaves aflame, with the leaves burning into the night to be given to cold travellers. The legends don't say why Ignatius fell. Naemar was built to honour him.

The thing is, the tree in the centre of Naemar is just a tree. Ancient yes, but not magical. The trunk has twisted so it leans against the earth, giving the impression of a fallen giant. Maybe that's how the stories started.

Onyx lifts his head from my lap. The silhouettes of trees waver in his eyes. Have we arrived yet?

I sigh. "I'll tell you when we get there. Go back to sleep. "

Are you sure Eamonn is not coming? I did not bring my book on the Emerald of Sactaphrane. I do not want to look unknowledgeable.

"He's staying in Zilitron with Prince Marsi. He's hosting a Tanerian dignitary this week."

Onyx's ears twitch upwards. Tanerian, did you say?

I was surprised too. The snow-capped cities of Taneria are not known for their friendly citizens.

"People are escaping," I tell him. "There are a few Tanerian refugees in Kadrea already. No one wants to be told when and how to breathe."

Does the High Ruler of Taneria tolerate this?

"Why wouldn't he?"

At least, I've heard it's a he. No one in Kadrea knows exactly who he is because even our high councillors have never seen him.

He will not want the secrets of Taneria shared with other nations.

"They're not here to give us secrets, Onyx. They're here for freedom."

Freedom. Onyx snuggles back into my lap. There are some who would put a price on that.

Night falls in a breath of twinkling colours. Darkness closes in around us as the trees settle into a hush. An unknown animal howls.

Maya's driver chuckles. "Wolfsbane Wood."

Ruby grins from ear to ear.

"Because of the flowers," I say tiredly.

"Because of the werewolves," she corrects.

Addy hugs her sweater close. "These woods are a bit spooky," she admits.

Maya's eyes twinkle pink. "Lily can take care of any werewolves. Right, Lily?"

"I'll give them a lethal dose of reality," I assure her.

Ruby snorts.

Maya is letting us stay in a cottage she owns, south of Naemar. We decided not to stay in the village proper. The curse supposedly befalls those who stay more than two days. Our excursions to Naemar will be kept under a day.

I'm not backtracking, I swear. I still don't think there's enough evidence for this curse. Despite that, we've seen things stranger. I didn't use to believe in witches. Then I found out I was one. I've been wrong before.

"I'm interested to see Ignatius," Maya muses. "Did you know the villagers have a custom where each household lights a leaf on fire every night and offers it as a prayer?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Wouldn't the tree have burned down by now?"

Maya shakes her head. "They place the leaves in their window, not on Ignatius's body."

"Body?" Addy's face falls. "Don't say that, Maya. It's not a cemetery." Doubt creases her forehead. "Is it?"

"It's a tree, Addy." I stroke Onyx's back. "Deities don't just lie down and die."

"Maybe he's sleeping," Addy speculates. "Like the Light One."

The twinkle is gone from Maya's eyes. "He could be cursed."

There's silence.

It's different when Maya says it. I'm able to cast aside any and everything Ruby has to say, but Maya's a different story. There is shrewdness in her every smile. When she says it, even I can believe there's a fallen god ruling over a cursed village.

Another animal howls. It sounds like a wolf this time.

My communications monitor buzzes. On the homes screen, Talia's picture flashes. I click on it.

"Hello, Talia."

She bites her lip. "Are you in Naemar?"

"We're in Wolfsbane Wood."

There's no mistaking the resentment in her face. "Can't you get there faster?'

"This is as fast as we can go. Owen will still be there when we get there."

"By Illyria," she curses. Burgundy fire flashes in her eyes. "He'll be there forever at this rate."

I rein my anger in. This is no time to lose my temper. "We'll find Owen, Talia. We'll get to the bottom of this."

It's like watching water douse flames. "Don't be in Naemar more than two days. Ignatius won't let you go."

The wolf, or whatever it is, howls again. Talia watches me with scrutiny. The strange ring on her finger blinks, lizard-like. When she speaks again, there's no fire in her voice. "I'm trusting you, Lily. Bring my brother back to me."

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