Chapter 9: Golden Opportunity

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"So, who is this?" Eda asked as she threw the body into a hole she dug, and began filling it with dirt.

"The Bat Queen. Essentially what you humans call a 'vampire'. She's an evil demon that feeds on the blood of Palismans, which is magic." Luz then shivered. "I can't believe she hypnotized me! I feel so...WRONG."

"Understandable. You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah! I'm fine!" Luz said before seeing Otto come out of her staff. She smiled and nuzzled the tiny otter. "Don't worry. She's not coming back."

Otto smiled before hugging his owner with his tiny arms and then went back into the staff, falling asleep in the process.

Luz then yawned. "Speaking of, I better get back to bed. I have school."

"Well, would you mind helping me fill this hole up a bit?" Eda asked. "I'm not as young as I used to be."

"You sure you're not an old lady?" Luz laughed as she grabbed a shovel and began filling The Bat Queen's grave. "I feel kinda wrong doing this. Aren't I supposed to be a...superhero or something?"

"Well, even superheroes do pretty messed up things. Half the time, their parents are evil." Eda cackled before she kept filling the hole with dirt.

Luz laughed. "That sounds like a hoot." She then smirked adorably. "Get it?"

Eda sighed. "Yes. I get it."

The next morning, Luz practically had to rush out of the car when Eda dropped her off. She didn't want to be late on her second day!

'WHY DID WE HAVE TO BURY THE BAT QUEEN AT 11:00 PM!?!? COULDN'T WE HAVE JUST WAITED?!' Luz screamed in her mind as Eda drove off.

Luz kept running and running until she bumped into someone and fell. She held her head before looking up.

It was Boscha...she didn't at all seem happy. Which made sense. She was with two other girls, who were clearly just playing a mean facade.

"So. You're the new girl?" Boscha asked, sounding annoyed with existence itself.

Luz didn't speak. She just tried to get up, but Boscha shoved her back down.

"Ah, ah, ah! Let me speak." Boscha snarled.

Luz just clenched her fist. She ALREADY wanted to tear her hair out. But she listened, refusing to speak though.

"I don't know WHAT you did to turn Amity against me when I was trying to establish the hierarchy of this place." Boscha said. "But I don't like it. You cost me a lot."

"What are you? Some kind of tyrant?" Luz growled.

"Oooh, feisty!" Boscha laughed. "But to put it simply? Yup."

Luz's eyes widened. But mainly because she was still new to the human world and didn't know if Boscha was actually telling the truth or not.

"Girls?" Boscha asked before she was handed two cups of...some kind of fizzy liquid.

Luz was a little confused. Was that acid? Vomit? Urine? More acid? Brown acid? Some kind of acid? Blood?

Then, Boscha poured the glass onto Luz's hat. Luz cried out. "HEY! STOP THAT!"

"One cup down." Boscha said as she grabbed the other cup. "Two to go." She then splashed it at Luz.

Luz covered her face, wiping her eyes. But at least it wasn't acid. But oh, how she wanted to punch Boscha. But like Willow said, fighting only lead to more fighting.

She just hoped someone would-

Then? There was a small flash. Luz turned and then saw...Amity.

Boscha grinned. "Hey, Ami! What's with the phone?" She asked, still thinking Amity was on her side.

Amity just grinned before turning her phone around and showing she had recorded the whole thing. The shoving, the monologue, and the soda pouring. "Recording something that the principal AND your parents are definitely not gonna like. Especially after you were seen in the office yesterday."

Boscha's eyes widened in horror. "I-I thought we were friends!"

"Get away from the girl or I'll make sure your parents are the first to see this. Your little 'throne' won't be so high and mighty anymore." Amity said with a smirk.

Boscha huffed and growled before she turned on her heel and stomped away, the two other girls following shortly after.

Amity then put away her phone, but she didn't delete the recording. She then sped walk over to Luz and helped her up. "I am so sorry about her. She can just be...a real bitch. I have no clue why." Amity said as she reached into her bag and grabbed a towel, helping her clean up.

"I-" Luz then smiled. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Amity smiled. "I'm Amity."

"Luz." She replied before she was...relatively clean.

"It'll dry. I would suggest taking off the hat." Amity said.

Luz gulped before putting her hand around her back and putting a temporary illusion spell around her ears, making them seem round. She then took off her hat and then put it in her bag. "Yeah...thank you again. And thanks for yesterday."

"Heh, I think I did everyone a favor." Amity said before she started walking.

Luz quickly followed. "So...why did you help me? Revenge on Boscha or...?"

"I'm a Blight." She responded with a shrug as she entered the school with her. "We do what we want."

Luz was a little confused and watched Amity walk off. "That...didn't answer my question."

Luz was now fairly used to everything in school. She had been in it for about 3 days so far, counting her first day and the day Amity assisted her with Boscha.

