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A/N Hey guys! New chappy! The picture up top is a picture of Scarlett! Now every chapter I'll put a picture up of a new character. Yay! Now you can visualize! Also I do not own this picture, I just found it on Google. Well, on to the story!

Scarlett's POV

"Did you forget me?" I said with a dark aura surrounding me as I gave him a noogie. I think I saw everyone sweatdrop. Whatever. Zeke started laughing and soon everyone, including me, joined him in his laughing fest.

"Now that we have that settled, why don't we introduce ourselves?" I grin. "I'll start," I say. "My name is Scarlett Johnson, princess of the angels, daughter of Alexander Johnson and Layla King. I am half witch, half angel. My birthday is May sixth. I am a famous blogger known as Kilala. I'm a professional witch and have mastered the arts of fighting and mastered archery but prefer archery. I like to sing and my favorite color is scarlet. If you ever ask me to take my cloak off I shall kill you. It is nice to meet you." I then bowed in welcome. (A/N This is going to be like Japan with their greetings. Gommenasai if you don't like it.)

"Hello." They all said in unison (Shocked of course.) and bowed back. I looked at Crimson and nodded. "My turn..." He muttered under his breath.

"My name is Crimson. No last name. I don't know who my parents are. I was partially raised by Alexander Johnson and Layla King along with a few others. I have been locked up in a cell for most of my life being like I was a blood drive having my blood taken from me and given to witches. I am half demon, half angel. I was originally born on 6/6/6666 when I was a human so my birthday is 6/6/6666. I mastered the sword and a little good with a bow. My favorite color is crimson. I also don't care if I am told to take off my cloak. It is nice to meet you." He bowed and glared at me as if telling me not to be rude.

It was Kyle's turn next. I looked at him and he nodded. "My turn I guess." He said as he cracked his knuckles.

"My name is Kyle Houston. My parents are Cana Houston and James Houston. I am an angel. My birthday is March 14th. I mastered archery and riding a horse. I enjoy hanging out with Zeke and became best friends with him when we were four. I'm not poor but not rich either and am just in the middle. My favorite color is green. It is nice to meet you." He bowed and I nodded in approval to his politeness.

"Zeke's turn." I smirk at him. "Hai, hai." He waved me away like I was fly. I pouted at that but stayed silent.

"My name is Zeke King, prince of the angels, son of Alexander Johnson and Layla King. I am half witch, half angel. I enjoy reading and socializing. My best friend is Kyle Houston. I mastered royal fighting. My favorite color is blue. It is nice to meet you." He bowed.

I then had an evil glare directed at Josh. "I'm scared now..." He said when he noticed my expression. "Your turn!" I yelled as I tackled him, making him fall in a chair and I stepped back to hear his story.

"My name is Josh Realtor. My parents are Katrina Realtor and Kyoto Realtor. I am a witch. I like to play sports in my spare time. I learned how to street fight when my and dad died in a car accident. My favorite color is yellow. It is nice to meet you." He bowed in his chair. I nod in approval at what he just told us. It must have been hard.

I snap my head towards Dennis and give him a creepy smile. He smiled back, oblivious as usual. "Your turn..." I say. "Okay!" He said.

"My name is Dennis Rogan. That is all I will tell." We did an anime fall. "Seriously!" I yell. "Yep!" He said. I face palmed right then and there. "Okay, fine! Dad! Your turn!"

He just immediately started. "My name is Alexander Johnson. I will not tell about my parents but my other family I will tell about. My daughter is Scarlett Johnson and my son is Zeke King. I met their mother when I was taking care of Crimson. I am a professional wizard. My favorite color is red. It is nice to meet you." He bowed and smiled.

"At least it was better than Dennis." I face palmed thinking about it. "So what now?" Dennis asked the question we were all thinking.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. Also if you don't like Japanese stuff then too bad! This is my story, not yours! Want a cookie? Remember to vote, comment and share! Well. Byeeee!😉

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