Chapter 4: Firsssst Day

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"And here's the guest room." Eda said, showing Luz around her home, which is what she called The Owl House.

"Oh! It's...dark." Luz blinked, holding King close to her chest.

"Yeah...I don't usually have guests. So I never bothered to fix the lights." Eda said sheepishly.

"It's alright! Hang on!" Luz said as she gently set King down and walked into the room, and then spun around her finger. Then? Multiple orbs of light filled the room, lighting it up. "This will do for now!"

Eda blinked as King walked in. She then took a deep breath. "Oh, this is gonna take a lot of getting used too. Well, get some rest, kid. We have a lot of planning to do."

"Planning?" King asked as he crawled up onto the bed. "For what?"

"Well, I don't want the authorities at my door again." Eda said. "Your magic is gonna attract all types of bad people and people who call themselves good."

"Sounds a lot like home." Luz said with a nervous laugh. "But alright. Goodnight, Eda."

"Night." Eda said before leaving and closing the door.

Luz smiled before taking off her cloak and cuddling up in bed. King crawled up next to her and then nuzzled his way under her arm.

"You think we're gonna get home?" King asked.

"We'll find a way." Luz said. "Don't worry."

"And you really think we can trust the creepy old lady?" King asked.

"She's not old." Luz laughed. "Although the gray hair is a little off putting, she looks like Mom's age."

"What if she rats us out?"

"Then, we'll run. Not like we haven't escaped authorities before." Luz smiled. "But I trust her."

"Well, if you say so." King said before yawning.

"Want a lullaby again?" Luz giggled.

"Yes." King said, beginning to close his eyes.

Luz then put the blankets over them and then softly sang the star lullaby she sang yesterday, and then fell asleep soon after.

The next morning, the two awoke to something...loud. Luz shrieked and waved her arms around like she was about to karate chop somebody.

King just screamed and crawled under the blankets.

Turns out, it was just Eda banging some pots and pans together. "Rise and shine!"

"Eda!? Why did you do that!?" Luz screamed.

"It's almost 11:00 AM, so I'm your new alarm." Eda smirked. "Anyway, come on down. I got breakfast ready for ya."

"Breakfast...?" Luz whispered, her mouth watering.

"Please don't tell me you don't know what breakfast is..."

"No, no, no! I just had to steal breakfast back home!" Luz exclaimed. "But...having it served?"

"Have we died and gone to Heaven?!" King exclaimed, his mouth also watering. He then ran out of the bed and down the stairs.

"Oh. Wow." Eda said, blinking before she followed King. Luz did shortly after to see three plates of pancakes on the table.

King rushed over and hopped onto the table, digging his jaws into the pancakes.

Luz just sat down and took the fork, and then dug in. And with every bite, she relished the taste of syrup and food again. No adrenaline rush. Just peace.

Eda blinked. "I'm starting to become a little concerned with you're treating an everyday thing like it's bad is it there?"

"Pretty bad." Luz said before taking another bite. "But this? Oh! Amazing!"

Eda then sat down after feeding Owlbert and Hooty. "Okay. Now for the whole planning thing. You're gonna need to blend in."

"" Luz asked. "Whaddya mean?"

"I don't think you wanna stay trapped in here forever. So if you're ever gonna go outside with other people? We gotta do something about...this whole situation." She said, pointing at Luz's costume and her pointy ears.

"Oh! Right." Luz said. "I mean, I could just change clothes. And maybe if I find a permanent illusion spell somehow..."

"Well, until then. We'll need a backup plan." Eda said.

Luz scratched her chin before she had an idea and summoned her staff.

"DO NOT ZAP ANYTHING." Eda said, standing from her chair.

Luz laughed. "No worries! I'm just asking for a bit of help." She then unscrewed the top of her staff...and out came a very tiny otter.

"Otto?" Luz asked. "Mind finding something to cover my ears?"

Otto smiled and nodded before leaving Luz's hand and searching around the hand.

Eda stepped back. "Uhhh...excuse me?"

"Oh! Sorry, Eda. That's Otto! He's my palisman. He's what gives my staff magic." Luz explained. "I made him from an ancient tree."

"And...he's an otter? Why not an owl or a falcon or a bird of some kind-"


"Uhhh...okay." Eda said. "Even though they puke up fish-"

"ADORABLE." Luz said before Otto came back with a pair of ear muffs. Luz smiled and put them on. "These?"

"Sorry. No one really wears ear muffs on a daily basis." Eda said.

Otto then climbed over on Luz's shoulder and took the ear muffs, and then left to find something else.

King just stared at Otto in jealousy. 'Owner stealer...GET YOUR OWN MOM.' He thought.

Once again, Otto came back with a red winter hat and then put it on Luz's head, and it successfully covered her pointy ears, making them look normal.

"'s good." Eda said, scratching her chin. "We'll need something else to go with it."

"We can handle that later." Luz said. "Or more specifically, I can. Thanks, Otto!"

Otto then climbed onto the staff and turned back into her palisman.

Luz then took off the hat before she smiled. "And Eda?"


"Thank you. Thank you so one's ever done something this nice for us before." Luz smiled.

King nodded, climbing on Luz's head.

Eda smiled back. "Hey. Us weirdos gotta stick together." She said. "Besides. You're basically gonna be helping me with chores and such, so that's a plus...still don't see why you can't turn things to gold for me."

"Cause that's not a spell. That's a curse. It's called The Golden Touch." Luz said.

"Like...with King Midas and that crap?" Eda asked. "That's real too!?"

"Yeah! The dude was a real idiot." Luz said. "Basically, my world is filled with a bunch of stuff that your world thinks are fake. Griffins, giant snakes, dragons, giraffes-"

"Giraffes?" Eda snorted.

"Hey! Don't underestimate them! Mom said witches had to banish them! THEY FEED ON SOULS." Luz said with a creepy tone.

"Uhhh...okay..." Eda said before she sat down on the couch and then turned on the news.

Luz and King watched with her, both having a feeling that this was gonna end great.


Kikimora rushed into the throne room with her little legs. "Sire! I have urgent news!"

Belos merely turned his head, as if not caring.

Kiki then showed Belos a crystal shard of some kind...which then showed Golden Guard.

Golden Guard bowed. The background he was in seemed to be a forest. "My liege!"

"Golden survived." Belos said. "Very good. Where are you?"

"I'm on Earth." Golden Guard said with a nod. "And I was able to do a scan around the area...Luz Noceda and the demon survived as well."

Belos' black eyes went blue and he sighed. "Very well."

Kiki then bowed. "Sire, the portal has already finished reconstruction. Shall I send a Gilder Snake?"

"Yes...we will not enter the human realm until The Witch is destroyed." Belos said before standing from his throne.

Golden Guard then nodded. "I will prepare for the Gilder Snake's arrival."

Then, Belos ended the communication before walking away.

"Sire?" Kiki asked.

Belos didn't respond and then walked off into a secret room. HIS room. It was dark, lit by light spells.

He then bowed. "My Titan...The Witch has survived."

A giant and BOOMING voice spoke. "ON EARTH?"

"Yes..." Belos said as he stood. "I will personally destroy her."


"Yes...OUR REVENGE..."

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