Chapter 4

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The morning brightness curtained through the corner windows of their kitchen as the Khan family was having their breakfast just before going to their respective work.

"He is so cute, Papa. You should meet him one day!" Zarah said excitedly munching over her breakfast looking at her father who was smilingly listening to her chatters. "He is in second standard and talk so cutely."

"First eat your breakfast, Zari" Ammi advised taking a seat near her and placed the tea cup in front of her. 

Zarah looked at her mother silently, "You know Ammi, I don't get enough time to spend with Papa and so this is the only time." On this Ammi just sufficed on bobbing her head with a small smile on her reasoning.

"Papa-" Her voice was cut off with a pinging sound of her cell-phone showing her colleague, Faiza's id. Zarah quickly left the breakfast table hearing about the emergency that had came in their hospital, a bus had had met a mishap leading to many injured patients in their ward.

"Allah Hafiz." Zarah bid her goodbye in hurry, kissing her parents' forehead but she had no idea what was coming next in her life.


"I don't think it's a nice idea to leave our house today."

Ryan replied to Hamida who was adamant to have a long drive with him. He wiped his hands with the napkin after finishing his breakfast.

"C'mon, Ryan. It's nothing so serious. The injured ones have been taken to hospital and nobody died. In Shaa Allah, all will be fine. We can go out." Hamida reasoned cleaning the table and giving dirty dishes to the maid to clean. 

"I don't think so. The bus driver was rash and the car with which it got crash; it was of minister's son. His condition is critical, Hamida."

Hamida rolled her eyes at his words and he came to the living room to have a look at the news. The thing was Hanan was making coming back day after tomorrow and that was why, his sister wanted to have a last trip of Amroha before going with her husband. But she should really understand, the city was not in good condition. The bus mishap had thrown the city in stress.

"You too know Ryan, earlier too you said the same thing but all was well." 

Ryan nodded hearing his sister's words. News channels were away from any kind of bad news and instead were focusing on cricket matches and share markets. "Okay. You go get ready." He said with a small smile, getting up to move to his room as Hamida moved towards her room taking Maira with her.


"Yeah, I have done the bandage of bed number fifteen."

Zarah informed Faiza as they moved towards the next ward. They were busy from the morning, tending to injured patients and their family. It was good that nobody died but some people were in critical condition. Hospital's lights flickered on as the shades of night took the whole city in its embrace.

Zarah's shift ended on six p.m. and it was already eight. Her mother would be totally fussing over her absence and as city's condition was worsening, it was needed from Zarah's side to be at home quickly.

"I should head to home." Zarah told Faiza, noting the last patient's report. "Mum will be so worried and my phone already died down."

"Wait a minute. I will bring my car keys, I will drop you."

Faiza was about to move away when she stopped her, "It's not needed. I will go besides you should stay here; you already have a night shift." Zarah explained her with a smile and Faiza gave her many instructions to be safe which she listened like an obedient child.

She left the hospital, feeling a chill running down her spine feeling the haunting silence of the night. Amroha never became this silent even if it was midnight. Zarah took long strides just to have a taxi that would take her home safely.

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