Chapter: 4

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(A/N: Sorry for the late (LATE) update, I was physically unable to upload this chapter. Although I have had it finished and prepared to, point is, it's here now. So, enjoy, and remember...DON'T BE A SILENT READER!)

{Re-edited: 7/12/18}  

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" The angered priest practically screeched at the younger, pure rage etching the lines of his furrowed brow. Jungkook was in real trouble now, Jin never got angry.

Jungkook opted for the silent path, deciding it was his best option for survival. He himself, didn't even know what had happened. Just that some sort of sudden surge of power overcame him. It felt foreign, but also oddly belonging. Like he had never felt something like that, but it wasn't an unwelcome intruder.

"Oh, I see what you're doing, you know staying silent isn't helping your case," Jin tried to make eye contact with the younger. Key word being tried, as it seemed that no matter what way priest contorted his head he couldn't meet the others eyes. After a few tedious moments of the same loop of trying to look at the younger, and the older constantly being avoided. Jin finally had had enough.

He grabbed the youngers chin and jerked it up to meet his own severe gaze, only to be met with teary eyes. Jin's hardened expression softened, his heart strings being yanked out of his own accord. But before he could get even a word out, Jungkook broke. Grabbing onto Jin's shirt and yanking him close, burrowing his head into his chest and finally letting go.

He sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed again. Hot crystal tears that seemed never ending, the poor boy practically flooded with guilt, confusion, and some unknown feeling in his core that he couldn't quite pinpoint. Only adding to the confusion, making his tears of guilt turn to ones of frustration. He hated being lied to, he hated not knowing what was happening, and he hated the fact he didn't know how to fix it. He felt like he was little boy again, helpless and looking for answers he could never receive.

Jin hushed him lightly as he stroked the top of the ravenettes head, the sudden shock of the situation finally blowing over. Jin had never seen Jungkook cry, why would he? He was always a happy kid, always resolved his problems before they even got started. He never got angry, he didn't have any enemies, the whole town practically adored him. He never let his past cloud his mind or control him, and was most certainly was never violent. So, all of this was new to Jin.

When Jungkook finally calmed his sobs down to only slight sniffles and the occasional whimper, Jin finally decided to risk a question.

"Jungkook...hey what's wrong?" He only sniffed in reply, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. His bloodshot eyes directed nothing in particular as his puffy face mirrored that of a lost traveler. 

"Jungkook...why did you attack Miyoung?" Still no response, just silence that stretched on for what felt like an eternity.

Jungkook was too lost in thought to respond, thinking about the answer himself. Why did he attack Miyoung? It was completely unnecessary, he could've just talked it out-


He flinched at the sudden aggressiveness of his own thought, he was starting to seriously question his sanity. He felt as if there was an intruder putting their own thoughts into his head, and trying to cover it up as Jungkooks thoughts. That guest that seemed to have overtaken him not too long ago, suddenly flaring at the thought of the stout women and how her existence just seemed to insult Jungkook.

While Jungkook was busy questioning his lucidity, Jin was getting progressively more worried. He saw the conflict in the youngers mixed eyes, yet he had no idea what was going on in his head. He had fear in his heart, but what scared him was what the fear was directed at. Jungkook's condition, or Jungkook himself.

"I don't know hyung," He let out a defeated sigh at the only logical answer he could comprehend.

"It's okay not to know- "

"No, no it's not Jin," Jungkook shook his head, shaking away all the possible excuses Jin could come up with.

"I don't know why I attacked the healers, all I know is that they lied to me. They lie so-so much Jin, I can- " Suddenly he stopped, debating whether or not he could trust Jin with the whole seeing-peoples-thought-and-dreams thing. 

But shouldn't he trust Jin? He has never kept a secret from him - yet- so why is he questioning it now?

The younger looked up to be met with chocolate brown eyes, a color that wasn't anything like his own.

"Y-You know what? I-It's nothing," Man, he sucked at lying...he could really invest in some lessons from those nuns and healers.

And if the look on Jin's face said anything, it confirmed that he really did suck at lying. But before Jin could question him any further, there was a loud crash outside. The priest snapped his head to the side, and towards the door. The older narrowed his eyes before sighing.

