Midnight Flight

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As I got to my house at was the evening and I was ready to fly again with my friends. "You guys ready?" I asked as I put my witch hat on and Matches just kept saying "Ya, YA" while Broomy was flying in a circle excitedly. I chucked as Broomy just went under me and got me off the ground, I helped Marches on as I adjusted my bag and we flew off. I felt the cool wind hit me and it felt amazing, its been a while since I last flew across the sky and I smiled as I flew across the rooftops "Huh... the city look half bad up here" I said and leanded forward on Broomy and calmly watched the dim lights shine and few people were out. I swear if I could I would fall asleep up here but I couldn't.
I dimly looked down and saw something weird, it looked like a guy in a skintight cat suit and had blonde hair running across the rooftops alone. I flew in closer curiously watching him and noticed he looked familiar, but since I couldn't see the front side of him I couldn't be certain. I then got tired of this and flew above him to keep going. I looked back and saw he stopped and looked at me, I stopped and make sure he couldn't see my face correctly this the shadows.
Soon enough I left and flew higher into the sky "No WAIT" he shouted so I slowed down and looked down at him. He looked like he really wanted to talk 'That look seems pitiful... how cute' I thought smirking "CAN YOU MAYBE COME DOWN SO I DON'T HAVE TO KEEP SHOUTING" he shouted so I rolled my eyes and only came in to where I was still high above him but still close enough to talk. "I'm Chat Noir, but you can call me Chat. Who are you, I don't think I've seen a flying witch around" he said smiling, I rolled my eyes "The broom is the one flying, I'm merely riding it" I said leaning in and smirked. "Wait is that a blood thirsty dragon?" he asked and Marches growled at him so I petted him "He's my baby dragon, he can barely bit something of unless its raw meat from a store" I said "Oh..." "But he can breath fire" "What?" he looked at me scared. Matches gladly showed off and blew fire into the air "Wow, that's was really paw-some" he said and I rolled my eyes smiling.

"So... are you new here?" he asked "To the Earth, no, but in this city, yes" I said to him and he tilted his head confused. "Can I hitch a ride with ya and maybe you can tell me more about yourself" he said squatting. I looked towards Matches then to him then to Broomy, they more or less shrugged. "Sure... I guess" and I got lower so he can hop on easily "Thanks, I've been running across roofs for so long I feel like I could pass out" he said as we lifted off. We flew a little outwards and I heard him admire the city 'Guess he was running for so long he couldn't admire the scenery' I thought halfheartedly and said "Where to blondy?" "Umm... Adrian Agreste's house, it's white mansion with a gate around it, not hard to miss" he said hesitantly.
"Why so blondy?" "Well I like hanging out with him, he's like a brother to me" he said smiling nervously.
"Scenic or quick route?" I asked "Your chose" he said. "Alright Scenic" I said and flew faster.
He seemed to enjoy the route I took until we got to Agreste's house "I'll see you around little witch" he said "You too blondy" and I flew away.
"Yep that was definitely that male model Adrian, or I guess his nickname will be Cat or blondy... I wonder if though ears are real like my own ears and tail" I said to myself and entered into my room throw the window. I got off Broomy and he flew to his corner to sleep ad Matches went to his little pillow to rest.
I took of my hat and bag as I took out my wand out of my hair and put a spell to make sure it doesn't move anywhere from its spot unless I touch it. The spell made the small area around it turn green and bright swirls went off it. I face planted onto the bed and just groaned tiredly as I went to sleep.

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