WINNERS of the First Challenge

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Thank you to everyone who entered our first graphics competition, we had amazing entries which made it very hard to chose. Alas, there can only be one winner, so congratulations to -verdant- for winning the first round!!! 

Here's the winning graphic:

I absolutely adore the composition of this cover, specially the text and the background roses. 


 Definitely looks appealing and in my opinion, fits the poem wonderfully! I especially like the theme, red, and the title. 


I think they did a good job of incorporating the poem into the graphic piece. I especially love how everything goes together smoothly and how it looks really put together! 


Congratulations again on winning! Please PM us on which prizes you would like and we hope to see more of your entries! 

Now, because there were so many wonderful graphics, we had to include two runner ups who did an incredible job as well!

Runner up #1 Ironic-Faith 

Runner up #2 onederstruck- 

Both of your graphics were amazing! Ironic-Faith we loved how beautifully you manipulated your cover into such a stunning piece and onederstruck- we loved your unique style and interpretation of the poem! 

Thank you to everyone who entered! It was tough for us to judge and pick just three from all our amazing entries! If you didn't win, don't worry, we have many more rounds to come! The Veiled Night would personally like to thank all of you for your participation and beautiful art and we hope to see you guys in the next competition! 

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