Chapter 29: The Emperor's Wrath

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"I'll cya later, Ami!" Luz said with a smile and a wave.

Amity smiled back and kissed Luz's cheek one last time before she left.

Eda walked over. "She's a good kid."

"Isn't she?" Luz smiled as she faced her adoptive mother and then went to sit down on the couch. "I love her too much, heh!"

"I'm probably not gonna be in the dating game for a bit." Eda laughed. "Already had a bit of EH relationships."

Luz nodded. "Ah. Alright. Makes sense!"


The portal's energy was now as intense as ever, and the force it blew across nearly blew the army through the palace.

Emperor Belos walked closer to it, ignoring the great force it had. He then summoned his staff and dispersed the great force.

The soldiers then lifted their spears and started marching towards the portal, all of them in perfect unison.

Belos cackled as the army stepped forward, and after the entire army entered the portal, Belos soon followed.

The Emperor's Coven found themselves in the middle of the street, already hearing screams and panicking once the portal appeared.

Belos walked out and sighed. "The Human Realm...soldiers. Form a blockade around the city."

The soldiers raised their spears into the air, all of their weapons seething with magic. "ALL HAIL THE EMPEROR!"

They then ran off, using all forms of magic to increase their speed or even fly.

Belos smirked before his staff began to glow. He clutched it as a red aura began to surround him, and his blue eyes turned the same color.

Suddenly, the golden orbs on his shoulders turned into spikes, his horns became razor sharp as his mask molded itself to his face, his staff suddenly turned into some kind of spear or naginata.

Belos stomped the ground, the road and stone cracking beneath him. His eyes glowed RED and he gripped his staff even tighter. "THE DAY OF UNITY IS ABOUT TO COMMENCE..."

He then shot out a giant red light beam into the sky. Not to appear threatening or because he was an imbecile, but because he wanted to get The Witch's attention.

And? It worked.

Luz's eyes widened as she saw the red beam shoot out from the middle of the city. "No...NO!!!"

"What the hell is that!?!" Eda screamed, rubbing her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Sadly, she wasn't.

Luz quickly summoned her staff and then transformed, hopping onto her floating weapon. "It's Belos."

"HE'S HERE!?!?" Eda shrieked, but it was too late, her daughter had already flown out.

Eda growled before she grabbed a bat, but then had an idea. She then grabbed her notepad with Glyphs drawn inside, tore out the Glyphs and attached them to her bat.

Jean-Luc walked out. 'What is wrong, Owl Lady?'

"LUZ IS FIGHTING THE EMPEROR! AND I'M NOT LETTING AN EVIL PSYCHO KILL MY KID." Eda said as she rushed outside. "Watch over King!!!"

But then, Jean-Luc stopped her. 'Wait! I'm coming with! You need protection as well!'

"King will be put in danger! I'll be ok!" Eda then pointed at the house phone. "But if I absolutely need it? Just answer that when it rings. Okay?"

Jean-Luc was hesitant, but he nodded and watched Eda rush to her car and start driving.

Luz flew across the city, flying downwards until she was zooming above the highway.

Then? She found spears being thrown into the air. Luz quickly dodged them all before looking behind her.

Some of the Emperor's Soldiers had climbed or made their way up into rooftops or buildings, and were now attempting to attack The Witch.

But they were barely trying. Something was wrong.

Luz didn't seem to care and kept flying. Something was consuming her brain.


Belos ruined her life. She made The Boiling Isles a living Hell just by taking away her mother. She never even got to say goodbye before her mother drew her final breath, because she wasn't ready to say goodbye as she cradled her body.

Luz felt tears sting her eyes, but she closed them and then kept flying. And eventually? She saw Belos.

Belos looked up and then smirked. He pointed his staff at a building nearby. The building started to glow red before it began to rip itself apart.

The people still inside screamed, watching as the building's remains suddenly turned into spikes or sharp bullets of some kind.

Belos kept forming the sharp spikes before there was nothing of the building left. He watched the people run, and then he fired the bullets at The Witch.

Luz growled as she dodged all of the bullets, even hopping off her staff and blasting some of them into oblivion with light. She then hopped back on her staff, preparing a fire spell.

Belos spun around his staff, creating an energy field around him. The fireball merely bounced off it.

Luz then landed from across The Emperor, her cape blowing in the wind. "BELOS..."

Belos cackled as the energy shield disappeared. "I've been looking forward to this."

"YOU WILL PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE!!!" Luz screamed at the top of her lungs. She then lunged at Belos, her staff glowing with light, which she quickly swung.

Belos quickly blocked the attack, and then kicked Luz in the stomach before blasting her with a red energy beam.

Luz cried out in pain as she tumbled across the road.

Belos cackled as his newly armored feet took multiple steps towards her. He then blasted the road beside her, creating a small explosion.

Luz was sent flying, crashing into another building. She groaned as she fell to her knees, attempting to get back up.

"This is disappointing." Belos said. "I was expecting more of a challenge."

Luz's eyes glowed gold as she quickly got to her feet and then shot out an ice spike from her staff. "I'M JUST GETTING STARTED!!!"

Belos roared as he deflected the spike, shattering it. His roar almost seemed like a monster. The Emperor then charged at Luz, swinging his glowing red staff.

