Chapter 10:

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(A/N: I have prewritten some chapters, so if I get a laptop there should be no gaps between uploads. Sadly, if I don't get one it will be 2 months till I can update this. (My prewritten chapters will only last till the end of June))

P.O.V Flashback...again

It was most nights that slithered by. An inky abyss that drenched the landscape, turning it into a silent cemetery. Bone chilling quiet mingled with the frigid winds that whistled through the trees, branches swaying as the beings of the day made way for the creatures of the night.

The last bits of light seeped away far too quickly, the vibrant hues of the sky fading into deep melancholy and ebony. Dusk seemed to approach lethargically, yet the last inklings of the daytime light trickled away far too fast. The last winks of crimson, auburn, and rose dripped away, along with the rest of Jimin's hope. His hope for a better day, for the sunlight to last just a tad bit longer. He wasn't scared of the dark, no, he feared the six spectral eyes that glowed in the dark abyss.

Just like predators they watched the hope seep from his face, slowly flanking him on all sides. Only reminding him that he wasn't free, that they owned him. Their voodoo doll, nothing more, nothing less.

His screams didn't even sway them, if anything they pushed him till he could no longer make a sound. Forcing the shrieks out of him, just to silence him, a cruel way to quiet a child. His throat raw, tears fresh. You would think his body was incapable of producing anymore tears, but every night, as the sun sinks lower in the sky. As that heavy blanket of anxiety and unspoken feeling of apprehension settles over him, all he could do is watch as the colors all blurred together as the creatures of the night stirred. As more tears made their familiar trek down his cheeks, along his jawline, even trickling down his throat. All he could do was wait till dawn, wait for a new day. Wait for the new hope to drip into his hallow soul, filling that gaping hole in his heart as he looked out the crooked pane. Waiting to be saved by a mother who will never come, who would never come back for him.

He was well and truly alone. No shoulder to cry on, no bed to sleep in. He was barely fed, living off old spells from smudged potion books. Most not even in a language he could comprehend, so he was left to starve. Or if he was really lucky, be wallowing in an intense pain from a potion gone wrong. A potion thrown together because he was too starved to care, in too much pain to bother to try. 

The trio of ivory eyed occults couldn't care less though, only seeing the doubled over child as a mild inconvenience. Sometimes, they wouldn't even wait till he was better. Just dragging their slender, veiny digits across his skin. Leaving scars, gouges, and scorches in their wake. A macabre Picasso, and he wasn't even 10 yet.

He lost faith a long time ago, yet he still clung onto an ethereal hope. It was the only thing that pushed him through another despairing night, the hope that the next day will be better. That maybe, just maybe, he could one day escape.

He never asked for the scars, he was just scared, lonely, and desperate. But still, he clung, he clung onto that hope, that he'll get out.

One day.


It was a typical, sleepless night. A night filled with the restless tossing and turning of a certain troubled witch. Jimin came back from the falls with a clear head, and a bright smile. All was right with the world, nothing was wrong, even that stupid cat was asleep. Nothing was there to annoy him, or worry him. Yet, here he was, unable to slip into a short comatose, not even for a few minutes.

A heavy pressure laced his eyelids, something was keeping him up. Although, the "what" was still a mystery.

The ebony cat was sleeping soundlessly, its little chest rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern. As much as Jimin hates to admit it, he was starting to get jealous of a cat. He was even tempted to kick the cat so he would have to suffer with Jimin, but he wasn't that cruel. Although, if you give Jimin another 10 minutes, he might just change his mind.

Right as he was about to kick the feline, to have him suffer alongside Jimin. The steady stream of moonlight that filtered into the room, faltered. Wavering until it fell away, scattering from the hut. A watery-black haze acting as a backdrop for a blurry white figure that appeared out of nowhere.

Jimin's eyesight suddenly fogged up, a dam of fatigue cracking and further obscuring his mind. His head fell back, a light thud as his eyes lazily followed the overly blurred figure.

Jimin's eyes felt heavy, his body feeling like it was slowly being compressed by some unseen weight. An odd mix of hot and cold whipped through the room, sweat excreting from his pores as his fingers were slowly going numb from the cold.

As the figure stepped closer, the blurred edges slowly sharpened. A vague outline of a slender man stood before him, head tilted slightly to the side as he stared down at Jimin. Gaze completely unforgiving as the man took him in fully, his mouth moving but no words came out. Jimin couldn't take this fatigue anymore, he let his head lull to the side, the sudden need to sleep taking over. Sadly, his eyes didn't even have the opportunity to shut before a pair ice cold hands started to cradle his lulled head.

