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(14-15 years old) *time skip*




A lot has happened. New kids came to the street.

Nicole is one of them. She has red hair and grey eyes. She's super nice and kind of tough like Katelyn. That's why they get along so well. Dante kind of has a crush on her too. They hang out a lot but Katelyn always gets in the way because Nicole and her are like magnets.

Michi is another one. Michi is like Kawaii~Chan. She has purple ears,tail, and hair and green eyes. She also talks in thrird person and says "Nya!" at the ends of her sentences. But she's very mean. She tries so hard to get what she wants. She tried to steal a guy Kawaii~Chan likes away from her. Thankfully it didn't work but she did leave Kawaii~Chan a little heart broken but being the cupcake that Kawaii~Chan is, she forgave her and tries to be her friend.

Then there's Aaron. He has black hair and dark brown eyes and he's cute but, we're just friends and I like it that way. Aaron didn't talk much at first but then he started to open up to me. And he kinda likes me. So Katelyn decided to put a play of Romeo and Juliet and I got the part of Juliet and Aaron Romeo. Anyways in the end me and Aaron didn't get to kiss because of.... reasons. After the play me and him were left alone in front of the stage and I kind of joked around saying that I was really was looking forward to the kiss and he kink of took it seriously. So yeah we kissed and Zane kind of saw us so yeah... Anyways he doesn't talk much to the others but me and him hang out a lot like me and Garroth used to.

Garroth and I desisted to spend more time with our friends than with each other. We still hang out but it's mostly with our group. But it's like Aaron is starting to take in his place as weird as that sounds. I guess it's ok since he doesn't really talk to anyone else but me.

Oh and who could forget about Travis. He has white hair and light green eyes. He's cute but really annoying.... like REALLY ANNOYING!!!! He tries so hard to get girls where it gets to the point where you just want to rip his head off. At least that's what Katelyn says.

Me and Zane have gotten really close too, suprisenly. One day I accently found him playing with his my little horsey figures. He denied that they were his and that he was actually holding them for a friend but I made I'm confess. Sometimes he comes over my house so we can play together. We've become best friends.


"I thing rainbow dash should use her powers to save the Kitty!" I said.

"Noooo I think Pinkie Pie should save the kitten!!!" Zane complained.

"No!" I said.

"Yes!" He said.

"Hey guys!!" Travis says bursting in the room without knocking.

"Gah! Travis!!!" I yelled.

"Sorry to ruin your little horsey date but I need to ask something from you!" He said.

"This is not a horsey date, Aphmau was just showing me her collection!" Explained Zane.

"Y-Yeah! Umm what do you want Travis?!" I asked.

"Well I need you to go on a date with Aaron to go on a double date with me and Katelyn. I just don't want it to be awkward between me and Katelyn on our date so I thought we should all have dates and all go. The more the merrier right!!!" He said.

"G-Go on a date w-with Aaron!?" I asked nervous.

"Yeah! I know there's something between you two!!" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh... hey guys!" Aaron said walking in.

"A-AARON!!!!! I yelled.

"Oh perfect I was just telling Aphmau that you guys should come on a date with me and Katelyn. Everyone else is gonna be there too!!!" Said Travis.

"Thats cool!!! Are you okay with this Aphmau?" He asked.

"S-Sure!" I said blushing.

"Oh and you can come too Zane!" Travis added.

"What!!! I-I cant I don't even have a date!!" Zane said.

"You can go with Michi!" I added.
"Great see you all there!" Travis said and walked out.

"Who even let him in???" I asked.
"Well your mom let me in so she probably did the same for him!" Aaron stated.

"Oh ummm Aaron I-" I began to say.

"Ahem since I'll be at this "date" I'll be watching you Aaron. If you try anything funny with Aphmau I'll-" Zane said.

"I get it, I get it I won't try anything funny Zane!!! I'll leave you two alone I don't want to interup anything!" Aaron said.

"B-Bye Aaron!" I said as he started to walk out.

"Yes BYE Aaron!!!" Zane said evilly.

Aaron leaves and closes the door.

"Wow that must of been so embarrassing!!!" Zane laughed.

"W-What!?" I asked.

"Your face its-, like the brightest red I've ever seen in my life!" Zane said.

"Eh!!! What!!" I yelled.

I ran to the mirror and he was right my face was sooooo red.

"*grasp* I can't believe I -......was I like this the whole time!?" I asked.

"Well yes! You must really like Aaron, specialy when he kissed you after the play!!" Zane said smirking.

"Z-Zane I already told you it was an accident!!!" I said.

"Yeah...OK...SUUURE!!!" He said.

"Ugh! I hope you have fun on your date with Michi!!!" I said and stuck my tough out.

"H-Hey! At least it's not a real date. Travis and Katelyn are the only ones dating!" He said.

"Mhmm I wonder how Travis got Katelyn to agree to go on a date with her!" Zane wondered.

"Well Katelyn does owe him for something... or at least that's what I herd from Kawaii~Chan!!" I said.

"You girls and your gossiping! But I would be an interesting change of events if that wasn't the case!" He said.


"No I'm got saying that would of spice things up I bit!" He said.

"Oh I guess!" I said.

"Sooooo you and Aaron!?" He asked.

"Shut up!" I said throwing him a pillow.

"Just tell me the truth Aphmau. I mean it's not like I have anyone else to tell anyway. Everyone knows that he likes you...but do you like him???" He asked.

"Ummmm.....ugh fine only because I trust you Zane....*sigh*.....maybe I do like him just a little!!!" I confessed.

"Ha! I knew it. Whats holding you back!???" He asked.

"Well he's not the only one I like!" I said nervous.

"Oh don't tell me you've "fallen in love" with my big brother!!!" He said.

"Maybe... I just miss having him around and I know we both agreed it was best but *sigh* I don't know!" I said.

"Well I guess we'll see on the date!" He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well if your bothered by seeing him with another girl well maybe you like him and if you don't care than go for Aaron!" He said.

"I guess your right! Thanks Zane!" I said.


Anyway guys that's all for today. Hope you enjoyed and my sure to check out my new book In Our Dreams!!!


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