Part 4.6

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"You found out something about Big Boss?" I demand. "How?"

"Something Maya said actually came in handy for once."

Maya frowns.

Ruby ploughs on. "Did you know that the scientist who invented synthetic fire quartz was Big Boss's ancestor?"

"What? For real?" This was news to me. I've never really thought about how synthetic fire quartz came to be. I knew that, at some point, humans learned how to create fire quartz in a lab, solving the problem of diminishing natural supplies.

"For real," Ruby confirms. "Anyway, I dug around and found an old interview where Big Boss is asked about it. He blabs on about how proud he is to be related, and how it inspired him to create Witch Doctors Inc, and all sorts of other blah, but he also happens to mention the area where he grew up. It's the Neptitron region in north-eastern Kadrea. So I did some more digging. I pulled up the enrolment records for all the schools in that region for the time period that Big Boss would have attended. Guess what? No one by the name of Adriel Valence attended a school in the Neptitron region within that time frame."

It's my turn to frown.

"How did you get your hands on the school records?" Maya asks. "I wouldn't have thought they'd be available to the public."

"I contacted a bunch of education officials, and they gave them to me," Ruby replies.

"That was nice of them," Addy comments.

Ruby shrugs. "They were pretty forthcoming after I lied and said I was a Mirror Guardsman."

"Ruby!" Maya and Addy are both aghast.

Ruby shrugs again. "It's their own fault for not asking for my brooch number."

Since Maya and Addy are both speechless, I take the opportunity to put in my own two silvers. "So Big Boss lied," I muse. "Either that, or he was home schooled."

"He lied," Ruby says. "And I know why. It's because he didn't grow up in Neptitron. He grew up Wolfsbane Wood, in the secret werewolf colony."

A collective groan rises from our group.

"You need to let this werewolf thing go," I grumble.

"It's a little far-fetched," Maya agrees.

"Have you seen his whiskers though? They're only a mile long."

"He's growing a moustache," Addy tells her.

"Is he also growing fangs? Because those teeth are nasty."

"Fine," I say, as Onyx sneaks past everyone to steal the last apple tart. "Big Boss is a werewolf or a mermaid or whatever. Is that settled then?"

A determined expression takes over Ruby's face. "Not even close. I'm going to be watching his every move at Maya's party."

"Maya's party?" I repeat.

"Maya's throwing a huge All Hallows Eve party," Addy tells me excitedly. "It's going to be amazing! There'll be crystal spaceship rides and a magical tree carousel."

Maya has also organised pumpkin go-karts, Onyx says. I plan to make excellent use of them.

"I would very much like it if you would attend, Lily," says Maya.

I shake my head. "It's too dangerous, Maya."

Maya's face falls. "Let me know if you change your mind. There's still plenty of time before All Hallows Eve."

I say nothing. I don't want to get her hopes up, but I don't want to see that crushed-glass expression on her face either.

Addy's looking at me with fresh hope. "Or you could just come and hang out with us," she suggests. "We miss you at our cupcake sessions, and I've found you the perfect shoes." She gestures to a pair of lilac platform sneakers emblazoned with silver stars. "They're from Cerberus Designs' new Magic Stars range. They'd be fantastic on you, Lily, especially if you paired them with a hair extension charm and galactic ring skirt."

"Addy," I say, "the last time I wore heels, I fell over and almost died."

Onyx sniggers.

"That's right," Ruby remembers. "You crashed into that potted lemur tree at reception."

"I prefer not to be killed by my own shoes." I glare at the cat. "Also, thanks for laughing at my misfortune."

Please, Onyx sniffs. You were unharmed. The tree, however, suffered critical injuries.

I snort. "No loss there. Who wants a tree that won't stop wrapping itself around people's ankles?"

Its tendrils were furry and warm. They were nice to snuggle in.

"And those pretty yellow flowers," Addy adds. "Like little eyes opening and closing."

"The tree survived, didn't it?" I grumble. "There's no need for a eulogy."

You are a danger to greenery, Onyx accuses.

Addy tugs on a curl. "We could go shopping for shoes you do like. Maya's been working on some cool designs too...we could check them out? You need to come back, Lily, sooner or later. Big Boss isn't going to let the 'sick relative' excuse slide forever."

"I'm not practising magic again," I respond. "That means the cauldron-and-quartz kind too."

Addy's face crinkles with confusion. "How can you be a Witch Doctor if can't use fire quartz?"

I sigh. I don't want to see the disappointment in her eyes, but she's going to find out sooner or later. "Addy...I'm not going to be a Witch Doctor any more. I quit."

There's silence. Maya's awkward shuffle tells me she'd already had my plan figured out. Ruby looks unimpressed, but not surprised. Onyx makes a show of ignoring me.

But Addy? It's clear she thought I'd come back. She didn't think I was serious about giving up magic. "You're quitting?" Her voice is small and hurt.

"I'm sorry, Addy. I am."

"At least she won't destroy anyone else with the dark power." Surprisingly, it's Ruby who comes to my defence. "And if it keeps the First Witch away..."

"That's the thing." Maya scrutinises me, as if she's studying a wonky sculpture. "Can the First Witch be kept away?"

She can. I know she can. No magic, no witches, no death. I can do it.

Onyx finally looks at me. His charcoal eyes bore into mine. All Hallows Eve is approaching. The veils will thin. The barriers will weaken. And no matter what you do or do not do, Lily, the First Witch will return.

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