The grip was loose and delicate, as if the man was scared to hurt Jimin. And through his hazed vision, Jimin could've sworn he saw a small smile. The man's mouth still moved, but this time the words slowly strung together, finally becoming audible. 

"I'm sorry,"

Why is he apologizing?

The man's voice was barely above a whisper, and through Jimin's tired state he didn't feel like straining his ears to listen.

"I should've known better, but I was greedy,"

Did Jimin come halfway into the conversation? He felt like he missed something, maybe he should've been listening, but the man was on mute for the first half of the conversation so-

"Don't fall asleep love, I know this is tiring, but you have to know a few things and we don't have much time,"

Jimin rolled his eyes as he lazily turned his head to look at the man. Pleasantly surprised to see that this honey laced man, wasn't bad-looking. The voice certainly matched the man's vogue, his velvety, deep, voice mirroring his look.

Although the man looked like he was surrounded by a white haze, like he was standing in the middle of a thick cover of fog, his features were still striking.

Long ebony bangs shrouded his sun kissed face, hair messy, but still effortlessly stunning. His facial features were soft, and only slightly feminine. Symmetrical mien, catlike eyes full of a soft kindness, mixed with slight fondness, and something unknown swam greedily through them. His eyes an alarmingly bright blue, sticking out like a sore thumb in the dark. Jimin had to forcefully drag his own gaze away from the alluring sapphires that studied him unrelentingly, instead focusing on the man's wardrobe.

It was simple, the main attraction was obviously meant to be the man's face, but the simplicity of the outfit suited him perfectly. From the oversized white button up shirt and plain black slacks, to the fact the man was barefoot. The only thing that wasn't simple, was the collar that hugged the man's neck, essentially screaming occult.

The raised metal shown a bright silver and seemed to catch the light at every angle, was ever more prominent against the dark backdrop of the back of the collar. What was even more strange though, was the empty pendant that hung from said collar. The bare pendent rested against the man's breast bone, so hollow it emitted a sense of dejection and despair. It was obviously a significant piece of jewelry, and very powerful at that. It must've caused the man great agony when it was removed, like a piece of his soul was being ripped away, leaving him with a raw gaping wound. A wound that could never truly be healed, a hole that could never be filled.

When Jimin looked back up, he identified that mystery emotion that swam through the occult's eyes, it was misery, agony, a sense of internal mourning. The man was in great pain, but covered it with a mask, pushing back the pain, fooling himself into believing his own masquerade. What a sad dance to waltz, pirouetting on nails and blades.

"We don't have much time,"

The man's voice wrenched Jimin out of his thoughts, suddenly focusing on the increasingly blurring man in front of him.

"Give him the sapphire, okay? Ignore everything your mother said, and give him the damn jewel,"

The last part sounded vaguely like a growl, although before Jimin could question said sound, the man turned Jimin's head to better face him. Staring straight into his emerald eyes, burning his desperate azure gaze into Jimin's mind.

"I swear to you that if you give him the sapphire, I will get rid you of the topazolite, okay?"

The man sounded as if he was speaking to a child, sadly, it still all went over Jimin's head. He had no idea what this man was blabbering on about, and the confusion was clearly evident on his face. All the man did was chuckle at Jimin's adorable expression, ruffling his hair.

"You might not understand now, but when you return that sapphire I'll explain everything to you. Well, almost everything. You know what they say, ignorance is bliss,"

Jimin could barely keep his eyes open, teetering on the edge of slumber and consciousness. He was completely numb, he only wished for sleep and answers. Although he cared more for the former than the latter, at this point.

"I'll let you sleep love, just don't go telling that feline I talked to you, he isn't very much fun when he's pissed,"

He smiled, straightening himself up, stretching out his freakishly long legs. Bending his back past the ability of any human or occult, putting contortionists to shame. But before he could turn and leave, return to that despair he called home. A small clammy hand reached out, wrapping its small digits around his wrist. The man turned to see the already half-asleep witch peering up at him through heavy eyelids, barely able to get his next few lethargic words out.

"What's your name?"

The other smiled, watching as the witch slipped deeper into slumber.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung,"

(A/N: All will make sense soon, don't worry about being confused. Also, my parents at aren't home so I have stolen my dads laptop to type on...I will have a new short story to upload this month hopefully. Anyways thanks for reading, and have a nice day❤️❤️)

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