Part 3.6

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"You're leaving without me?" Addy sounds hurt.

"Your presence is not required, Adamantine." Queen Irine's voice is hard and lacks affection.

"But Hami, I want to help. They're my people. I thought I could head to Mamauri after we've wrapped up in the Laran Valley."

There's a drawn-out silence. When Queen Irine speaks again, her voice is much softer. "Could you not stay here, Shari? Must you put yourself in danger for that girl yet again?"

"That girl is my best friend, Hami. Friends don't abandon each other when the going gets tough."

"My sweet Shari. You are more precious to me than the most ancient fire quartz shard. The rainforest shines so much brighter in your light. If only you could see your own worth, you would stop sacrificing yourself for someone who has done nothing but hurt you."

"Lily hasn't hurt me," Addy protests.

"She broke your arm. You almost died in a fire she created."

"That wasn't Lily's fault. She never meant to do any of it."

"Whether she meant to or not, she did it. And you continue to put yourself in harm's way for her. I do not want you involved in her troubles, Shari. Blood and death is not your destiny."

"I won't abandon Lily, Hami. And I won't abandon you either. I want to be there for you, and for Ivy."

"I cannot allow you back, Shari." The hardness coats Queen Irine's voice once more. "You'll tell that girl everything that happens."

"Lily only wants to help. It's all she's ever tried to do."

"And yet she only ever harms!" Irine's voice lashes forward like a whip. "She killed Bronna. She ruined Ivy's life. She has never been in control. People will always die around her. It is written in the stars."

"Lily will change her stars! She's working so, so hard to do that. She can control her powers now."

"Is that so?" A quiet venom laces Queen Irine's words. "Is that what she did in Naemar? Control her powers? I heard she killed a little girl. And the dark power continues to throb within her. It's leaking out without warning - you said so yourself. She will be the death of you, just as she was Bronna's."

"It was self defence." I can hear the tears in Addy's voice. "Bronna attacked her, and your heart was gone...we can't blame Lily for what happened."

"This is not about Bronna's death."

"Then what? Why won't you believe in her, Hami? What has she done that is so bad it can't be forgiven?"


"I should not have to tell you that."

"But I don't understand, Hami. Lily is trying so hard, but it's like you're always angry at her. If it's not Bronna, then what is it?"

The silence is too heavy. It ladles like a thick, deadly soup.

"She killed your sister."

A strangled gasp.

"H-Hami...Lily didn't..."

"She burned down the rainforest. She released the being sleeping safely in Lady Rikamu's prison, and it killed your sister. Madelima died because she lived."

"Lily didn't do any of that! That was the Dark Witch!"

"Adamantine, listen to me. Listen to me. That girl is the Dark Witch."

Footsteps move away from the sobbing, towards the door. I teleport to the other end of the corridor, and pretend to be casually walking by.

The door opens and Queen Irine steps out. Except she doesn't look like Queen Irine. She looks like someone else, but my mind fails to settle on the memory.

Her hair is not blue anymore. Natural black waves streaked with hot, shimmering green fall over the front of her shoulders, leaving the rest of her neck cocooned in a fanning collar of large dark green leaves tipped with red. The deep green of her dress - a snugly-fit bodice ending in a skirt designed to look like three large leaves swirled into a wrap - compliments her dark gold skin. She sees me, and a smile drips from her lips like poison. Her eyes, charmed ruby red, glint with hidden danger.

Rikamu, I realise. She reminds me of the heart thief.

"Lily," she says. "It has been some time. I hope you are not getting in too much trouble."

I shrug. "It's my destiny."

Onyx bites me.

You're cat soup, I tell him.

Do not give her any more reason to dislike you, he shoots back.

She doesn't need any more reason, I think, as I watch her glide down the corridor like an exotic rainforest flower. She holds me responsible for her daughter's death. She blames me for the grief that made her give her heart away.

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