Prologue: Codex

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They may not have been human...but they never asked for this.
The hunger, the thirst that nothing could quench. 
They only did what came natural. They simply followed their instincts.
No matter how callous or dastardly it may have been.
They were just trying to survive like everyone else...
They were just survivors, unlike those wicked so-called "pure" hearted humans.
They are the real monsters here.
Corrupted by Greed and Envy.
Gluttony and Pride.
Sloth and Wrath like no one has ever seen.
And don't even get me started with the Lust.
If anything, these new creations were meant to cleanse these warped souls.
Whether it be through peace or violence.
What had to be done was done.
And they all payed the price.
~ Shadow

There are always two sides to the story...

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