The Prince

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A/N Hey guys! I'm currently using my grandma's laptop because my tablet is dieing. I can't exactly put cute little emojis now because of that so :'(. Yeah, I know. Stop using Rad Cliffords on the chappys. Hey! I come up with all of this on the spot so I don't really know what I'm doing. Oh, and by the way I have a new story up called Just Another Minecraft Story and the first chapter was about 2000 words long! That's double what I usually do! So in celebration of this new addition to all of your libraries this is going to be an extra long chappy! *gets cheers from the crowd* Thank you, thank you, thank you very much! *bows* Hence forth chappy!

Crimson's POV

"What do you mean, princess of all angels?" Dennis asks after Alexander revealed the shocking new. "I mean her mother was the queen. We fell in love when Crimson was resurrected for a year. Of course because of social status an our species we had to keep it a secret. After about five years she gave birth to a baby boy. You're brother." He gives another heavy blow to Scarlett in the ring.(A/N See what I did there?XD)

"M-My brother?" She looks just about ready to faint. It looks like he's winning this match. "Yes. Your mother had a husband and everyone just assumed it was his child. Oh boy, was he wrong. After a year you were born and they ran a blood test on you both and they were both my children. The birth of the prince had already gotten out to the public so they just had to keep pretending that he was the king's son.

"But when you were born the queen had managed to hide the fact that she was pregnant and no one knew that she had given birth to another child. They were planning on killing you! The queen had already made a strong motherly bond with you and told me to run away with you to save the both of us. I haven't seen her since." He ended going quiet at the end.

I could see tears forming around Scarlett's green eyes. Round one goes to Alexander! "That's so sad," She whispered so I had to strain my ears in order to hear her. "So, let's get going now shall we, Crimson?" She asked, her normal self returning.(A/N What do you think her personality can be described as? Tell me in the comments!)

"Since you seem so revved up, how about now?" I smile at her. Man, we act like we've known each other for ages. It's so weird how you can feel so associated with someone you just met. "Of course." She says with fire in her eyes. "But... how do you suggest we get there?" I ask a little confused.

"Flying of course!" She has the look again... "W-What do you mean?" I stutter. "Umm, we have wings, remember?" She stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I read a book about angels a week ago. I didn't really know it would ever come in handy." She confessed. She blushed a little due to admitting that.

It seems Alexander took that blush the wrong way. Ooh, it seems Scarlett's catching up! That hit he took looked nasty, even if it was unintentional. Go Scarlett! I'm rooting for you! "All we have to do is chant these words and it should work. The book says it works as long as they have a little bit of angel so we should be fine. The words are, if I can recall correctly, Sumo Euegos Dues!" After she said that pure white wings appeared on her back.

I then followed her example and my own pair of wings appeared on my back. "Okay, so dad you can watch us on the crystal ball. Let's go" She then flew into the air like a pro.

Scarlett's POV

I can't believe it! I'm getting closer to my brother, my mother... I think when we get closer to the gate. My new powerful wings pumping away. I can feel the power surging through me. I guess I'm just a fast learner.

When we finally get there we see a bored admission clerk at the gates. Yes, there is an admission clerk to heaven. "Welcome to heaven. Let me just see your wings and then you're free to go through the gates." He then takes my wing and examines it. "It seems genuine, you can go." He let me pass through.

I waited till he did the same for Crimson and waved him through. Having wings for the first time was really weird. It felt like I had them before when I was younger, but this was the first time I'd used them. Weird.

Heaven truly was beautiful. The roads and buildings and practically everything was white. The thing is that they were just as civilized as any other species so they had cars and TVs and the like. Then I saw it. A towering white and gold castle looming over the city. That's where my mom and brother lived.

I just realized something. You're probably all confused on how angels are the servants of God but there is a monarchy going on. The monarchy is just the very first human souls ever to become angels. Which means that all of the angels that live there are related to Adam and Eve. Which means me.

When we got to the gates we had to find a way to sneak past the guards. When we first tried to sneak past them they had managed to get us and said that we were one of the prince's fan girls and threw us out. Literally.

The second attempt was no more successful. Another pair of guards found us and said the same thing and threw us out. But the third try was more successful and planned.

We had decided to wait until their lunch break to sneak past them. When the guards were switching and paying no heed to us we had managed to sneak past them finally. Of course now that we were inside we would have to be even more careful.