"I swear if Yuha broke another vase, I will literally banish her to hell," This earned a quiet, yet still audible, giggle from the younger. Jin smiled as he walked towards the door, turning back as he placed his hand on the brazen knob.

"Don't think I'll forget this Jungkook, we will continue this later," Then, as he walked out the door, he didn't miss the muttered-

"If there even is a next time,"


Jin shut the door and let out a heavy sigh for the nth time that day, and rubbed his face with his hands. I'm too old for this shi-

Suddenly the sounds of shuffling echoed through the darkened hallway.

Jin whipped his head up, looking around to were the sound could've come from. 

Were those...footsteps? 

He continued to survey the ominously dim hallway, squinting till he saw something shiny glint in the corner of his eye. His heart did a flip, but as soon as the glint appeared, it disappeared. What was that? Jin stepped deeper into the hallway, soon becoming completely submerged in the dark haze.

The preacher cursed his poor eyesight, as he tried to find that glint again. It looked like silver...

As Jin neared the darkest corner of the hallway, he felt a cold presence behind him. Cool swept over him like a winter breeze, needles and pinpricks jabbing their sharp ends into his skin as he felt eyes peer at him. His heartbeat filled his ears, thoughts jumbling as the temperature continued to drop. His shallow breathes coming out in light puffs as he just hoped that this thing would find him unattractive and- 

A rich chuckle bounced off the walls, the noise deep in tone as it wrapped itself around Jin's ears. The seemingly older felt an icy breath tickle his nape, and his eyes widened at the boldness of the intruder. Jin suddenly felt his senses flooding back to him as he realized that he could no longer just stand around in wait, and he turned around to face the intruder. Just to be met with-

A broken vase? 

At his foot was what looked like a silver vase, well more like an urn. 

Wait- an urn? 

HOW THE HELL CAN SOMEBODY BREAK AN URN?! Jin crouched down and held up some of the larger shards of the urn, and they were indeed real silver. He stared at the shattered pieces of metal, wondering what kind of thing could be this strong. 

So focused in fact, that he didn't see the way the shadows around him seemed to flutter and dance. Or the pair of silver eyes that seemed to watch his every move from the safety of the shadows.

Seems like that urn isn't the only thing silver he's going to find broken at his feet.


P.O.V: Unknown (1st person)

I just wanted to see him one more time, just once. At least that's what I told myself. Out of all my years I've been on this Earth, I have never seen such a fine specimen. Ever since I saw him helping one of my...friends. (Yeah let's call them that.) After a simple misunderstanding between us, I've been infatuated with him.

Of course, every time I get too close, or he comes close to seeing me at all, I fade. I can't have him see me, even if it's just from afar, it's just too dangerous. Sure, I might be a little love-sick, and sure maybe I can be a little creepy at some points. But I don't mean any harm, and it's not like I have a lot of experience in the whole, 'social' sector of things. Much less the love part of things, and who says it's even love! It could very well just be admiration.


I can't even convince myself of these lies. I'm totally head over heels for the priest! HEAD PRIEST! I'm so FUCKED! He hates my kind, there is no way in hell, he could possibly reciprocate my feelings. Not to mention the whole I'm a guy, he's a guy, god doesn't like that, he's a priest AKA child of god, thing. Surely if my true nature didn't scare him off, the whole gay thing would. Also, the fact that priests can't like date people or something? I don't know, I don't really pay attention to the little things.

So, before I know it, I fade into the stone church on top of the hill, and right into a side table that was conveniently placed were I would fade. A silver urn placed atop the side table starts to plummet towards the floor, and I try to stop it, but I only make things worse. My life.

As I try to catch it, it bounces off my palms and it sends it flying across the hallways and straight into a wall. It shatters with a loud crash, and I mentally face palm. That would happen to me. I quickly try and grab as much of the mess as possible, picking up the pieces and stuffing them into my pockets. That's when I sense him, he's coming out the door. I start to panic, staring at the door at the end of the hall as I stuff the last pieces of the metal urn into my pocket.

As the door creaks opens, I can sense two beings-wait three beings? Wait-two and a half? I stand in the corner confused to why my sense is failing me, it has never failed before. I focus on the being in the room, gathering the basics. Male, late teens early 20s, tall stature, muscular, in emotional turmoil? I can smell the hormones from here.

