Chapter 16:

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(A/N: Guess who went the whole month of July without a single upload? THIS GIRL! Not something to be proud of which I'M NOT, but I've been prewriting like three stories and editing so give a girl a break. I also lost inspiration with this story, got scared, and left WattPad for a fat minute, but have no fear! I'm back and...not much better than before? XD) WC: 1868 (short I know)

The rapidly dropping temperatures quickly spread throughout the room. Wrapping around old forgotten books, and seeping into the cracks of solid stone walls. If anyone were to walk into the icebox of a room, they would have thought they had stepped into an alternate dimension where winter ruled over with no regards to walls or solid structures.

Even as the cold claimed everything in its path, one person seemed rather unbothered in his peaceful slumber.

Jin, though without a blanket, was used to waking up in the middle of his sleep because of some unforeseen frost that swept through the room in which he slept. He had asked almost everyone else in the church if they too, had experienced such a strange phenomenon. But alas, he was alone in his endeavors to expose this newfound Jack Frost.

Now Jin had hit a dead end in his search, resulting in him going back to his research into the wings on Jungkook's back. So he temporarily gave up on Jack Frost, and went back down to the archives. Falling into the habit of falling asleep on the stiff sofa, and attempting to get a poor excuse of a 'good' nights sleep. 

Of course, he usually woke up to near freezing temperatures, shivering, and deafening silence. 

Jin would think briefly about the silver-eyed man, but he never showed his face, or even his eyes, again after their last encounter. So, Jin tried to research about creatures who showcased the gifts and abilities of the silver-eyed mystery man, but came up with nothing. Turns out, humans didn't know much about occults, nor did he realize just how diverse occults were. Making it near impossible to identify his mystery stalker with such little information. 

Stalker...that's what he is. Jin couldn't think of another name for somebody who was constantly nearby and watching, though never showed his face. Yet, Jin didn't find himself as bothered as he should be. Yes, he was creeped out at first, but the other wasn't harming him in anyway, wasn't assaulting him...minus that one time. Now he was just experiencing what some might call a twisted sense of flattery. 

So there he laid, curled up on the couch in the basement surrounded by burnt out candles and the unforgiving cold. Although he was unconscious, he vaguely acknowledged the fact that the 'man' was back, or whatever was the source of the frost. 

Remarkably, for the first time in the weeks, he was met with the first slumber that was uninterrupted by the disquietude frigidity. 

Then, the shadows visibly shifted, allowing a figure to move freely through them. The mystery man emerged from the dark abyss, eyes burning a bright silver in the darkened room. His vision flitted with varying degrees of grey, all the values of the room shifting to his eyes command in order to allow him to see the area in full.

The first thing his readjusted eyes landed on was the sleeping beauty that was curled up on a tattered couch, hands clutched around the unlocked, yet still unopened, book he had given the priest last time. 

His eyes narrowed at the book, clearly the priest didn't trust the occult enough to read its contents. Hesitant to see what a stranger would sacrifice a drop of blood for. Though, the man had already read what he needed in that book, and he knew Jin needed it more than he did, knew he needed answers. In a way, it was a gift from the occult to him, but an act of treason upon his people. Something that could only be opened by an occult, something that held so much knowledge, knowledge not meant for the faint of heart, for the eyes of humans

Though it might not have seemed like a hard decision to him, he couldn't let any occult know he gave up such a thing to a flesh-ling. Fortunately, that book had been gifted to him by a witch long ago and nobody knew he had it, and it seems the priest had the same idea. Considering the fact he hid it away from any prying hands or eyes, and kept his mouth shut on the whole ordeal. Even keeping his thoughts away from the book when near the younger priest-in-training.

The man moved swiftly around the small gathering area in the middle of the archive room, heading for the book that he was sent to the church archive for. One of the only books that were of use to anyone wanting to learn about auras, or confirm what they already knew.

It was easily overlooked, for it was only the size of his palm and fraying at the edges. Burgundy leather wrapping its contents, black ink scrawled across the thick pages. 

Good old silver-eyes found the book quite easily, as it was on a shelf eye level to him and smushed between two books about the history of a church and its shortcomings. Basically, it was deemed unimportant and stored between two overly sized books about a church, and its struggles. Leave it to humans to publish books filled with complaints and whining about how difficult their life was.