We had made it to the entrance of the throne room before we were found again. The guard had picked us up but with me kicking and screaming this time.

"No! You won't throw me out this time! I promised I would see her!" I screeched. But then Crimson's hood came off. The guard was surprised to see that Crimson wasn't a crazy fan girl.

When he was distracted my fighting skills kicked in. I managed to kick him in the gut and he let go. I then spun around and pinned him down. Next on beating up with Scarlett I then knocked him out by punching him.

"Well that was a workout." I said with sarcasm. He hadn't gotten a single hit in! "Come on let's go." I nodded to the door. There was a commotion going on behind the door. "They heard us." Crimson stated bluntly.

"Yeah." I grunted. I then pushed the door open with all of my strength. There were guards trying to barricade the door. That didn't help because of my anger I got that added adrenaline.
All eyes were on me and my angry aura. "What do you want?" Whom I presume to be the king asked. "What I want is to have a little talk with the queen about what happened eighteen years ago time." I answered deathly quiet.

My anger about my father not telling me anything kicked in just about now. "How do you know about that?" The king answered, anger hidden in his words.

I can see a guard was just about to attack in the corner of my eye. I then lunge for the guard and managed to restrain him until he fainted. When he fell I just wiped the dust off of my hands.
"Does the name Alexander ring a bell?" The queen's eyes grew wide. Now the prince looked very confused. "Mother? Who is Alexander?" The prince asked.

"Now, little prince. Let me answer that. To put it bluntly he's our father. Your REAL father." I emphasized on the real to make a point. His and the queen's eyes widened.

"Y-you're?" She stuttered. "Yep. It's me mother. I hope you missed me." I smiled. "But who is that?" I then put on a mischievous smile. "Crimson," I said in a sing-song voice. "You can take your hood off now."

He did so smiling. "Remember me Layla? I was only six when Alexander left." He looked really happy. They must have been good friends. "Crimson! You're alive!" She couldn't contain herself anymore and gave us a hug.

"What's going on?" The prince asked again. "Come here you!" Layla commanded. He looked very uncomfortable but came into our hug. It was too short though.

"I thought you were dead!" He yelled at me. Hmm. You did? I would appreciate if you would just shut your rude and stupid mouth and let me have this moment!" I got louder towards the end.

"That's not how you treat a king! Guards! See her!"

The prince's POV

Father called the guards to get my newly found sister. "But father! Didn't you always want a daughter!" I protested. "I want one of my own! Not one of a warlock! Didn't you hear her!? You're not my son either! We had to find out that you weren't mine when she was born!"

He spat out the word she like it was the worst thing in the world. Her eyes looked like they were on fire. She was also holding back not attacking him.

When the guards seized her she held her own perfectly fine. She managed to knock them all out without a scratch. She can be scary when she wants to be. I shudder.

Her aura got even darker. "I came here to warn you about danger that is coming! I saw in my crystal ball a man named Neil Diamond killing thousands of innocents! I'm trying to help you! Not kill you!" She yelled.

I swear I saw an animated vein on her forehead. "Father! Listen to her! Why would she lie to us!?" I pleaded. "What is your name little prince?" She asked deathly quiet.

"It's Zeke." I answered. "My name is Scarlett." She smiled at me. "Thank you for trusting me." She said simply. She returned to her dark expression when she looked at the king.

"I will show you all what happened if you are to belive me." She then chanted. "Igneus Propella Konan!" Then a little screen showed up. It showed her and some other people around her.
She was looking at a crystal ball. "Alexander!" Mother muttered. He must be one of the people there. I'm gonna take a guess that he's the one with blond hair and peacock blue eyes. I thought that because I look exactly like him.

I always wondered where I got my looks from. Now I know. Well in the crystal ball was people screaming, children crying, buildings crashing, and maniacs laughing. Wait, maniacs laughing? That must be Neil Diamond!

When it was over Scarlett threw her hand down and the screen disappeared. "Do you see what I mean now?" She asked. All the king could do was nod.

A/N Hey guys! I hope you liked the super long chappy! You also finally get a description of Alexander! Yay! I also have my tablet back so I can use cute little emojis now! Yay again😊! Remember to vote, comment and share! Well. Byeeee!😉

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