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I woke up to a really loud Jimin outside my room!!

Why do I have to face such a loud Jimin on a day off? I want to sleep!! I don't get these day offs' everyday!

Suddenly my bedroom door opened with a bang and there stood a really pissed off Jimin.

"Taehyung, Wake up right now!!" Jimin yelled.

"What did I do now?" I asked, groaning, still sleepy.

"You are getting out of that bed and going out with me because Yoongi feels like I am a burden!" Jimin said, screaming.

"I did not say that babe! I just said that I can't leave now!" Yoongi yelled from downstairs.

I annoyingly rubbed my face because of these couple problems. 

"Are you going or will you leave me as well?" Jimin yelled again.

"Alright! Alright! I am going!" I said getting up.

Jimin gave me exactly 15 minutes to get ready because he was really impatient and restless.

After I was ready and after about a 10 minutes walk I stood in front of a cafe with a smiling Jimin beside me.

"Jimin!!! Why a cafe? You know I don't even like coffee!" I said, whining.

"Just have a milkshake so stop whining! I really need my morning coffee!" he replied.

Why do people even like coffee? It's always so bitter even the ones that have sugar in it.

"Urgh!! Fine!" I said.

With that I pushed the door of the cafe and entered the cafe.

The cafe was almost empty because it was really early anyway.

Jimin pulled me towards a table near the end of the cafe.

We waited for 5 minutes and then came forward the person I thought I would never see again.

"What would you both like to have today?" He asked with an extremely sweet voice.

That voice! The voice that sent shivers down my spine and not in a good way. The voice I dreaded the most in my entire highschool.

"I would like a black coffee and get him a strawberry milkshake!" Jimin answered.

I did not look at him the entire time but when he was done with taking our orders I looked up and saw him glancing at me.

I don't think he remembers me and that's a good thing.

After he left, I noticed the name of the cafe, "The Jeons!" Oh! So he owns this place. 

We were waiting for our orders while I really needed to rush to the washroom.

"I'll be right back, Jiminiee." I excused myself.

I walked towards the washroom and entered it. I was happily washing my hands when I heard the door getting locked and me getting pinned to the wall with a rather strong pair of arms.

Please No, Not Again. Not after all these years. 

I opened my eyes and there stood the owner of a pair of big doe eyes which I was scared the most of. 

I looked at him with fear in my eyes and there he was smirking just like before.

"You think I didn't recognize you?" he asked me, smirking.

"Please don't, please leave me alone. It has been years now." I said pleading.

He smirked. The smirk no one can replace. The smirk that was owned by none other than Jeon Jungkook, my highschool batchmate, my highschool best basketball player, my highschool playboy and my highschool bully, Jeon Jungkook.

"What do you want?" I whispered.

I knew that the next thing that was going to happen was his fist meeting my jaw.

It has always been like that. Him punching me, beating me, bullying me for years.

But this time suddenly his punch didn't come rather my neck was met with his nose rubbing it sensually.

"You are still so beautiful, Taehyung, Oh how I missed you!" He whispered while leaving small butterfly kisses on my neck.

I shivered again with fear and with desire. Wait, Desire? This can't be. How come I like his touches? He was my highschool bully goddammit.

"What do you want Jungkook? Please don't do anything." I said trying my best not to moan as now he started sucking on my neck.

"Is it not clear? I want you. I want you for myself. I looked for you for so many years yet I didn't find you and now that I have, I want you for myself completely, You are Mine after all." He said, now kissing my jaw.

I suddenly got a wave of confidence and pushed him. He couldn't do anything here because we were still in public. One scream and everyone would be here.

"I was never yours to begin with. You always bullied me. You always made fun of me, you played tricks on me and you even made me kiss a guy without my will because you thought being gay was a shame and it was fun watching me get embarrassed." I almost screamed.

"I always bullied you so that no one else would come near you, I always made fun of you so that you would notice me and talk to me, I played tricks on you so that later on I can care for you without your knowledge and the day I made you kiss a boy, I wanted to know if you would really kiss him and you did and that day I realised how much it hurt watching the boy you love with someone else." He said softly.

I could only scoff in return but then suddenly a wave of realization struck me. 

"What did you just say? The boy you love?" I was confused.

"Yes, the boy I love!" he replied.

"I never knew you loved Bogum!" I said.

"I LOVE YOU AND NOT BOGUM, YOU IDIOT!" he screamed and grabbed my waist tightly.

It would be a lie if I say that I didn't like him manhandling me.

"Listen Jungkook, it's all in the past, I am sorry I didn't ever realise you loved me because you never showed any gesture of being in love with me." I said almost whispering.

