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A/N Hey guys! 😑.... So that happened.... You wanna know what happened? Well... Remember last chapter? I updated it at night and the next morning when I looked at the views... I already has 2 views.... I know that doesn't sound like much but in that amount of time it is. By the way the person in the picture is Dixie. Well, on to the story.

Dixie's POV

I can't believe Kilala is here! In my house! I don't care if she is a witch but it is such an honor! "Oh my gosh! Tell me everything!" I say enthusiastically.

"Well..." She said, "first of all my real name is Scarlett Johnson. You can just call me Scar." She introduced herself. "Alright, Scar-chan!" I smile a close lipped smile and close my eyes PLUS tilted my head. You know it gets real when people tilt their head.

She smiles at me, showing off her pearly whites. She is SO kawaii! (A/N If you can't tell already, Dixie is a classic Japanese.) "Also, that's Dennis," she points to each person as she says their name. "Josh, Crimson, my dad, Alexander, and... my brother, Zeke."

When she said brother I was all like whaaaaaaat!? "Whaaaaaaat!?" I repeat out loud. "I knew about the dad, but the brother!? Why didn't you tell me!?" Scar-chan winced.

"About that... this idiot here forgot to mention that I had a brother!" She exclaimed and hit her dad on the head. "No wait, he wasn't planning on telling me!" She had a little anime vein on her head and her fist was up anime-style. 😡

I realized her voice and other features were also a little different in person without the computer stuff messing them up. (A/N Description time!) She seemed to be pretty small with flaming scarlet hair. Like her name. I like it.

She seemed to be wearing a red cloak and a denim skirt with black leggings. Her shirt was a long-sleeved blue flannel. Her voice was different as well. It was more serene and high pitched. Kind of lilted as well. Anyways, she was kawaii.

I was awed by her until I heard a cough. It was the man she called Crimson. "Oh, what? Gomenasai! I had not meant to ignore you! I was just awed my your beauty!" I bowed multiple times.

"Hehehe, Dixie..." Scarlett sweatdropped. I rubbed the back of my head and sweatdropped too. "Gomenasai... Now, what were we talking about?" They all anime fell.

"Dixie, I was trying to explain to you why we are here..." She explained everything to me and it all made sense. "Ooooohhhhhhhhh! That makes more sense!" Everyone face palmed.

"Hehehe..." I rub the back of my head. "Alright, now let me explain..." Scar-chan said.

~le time skip is brought to you by lazy author industries~

Scarlett's POV

After I told them the story I went straight to bed. I was pooped from all of that fighting! I changed into a night gown Dixie gave me while she was fan girling over how 'kawaii' I was.

The bed looked so comforting so I just fell face-first onto the bed and immediately fell asleep.


"Now, Scarlett. I need you to be a big girl and take care of daddy. You're six already. I must go back before they realize I'm missing. I love you, sweetheart."

The woman in front of me broke down crying. "He...llo?'? Are you o...kay?" I tried to form a coherent sentence because I still didn't know how to speak very well.

Daddy came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Sweetheart, this is your mother, Layla. I... hope you may see her again one day." I felt a wetness on my shoulder.

I look up to see daddy crying. "Daddy? Daddy, are you okay? Daddy!?" Daddy shook his head and sniffed. "No, sweetheart. I'm fine. I love you." I smiled up at daddy. "I love you too!" I tilted my head and looked up at the woman. "Mo...mmy?"

A light flashed and my dream and flashback ended.

Flashback End

I woke up sweating and huffing. "What was that!?" I shook my head and tapped my cheaks. "No, don't think about that. I just can't belive mother... Okay, I'm fine." I layed back down and tried to go to sleep.

But failed miserably. "Ugh! Fine! I'm up!" I tossed my feet over the side of the bed, put my hood on, and started walking over to the kitchen. In the kitchen I found a frustrated Crimson leaning on the island.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and yawned. This got Crimson's attention. "What's got your wings in a bunch?" I asked tiredly. "Nothing. Now, why are you up so early." I tensed up.

"Nothing, couldn't sleep." I answered quickly. He started to get suspicious. "You sure? You seem a little shaken up. Need some water?" He seemed worried.

"No, I'm fine. Just... just couldn't get enough sleep." I reassured him. "Well, alright. Whatever you say. Just try not to push yourself." He grunted. I smiled.

"Okay, I'll try. But I make no promises." I whispered the last part. Unluckily, he heard me. "Oh, but you will promise me, got that? Can't let a princess get hurt in battle, now can we?"

"Ah, shut up! This princess can take care of herself! She doesn't need a prince or knight to save her!" I snapped. "Alright, alright! Cool it, will you?" He used hand motions for emphasis.

I just rolled my eyes. "Come on. Let's get some sleep." I bowed and pointed towards the door as if saying 'ladies first.'

A/N Hey guys! Long time no update! This was the worst case of writers block I have had ever! Sorry about that... hehehe.... Let's just apologize and not have you guys kill me, okay? Okay! Good! Now I'm just gonna go before you guys can work up and angry mob.... Remember to vote, comment, share, and follow! Byeeee!😉

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