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"Okay this is the restaurant I wanted to take you guys to!" Travis said.

"Heh! Not bad Travis. Not bad..." Katelyn said.

"Okay let's go people, I'm starving! Nya!" Michi said while pushing everyone a side.

"But I brought you a ton of food at the arcade. Plus you didn't even thanked me!" Zane said following her and we all followed him in.

"I DON'T CARE I WANNA EAT MOVE!!!" Michi said angry.

"Here's your table miss!" The waiter said.

We all settled down at the large dinning table.

"May I start you all off with drinks!" The waiter asked.

"Well maybe them but I want food!" Michi complained.

"Alright what would you like!" The waiter asked.

Once everyone placed in their orders we all started to talk about how our date was going.

"So Katelyn how's you and Travis going!?" Asked laurance.

"Ugh!...I guess.......okay?!" She said.

"Yes! Does that mean I get a kiss at the end of the night???" Asked Travis.

"N-No! But you might get my fist to your face if you say something stupid again!" Katelyn said.

"Hey! Calm down Katelyn. He's trying." I said.

"Mgh! Whatever!" She said.

"So Aphmau! Hows your date with Aaron!? You're not jealous of anyone else are you!?" Zane asked with a smirk.

"N-No! Our date is going GREAT!!! Aaron got me a super rare limited edition Rainbow Dash pony!" I said.

"W-What!?!?!?!?" Zane said.

"Yup I got the last one!" I teased.

"Wow I guess you prefer being with a guy that buys you super expensive and super rare limited edition ponies huh!?" Garroth asked angrily.

"T-That's not true Garroth!" I said.

"Excuse me I need to use the rest room!" Garroth said while getting up and leaving.

"Garroth I- *sigh*" I said.

"Its okay Aphmau don't let him get you down!" Aaron said and rudded my arm.

"It just bothers me. It seems like he hates me! And I don't know if he want to talk to me about it or.......about anything! And I think I-......." I said while tearing up a little.

"I'm sure he's just being a jerk! I'm gonna go talk to him!" Aaron said getting up.

"No! Aaron please you'll make it worse!" I said.

"No Aphmau! I hate seeing you like this and if he's the cause of it then I'll change it!" He said walking away.

"What's wrong Aphmau!" Asked Lucinda and all eye's were on me.

"I-I................I think I'm in love with Garroth!" I said.


"NO KAWAII~CHAN! If anything Aphmau should tell him!" Nicole said.

"Or I could!" Katelyn added.

"NO KATELYN! Nicole is right Aphmau should tell him how she feels!" Cadenza said.

"Ha! I told you that you still had feelings for him!" Zane said.

"Ohhh! Shut up Zane!" I said feeling my face turn pink.

"Ummmm look that's great that Aphmau likes or loves Garroth an all, but can we please get back to our date?" Travis asked.

"NO!" Kawaii~Chan, Nicole, and Zane said and Katelyn punched Travis.

"Owwww!" Travis whinned.


"Its not such a big deal. Maybe he doesn't like my at all." I said.

"Why would you think that Aphmau!?" Cadenza asked.

"Well he's ignoring my questions and when he talks to me is tone sounds like anger!" I said.

"Aphmau he's just mad because he's jealous of you and Aaron!" Cadenza said.

"R-Really why!?" I asked.

"You and Aaron look like a couple together and Garroth gets jealous cause he still has feelings for you!" She said.

"Then why does...... Oh he wasn't mad at me, he was mad at Aaron!" I said.

"Yeah! Where is Aaron by the way?" Nicole asked.

"Oh he's in the bathroom trying to talk to....... GARROTH!!!!" I said.

Just as I said that Garroth and Aaron can in and sat down quickly in their chairs. The table was quite.

"A-Aphmau, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. Its just hard to accept that you want to be with someone else. But now I understand that and I accept it. I'm happy if you're happy and if you find happiness with Aaron or someone else then I'll be happy right there with you!" Garroth said breaking the silence.

"G-Garroth you don't understand I-" I said.

"No Aphmau you don't have to apologize!" Aaron said cutting me off.

"So ummmm back to the date it is!!!" Travis said excited and Katelyn punched him again.

The rest of the dinner was nice. The food was delicious and the place was really fancy. We laughed and talked, catched up with each other. Aaron and Zane got to know everyone better and everyone was having fun......but the only thing that upsets me was Garroth....

After the date everyone was leaving with there dates but Cadenza left with Laurance so Garroth decided to walk home. Aaron offered me a ride home but I refused and walked home to. I was walking behind Garroth but he doesn't know I'm here.

I really want to talk to him but how do I approach him???

Um hey Garroth can we talk?


Garrorh hey I didn't know you were walking home too!


Garroth I lov-

"Aphmau for how long are you planning to keep walking behind me!?" Garroth said breaking my thoughts.

"You knew I was behind you!?!?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was just waiting for you to walk up next to me but you never did!" He said.

"Oh sorry!" I said walking up to him.

"So what's up!" He asked.

"The sky!" I simply said.

"Haha! No I ment what's up with you!" He chuckled.

"Oh well nothing.... I ummm I just wanted to talk to you!" I said.
"Okay!?" He said.

"Umm you didn't have to apologize for anything!" I said.

"Yes I did. It was rude and selfish of me to do that to you!" He said.

"I was jealous too!" I said.

"Really!... of what?" He asked.

"Of you and Cadenza... Garroth I don't think you understand... I-I.......... I still have feelings for you too!" I said.

"But I thought you wanted to be with Aaron!?" He asked.

"I did but it bothers me more to see you with another girl than having Aaron and I just being friends!" I said and stopped walking.

"Garroth I ummm I love you!" I said.


Anyway guys that's all for today. I hope you all enjoyed!!!


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