"Loved you? Taehyung, do you hear properly? I said I LOVE YOU! present tense!" He said again.

I couldn't help but blush because at one point when we were in highschool, I couldn't help but fall for him because he was the only boy who touched me even if it was beating and punching me. Before doing any of such things, he would grab me, pin me to the wall, stare into my eyes and hold my waist possessively. I had to fall for him because I guess that's when I realised I liked things to be rough. Heck now I realized why I felt desire when he touched me again because I always craved for that touch. But I couldn't give in, I shouldn't.

"It's been years, Jungkook, I know that you don't have suc---"

Before I could even complete the sentence, his lips were on mine and it wasn't soft or gentle. It was rough, passionate and filled with hunger but also love lingering here and there.

He continued kissing or rather abusing my lips for minutes and I loving it would be an understatement because I always wanted this and only with him, didn't I?

He left my lips as breathing was important as well and looked at me.

"I love you Taehyung, I love you very much. Please give me a chance, I will prove it to you. Please forgive me for the deeds I did in highschool, give me a chance?" he asked, almost begging with his voice cracking in the end.

I looked at him and gently took his face in between my hands and caressed his cheeks softly.

"Hmmm, let me think. I can give you a chance if you take me on a coffee date!" I said mischievously.

"You don't even like coffee but I would love to take you out on a date!" he said smiling.

He remembers the small detail about me which I told him once when we were in highschool and he 'accidently' spilled coffee over me and asked me to buy him a new one and even asked me to get my own.

I asked him this purposely and when he replied that I knew that Jeon Jungkook owned my heart once again and I couldn't stop it this time as well.

"You are scary and you are hot. A deadly combination but I am more than okay to be ruined by that combination. Hence, I forgive you, though it will be difficult for me to trust you but I do." I said as my cheeks tinted pink.

He smashed his lips on mine again and this time I kissed him back with equal passion.

"It's weird, how you don't like coffee, yet your lips taste like coffee to me.'' he said smiling.

"That's because you love coffee and you kiss me in a manner that shows you are fulfilling your hunger for your favourite thing!" I replied, surprising him.

"You are full of surprises!" He said while pecking my lips again.

His kisses won't stop and he couldn't stop saying "I love you's."

I knew he would leave another mark if I didn't stop him. So I did and told him to let me go because Jimin would be freaking out by now.

He nodded his head while he pecked me on my lips, neck, forehead and looked at me.

"I have to go now." I said in a small whisper. 

He hugged me real tight and whispered, "You are meeting me tomorrow and it's a date."

I blushed and nodded my head.

Before leaving the washroom, I stopped and turned towards him and said, "I may not love you yet Jungkook but I like you alot."

That was a lie because I already did love him but isn't playing hard to get a trend now?

He gave me his best bunny smile and said, "I know but you will get there within the blink of your eyes, I promise."

I blushed at his statement knowing very well that I am already very weak for this man standing in front of me.

I ran towards him and pecked him on his lips one last time for now knowing it was just the beginning of many pecks and rushed outside the washroom.

I settled my clothes and covered the hickey which that idiot left on my collarbone and neck and patted my cheeks to get rid of the blush.

Jimin looked at me with a worried expression when I settled down on the chair.

"Where were you? I thought you were kidnapped, what took you so long? I almost rushed to the washroom but found it locked! I was so worried, Tae." Jimin said, worry laced to his tone and expression.

"Don't worry, I am fine. I just tasted a different coffee flavour and wanted to try it more so it took me some time." I said blushing looking straight towards Jungkook's eyes whose eyes were already glued to mine with a smile on his lips.

"I want to try it too!" Jimin said, getting excited. 

"You can't Jiminie, I am sorry."I said, almost laughing.

"Why?" he questioned, whining. 

"Because that coffee is MINE." I said as I looked towards Jungkook again who mouthed a 'Mine' towards me as well.

Jiminie gave a really confused expression but he can wait for the whole story.

While leaving the cafe I looked towards Jungkook and said, "Your cafe sells really sweet coffee." and winked at him, which thankfully went unnoticed by Jiminie.

Jungkook smirked in return, his famous signature smirk and mouthed an "I love you."

We left the cafe with a blush on my face when Jimin asked, "You didn't even drink proper coffee then why did you say that?"

"I did but I'll tell you when we reach home." I blushed while replying to him.

Jiminie huffed at my reply and I couldn't help but smile because this one drink 'Coffee' which I always thought was bitter made my life extremely sweet.

Wrote this two years back.😂😂😂😂


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