Pathetic, he thought.

The mystery man had seen, and experienced, more horrors than these humans could even comprehend. Most occults were the same way, but humans wouldn't know, nor would they care.

Placing a finger on the top of the spine, and the rest of his fingers on the surrounding books, he pulled out the book until he could fully place his hand on the outstretched spine.

After successfully snatching the leather bound pages, he looked longingly at the human a little ways away. Jin had stopped awakening at his abrupt arrivals, but he was still freezing all the same. Something the silver-eyed being couldn't help, the cold was a part of his nature, and even most occults couldn't stand it. Standing a ways away from him to avoid his frost, and his magix. Which was known to pop out of nowhere when he was hungry, and gave no apologies when it was done feeding

At the mention of his 'passive' magix, his eyes flashed gold, possessively drilling holes into the back of the preachers head. Then it was gone, for he had already fed and was in no need of his magix's 'help', and he uses that term loosely. But he knew he could have it worse, lord knows that having an aggressive magix was absolute torture, unless you gave into it, which almost no one willingly did.

Physically shaking his thoughts away, he waltzed back to the couch. Searching around for some form of a blanket, not wanting the other to freeze in the basement, knowing it was cold even without him present.

After some searching around the many bookshelves of the church's archive, he found a trunk filled with books and a single woolen blanket. It would do the job, and hopefully prevent frostbite.

He looked down at the now wrapped up human, wondering why he hated all humans, yet trusted this one so...willingly. He hadn't proved himself of anything besides being pretty, but he wasn't like the humans he had had to deal with for the past couple of decades. No, there was a certain air of knowing around the priest, a knowing aura he hadn't felt since he was with his mother and his Bloodline. Both were long gone, and a mental scar that never truly healed over, more or less pushed into the back of his mind and buried under anvils of knowledge that were deemed more important than dealing with what happened that fateful day.

Without him realizing, gold took over the silver, the temperature dropping to below freezing. The passive magix coming out at the threat that flared within the mans mind. Yet, it was only met with a quiet, empty room, save for the human inches away from him. 

In its crouched position, the magix glanced at the furrowed browed human. Tilting its head and wondering if this was the threat that it sensed, through it could not sense any inklings of hostility or anything that it could usually detect in a human. 

Jin started to shift, eyes cracking open in confusion at the increasingly freezing temperatures. Eyes widening at the awakening human, the gold now sensed the threat of discovery, and quickly stumbled back. Scrambling towards the darker shadows near the back wall, he ignored the confused grunts of the slowly animating mortal. 


The stuttered whisper easily found its way to the gold, but he wasn't going to be discovered, not yet anyway, not until the silver allowed him to. For the gold wasn't the original, it wasn't in control, he was just simply there because fate forced it to the silver.

He wasn't going to think on the fact that the whisper carried a sense of curiosity instead of fear, nor that the stutter wasn't from nervousness, but from the cold. 

No, he was going to deliver this small book to that garnet eyed witch, and be done with it.

The gold found a suitable patch of darkness and started to fade, when the human spoke up again. 

"Don't go? Please? Not again..."

There was a crack in Jin's voice as he searched the shadows desperately, searching for those glowing eyes, but as usual, found nothing but frigid cold.

The man stopped, feeling an odd tug at his unbeating heart. The silver wanted to go back, to finally say something to the pesky priest, but the gold was in charge for now. The gold didn't feel safe, and until it felt safe, he wouldn't give back control without a fight. So, he turned back towards the wall, and walked into the shadows.

Jin tried not to drown under the wave of disappointment that washed over him as his shoulders slumped forward. The cold receded so fast, if Jin didn't know any better, he'd say it was all just a dream, an illusion. But in reality, he knew the man left...again

The priest was seriously starting to consider the fact that that 'creature' was scared of him, never sticking around to talk, or when he was awake. It was grating on his nerves, and Jin couldn't handle the suspense for much longer.

(A/N: For any of you that care for my writing or another story to read, I have posted the first chapter of my Taegi story Death Wish. Its a short story? Its shorter than this fic and is much much much more polished in my opinion. I know its self promotion, but whatever, it would mean a hell of a lot to me if you would at least go check it out. Anyway, have a nice day wherever you are~)

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