I'm so focused on trying to decipher the being(s)? That I don't realize that he has already stepped out into the hallway, and I unknowingly lean closer to try and zone in on the mystery behind the door. I, of course, stumble over my own two feet and end up creating a ruckus. He snaps his head in my direction so fast, it must have hurt. 

Then suddenly the situation hits me, and I start to panic. Before I know it, I fade into the wall, but not all the way. Only to where I'm basically invisible, not actually going anywhere for I couldn't bring myself to run away again. So, I silently observe the priest, as he creeps around the hallway. I'm aware that its darker where I fade, but I didn't think that the human would be so adamant on searching the darkest corner of the hallway. He's curious...I smile.

Just my type-

Against my better judgement, I walk through the shadows till I fade out of the wall and stand behind the pestering priest. He stops what he's doing immediately and stands still, I tilt my head and walk closer. I've never been so close...

I'm basically running on pure curiosity at this point, as I look slightly down on him, practically breathing down his neck. I was probably a good half inch-inch taller than him, though he beat me in the shoulder department. Then suddenly his voice fills the hallway, a passing thought filling my ears as clearly as if he had actually let the words slip past his lips.

Hopefully, this thing will find me unattractive and-

I chuckle, it's too late for that honey.


In a flash, I place the shattered urn on the ground, and quickly fade into the wall. He whips around only to be met with a shattered silver vase, no intruder in sight. I smile as he inspects the silvery remains, thoughts running wildly through his mind.


I stifle a giggle at the dumbfounded look on his face, the complete bewilderment that someone (or something) could break a metal urn. Well that's me for you. I realize it's probably time to leave, so I fully fade into the wall, leaving behind a beautifully confused 

Kim Seokjin.


Something isn't right...

Jungkook wasn't feeling very well, actually, ever sense Jin left the room he felt an odd feeling flood his body. A sudden wave of nausea swept over him, and he felt an odd mixture of hot and cold. He groaned as he clutched his stomach and doubled over in agony. Icy hot pain slithered up his spine, leaving an intense throbbing ache in its wake. He then remembered the extent of his injuries, and the fact that he wasn't supposed to be out of bed. But that seemed to be the least of his worries, considering he felt like he was being consumed by white-hot flames.

Jungkook's insides were on fire, yet his skin was colder than that of a greying corpse. Sweat seemed to seep out of his pores, tears seemingly finding their way down the dried treks of their predecessors.

Jungkook tried to push himself up, but to no avail. He just fell back onto the soaked sheets, curling in on himself. He tried to will away the pain, only to be met with another wave of torture, except this one wasn't like the others. This wave of torment swam through his blood stream, burned behind his eyes. He opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out. For the pain wrapped itself around his throat, constricting it beyond the point of usage.

The writhing child was sure that death would be better than this, anything would be better than this. He felt as if beetles were squirming their way under his skin, like pyrophoric needles were inserting themselves into his icy skin.

His breath was completely cut off, throat constricting and closing on its own accord. Jungkook felt as if his body was attacking itself, slowly shutting down, one organ at a time.

He was dying.

Jungkooks vision started to darken, black dots dancing behind his closed eyes. The burning in his lungs pairing beautifully, with the chorus of pain that sung throughout his body.

As a last, futile, attempt to get somebody's attention. Jungkook rolled onto his side, knowing the edge of the bed was near. 

He felt the edge of the mattress slowly roll across his back as he started to tumble, waiting to meet the cold concrete floor.

But that never came,

For a pair of slim arms caught him,

He could no longer stave off the dark abyss that beckoned him. Only seeing a pair of ghostly garnet eyes, before he as met with black.

(A/N: THANK YOU! I'm almost at like 150 views sooooooo, I'm practically famous. But on a more serious note, thank you so much for reading this, it means a lot to me. It's barely been up a month and yet I have more views than I thought I'd ever have on this, so one last time, thank you.)

Also, sorry for so much mystery and suspense, but all will make sense in time...sorry again

{After the re-edit, I realize some plot holes, that I will try and fix, AND I forgot that I needed to write how the love-sick mystery man met the head priest...whoops. I'll do that now, and maybe update bc I need to and I'm semi-inspired, so yeah...bye} 1 hour and 11 min, plus 390 words

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