She couldn't get her out of her head. Why was being a 'Blight' so important? Was that a rich family or...something else?

Not to mention, Willow seemed to have a bit of a past with Amity. Willow always had a sad look whenever the two exchanged glances, and when Luz looked at Amity?

She had the same expression.

"So...can I ask what happened?" Luz asked as she and Willow walked out of school, since Willow had to walk home this day.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Amity." Luz said.

Willow's eyes widened a tad before she sighed. "She and I used to be friends in Kindergarten up until 6th Grade. I think even the BEST of friends."

Luz smiled. "That sounds...really nice. So, what happened?"

"I...don't know." Willow said. "One day, she and I didn't meet up. Then the day after that, and then the day after that. I finally asked her what was up, and she said that she couldn't be friends with me anymore. But she had tears in her eyes when she walked away from me. Heh, not as much as me though." Willow said. "I...don't know what caused her to stop being friends with me. Gus said she heard Amity's parents talking to her before she stopped visiting...he assumed it had something to do with them."

"Her parents, huh?" Luz asked.

Willow nodded. "Yeah. You don't know them?"

"Nope." Luz said, having a dumb smile on her face.

Willow laughed, being taken out of her gloomy mood before she pulled out her phone and then showed Luz. "They're the owners of Blight Industries. They make home security and stuff! New tech and all that!"

"Why does her father look dead inside?" Luz snorted.

"He's like that in every photo. I caught word that he started to chase a butterfly after that photo ended." Willow laughed. "I met them once when Amity invited me over...her mom scares me. But her dad seemed...alright."

"Yeah, her mom kinda looks...evil." Luz said.

"Whoa! I wouldn't go that far!" Willow said. "She's a jerk, yeah, but I've never seen her do anything actually evil!" She then laughed. "What is she? A supervillain?"

Luz laughed. "Maybe!"

Then, Eda drove up. Luz smiled. "That's my cue. Cya, Willow!"

"Bye, Luz!" Willow said with a cheerful wave.

Luz then ran into the car, smiling when she saw Eda. "Hey, Eda!"

"Hey, kid. How was your day?"

"Good!" Luz replied simply as they drove off. "You gonna ask that everyday?"

"Probably." Eda laughed. "My parents did. It always felt a little awkward cause you don't really wanna talk, y'know?"

"No, not really! I like talking with you!"

"Aww, you flatter me too much, kid."

Later that night, Luz was doing a bit of stargazing, smiling softly. It was only 9:00 PM, so she had time before she had to go to bed.

Also, she was on the roof.

Then? She felt a familiar presence. Luz slowly stood and then transformed into her witch attire again. "Golden Guard..."

Golden Guard smirked as his white cape blew in the wind. "Heya, Noceda."

"What do you want? A fight?" Luz asked.

"Nah, I just like toying with people." Golden Guard said as he walked across the roof. "It's fun being evil. You should try it!"

"As if!" Luz exclaimed as she hopped into the air and then near the spot Golden Guard was.

Golden Guard just chuckled to himself. "Wow. Really embracing the hero thing, huh? But tell me, is abandoning your world really heroic?"

"Ever since your boss killed my mother? It's not a home." Luz said, clenching her fist.

"Oh! I get it! Ya find the better place and then abandon the old one!" He then began to nod. "Smart. Smart."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"Maybe. Is it obvious to me or you?"

"Wait, what?" Luz asked, tilting her head.

Golden Guard laughed before he suddenly lowered his hood and then took off his mask. His skin was almost pale, and his hair was a beautiful yellow blonde with a slight curl to the front. And finally? He had an evil grin with GLOWING red eyes. But he didn't look old. After all, he was only 16. Luz's age.

Luz took a step back.

Golden Guard cackled to himself, no longer having the metallic echo to his voice. "Y'know? I could actually start sending the monsters here! But, it's more fun to send them to the city."

"YOU'RE SENDING THEM!?" Luz exclaimed.

"Yup! And it's pretty sad how miserable they're failing. The Bat Queen actually almost won until your mom showed up." Golden Guard smirked.

"...Why are you sending them? To terrorize the human world?"

"Nah. Only to get rid of you." Golden Guard said.

Luz clenched her fist. She suspected that a while ago, but just wanted to be sure. "But you said yourself. They're failing miserably. Why keep trying? Belos is smart enough to know when something doesn't work."

Golden Guard merely put on his mask and hood again. "The Emperor thinks the same way I's FUN to toy with people."

He then fell off the roof, teleporting away in a flicker of red light.

Luz narrowed her eyes, her cape blowing in the wind. She had a feeling she would have to face him soon.

"...Luz, if you think he's attractive without the mask, I swear-" She told herself, her bisexuality once again showing.

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