Luz quickly spun around her staff, letting it go as she used her magic to keep it spinning, forming a quick defense against Belos' swing. She then grabbed her staff again and then blasted Belos with light.

Belos roared as it hit him in the chest, sending him stumbling. "We're getting serious now...very well." He then raised his hand.

Just then, demonic and almost fleshy claws SMASHED themselves out of the road, and then they grabbed Luz by the shoulders and forced her to her knees.

Luz tried to break free, but was then slashed in the face by one of them, falling onto her back.

Then, a spike made from the road suddenly stabbed her cape, lifting Luz into the air.

Luz screamed as she squirmed, but then used a fire spell to burn half of her cape, freeing herself. She then landed and grabbed her staff again. She then raised it, summoning a small army of Abominations.

"Abominations are nothing but clay. No matter what you mold them into, they will always remain NOTHING." Belos said as the eyeholes of his mask was filled with nothing but a red glow.

Then, the Abominations roared as they exploded. Luz took this as her chance and swung her staff against Belos' face.

Belos roared, but then slammed his staff against the road, sending a small shockwave of red energy.

Luz tumbled again. Her body was bruised and even cut. She tried to get up, but then a red aura surrounded her and she was lifted into the air.

"It's a shame, Noceda. No amount of vengeance you have will ever give you the strength to beat me." Belos said with an evil grin.

Then? An ice spike suddenly rose from the ground...and IMPALED Belos.

Belos roared, but there was no blood from the wound. He just freed himself from the wound and spun around.

It was Gus. Gus then quickly shot out a fireball at The Emperor. "Stay away from my friend!"

"A human's magic? Interesting." Belos said, swatting the fireball away. It was as if he had never even gotten stabbed.

He then began to stomp over towards Gus, but felt his neck become strangled by vines. Belos struggled and roared, quickly using his claws to free himself.

Willow then hopped over and caught Luz as she fell, and then she helped her to her feet. "You okay, Luz?"

"W-What are you doing here!?" Luz exclaimed. "This is dangerous!!!"

"We aren't leaving you behind!!" Willow cried as she sent out another vine spell, tying up Belos.

Gus grinned and then sent another ice spike.

Belos roared as he was impaled again, but once more, there was no blood. "YOU THINK YOUR MAGIC CAN HARM ME!?!?"

He then snapped open the vines, and shattered the ice spike. He then lifted Gus into the air with his magic and slammed him down onto the road. He then blasted a red beam of energy at Willow.

Luz quickly got in front of her friend and spun around her staff, deflecting the blast.

Belos roared before he somehow began to melt into the ground. And then, he reappeared behind them. He blasted Willow, sending her tumbling onto the road. He then swung his staff into Luz's face, sending her flying into the sidewalk.

Belos then summoned more of the monstrous fleshy hands, which grabbed Luz. Belos then aimed his staff. "YOU CANNOT STOP THE DAY OF UNITY!!!"

Then, a fireball shot Belos in the back of the head, burning some of his cloak, revealing his gray hair. The Emperor snapped around, growling.

Amity then fired a giant BEAM of fire. "GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!"

Belos fired out a red energy beam in return, beginning to overpower Amity. Then? There was a loud honk. Belos turned his head and was suddenly hit with some kind of weapon right in the face. Then? Small explosions hit him as well and he was sent flying into an alleyway.

Eda then hopped out of her car, which screeched as it came to a stop. Eda then swung around her bat. "I GOT MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM, YOU SON OF A BITCH."

Belos grunted as he stepped out. "YOU...FOOLS..."

Luz grinned as she clutched her staff, seeing Willow and Gus get behind her, preparing their Glyphs. Amity and Eda did the same.

Belos was about to blast again, but then there was a slash, which hit him in the chest.

Then? Jean-Luc appeared and hopped down next to the group, both of his hands axes.

King laughed as he wore his golden crown. "It's over!!!"

"OVER...?" Belos cackled, his eyes' red light only increasing. "NO. IT IS FAR FROM OVER."

His voice suddenly grew demonic and deep. "PLAYTIME IS OVER."

He then SLAMMED down his staff, sending the biggest shockwave of red energy he could muster.

Everyone was sent flying, crashing into various different things.

Luz crashed through a window, but was suddenly grabbed by Belos' magic and slammed down across Belos. The Witch slowly got up.

Belos then roared as he sent out a red energy blade.

"LUZ!!!!" Willow shrieked.

Luz gasped...but then she gasped for air as she felt something penetrate her chest. She looked down slowly.

The red energy blade that emerged from Belos' staff had gone through her chest, blood leaking onto her robes.

Belos' eyes glowed even more. "YOUR MOTHER WOULD BE VERY DISAPPOINTED."

He then ripped out his staff, dispersing the blade.

Luz choked on air...she fell to her knees...and then onto the road, dropping her staff.

Blood began to leak from her fatal wound...and The Witch's eyes slowly closed...and her hand went limp.

" L U Z ! ! !"

(WELL! This seems like a perfect time to say there won't be an update tomorrow because...well, I think you guys will need a moment to process...especially if you actually liked Luz in this story.)

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