New Crush!!!

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This is going to be Garroth's point of view! ENJOY!!!!!



S-She kissed me!!! Well it was on my cheek but still. Her lips touched my face!!! Wait now I'm sounding like a creep. I thought

"Umm bye Garroth!" She said and went inside her house.

I stood outside still shocked. I can still smell her cherry chap stick on my cheek. Do I have a crush on Aphmau. Its only the first day I met her and she's already making me blush. I snapped out of my thoughts and headed for my front door. My house was right in front of her's so I didn't take me long to get there. When I was inside I took of all of my outerwear and went upstairs to change into something that wasn't covered in snow. I enter my room and saw my brother Vylad playing Minecraft of my Xbox.

"Sorry Garroth for coming in your room without permission." He said worried.

"Its ok you can come to my room when ever you like but only to play video games!" I said.

"Thanks big brother!" He said with a smile and kept playing.

I went in my closet to change. I changed into my dark blue shirt with my dark blue sweater. My sweater was a little bit lighter than my shirt. I put on my jeans and my open fingers black gloves because I'm hands tend to get really cold sometimes when I'm inside.

"Hey can I join!" I asked Vylad.

"Sure I need all the help I can get! I'm trying to build a huge castle with a village!!!" Said Vylad excited.

"Alright Lord Vylad!" I say while grabbing the controller.

We played together. The castel was coming out really great and it was huge. Vylad was working on the castle and I was working on the village.

"DINNER IS READY!!!" my mom yelled and we all raced down even Zane cause he came out of his room when me and Vylad did. We all sat down and started to serve our plates. My mom made smashed potatoes with steak. We all settled down and started to eat.

"So what did you do outside Garroth." My dad asked.

"Oh Laurance, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and I were having a snowball fight.

"Yeah and then Laurance pulled his pants down!" Zane laughed.

Did everyone see that? I asked myself.

"Yes but then a chased him around with a snowball bigger than my hand and threw it at him!" I added glaring at Zane.

"Who was that girl you guys where with?" My mom asked.

"Oh she's the new girl. She lives in front of our house. Her name is Aphmau. She's very nice and fun to be around. She came from Texas and today was her first day playing in the snow so she wanted to build a snow fort." I said.

"AND DID YOU!!!" asked Vylad excited.

"Look outside!" I said.

He stood up and ran to the front of the house.

"Woooow!!!" Was all we herd and we laughed. He came running back and sat down.

"Its has a snowman army around it too!! Can I play outside with you guys tomorrow?" He asked excited.

I nodded. And he whispered "yes!"

"So you like this Aphmau girl!" asked Zane with a smirk on his face.

"N-No!" I shuddered.

"So then why are you blushing!" Asked my mom giggling.

"I'm n-not!" I said and felt my face getting redder. I didn't even know I was blushing to begin with. I said to myself.

"Well I think it's great that you like this new girl from the way you describe her she seems nice!" Said my dad.

"Yeah she does sound nice I can't wait to meet her tomorrow." Zane said with a smirk.

Ugh what does me want from me. He just wants to embarrasse me in front of Aphmau. I said in my head while I growled at him.

When we finish eating I decided to call Laurance.


Garroth:Hey bro umm can we talk about something?

Laurance:What about Aphmau!!

I can almost feel him smirking through the phone.

Garroth:Ugh! Yes and I'm serious.

Laurance:Okay,Okay fine what's up!

Garroth:Okay Zane wants to go "meet" Aphmau tomorrow and you know what that means he's trying to embarrasse me in front of her!

Laurance:And why should I help you?

Garroth:Because you pulled my pants down in front of everyone!!!

Laurance:By everyone you mean mostly Aphmau and it's not my fault she loves that sweat butt of yours!!

He said laughing.

I felt myself start to blush.

Garroth:Whatever just please try to keep him busy or something!

Laurance:*sigh* I'll try but I'm gonna to try to hit on her tomorrow.


Laurance:Hey you're not the only one that thinks she's cute. Hey listen I got to got Cadenza is trying to get me sick so she won't be alone tomorrow and I DON'T WANT TO GET SICK!!!! GET AWAY CADENZA!!!!!

Garroth:I hope you do end up SICK!!!

I yelled at him and ended the call.*sigh* Maybe Kawaii~Chan can help me. She's always helping people anyway.


Garroth:Hey Kawaii~Chan I need your help on something!

Kawaii~Chan:Kawaii~Chan will love to help you Garroth~cun!!!

Garroth:Thanks Kawaii~Chan! So tomorrow Zane wants to "meet" Aphmau and I have a feeling that all he wants to do is embarrasse me I'm front of her.

Kawaii~Chan:Why would Zane~sama would want to do that to Garroth~cun?

Garroth:Because he knows I like her!!!

Wait what did I just say!!!!


She screamed in my ear.

Garroth:I umm I-I didn't say that...... I j-just ummm!!!

I probably look like a tomato at this point!

Kawaii~Chan:It's OK Garroth~cun, Kawaii~Chan will do anything she can to watch her new ship sail!! All aboard S.S Garmau!!!!


Kawaii~Chan:Don't worry Garroth~cun, Kawaii~Chan's got your back!!!!

Garroth:A-Alright Kawaii~Chan thanks for your help.

Kawaii~Chan:Don't mention it!!! BYEEEE!!!!!

*She ended the call* I hope everything goes well tomorrow cause I have I feeling that it's not. I go back to my room to find Vylad still building the castle.

"Is everything alright Garroth?" He asked.

"Let's hope!" I said and put my phone to charge.

We finish building the castle and the village and let me just say me and Vylad have skills. We started to play around and I was head graurd and Vylad was the Lord. We played around until Vylad started to get sleepy. My parents were in bed already so I went and tucked him in bed cause he's use to getting tucked in. I went back to my room and tryed to fall asleep but I kepted of thinking to every possible way that Zane can embarrasse me. And trust me there were too many! I looked at the window while I was thinking. Then it started to snow. I went to the window to look outside. The snowflakes weren't small like they usually were. They we're big and I watched them fall from the sky. At the corner of my eyes I saw that someone was looking out of their window too. Its was Aphmau. It took her a little while to notice me but when she did she waved at me. I waved back. Then she started to point at some of the snowflakes that were falling. I nodded my head understanding that this was the first time she ever seen snowflakes this big. I saw her mouth "WOW" and I laughed and blush.

Thank Irene she couldn't see me blushing because I probably look really red! I thought.

We stayed there looking at the snowfall and the ground filling up with snow for a while. I started to get sleepy but I didn't want to leaving her all by herself. Soon I watch her yawn and stretch and she waved bye telling me that she was going to sleep. I wave goodbye back and went to bed. This time I fell asleep because I wasn't worried about what Zane was going to do anymore. I know Aphmau is a nice person and she will never think wrong of me.

Cause she's my friend!


Anyway guys that's all for today hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter because I enjoyed writing it!!! Well bye!!!!! Next it's going to be Aphmau's point of view.


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