Chapter 23: Intractable Nico

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"Nico-chan, what happened to your hand?" The third year was bombarded with an avalanche of questions upon returning to school the following week.

"I fell down." Nico would attempt to wave off curiosity with an evasive answer. Not only was she pestered by many with inquisitive minds, she was also exempted from practicing with the rest. Which, made the particular third year very annoyed indeed. However, the fact that Maki was sending her home almost everyday was quite thrilling and enjoyable indeed.

"You're totally taking advantage of this." The first year muttered indignantly as she slung Nico's bag onto her shoulders. The third year had made Maki carry her bag since Maki had promised that she was free to do whatever she wants.

"I'm not. I'm injured." The sable haired bats her eyelashes at the junior, holding up her wrist to remind Maki of the cast that enveloped her left hand. The scarlet haired sighed in reponse as she traipsed after the senior. Nico had insisted that Maki took her out on a date and so here they were, walking around aimlessly with no particular destination in mind.

"Look, Maki-chan! There's a crepe store! Let's go get one!" The third year exclaimed with sheer delight as she pointed in the direction of a crepe store that was located a stone's throw away from them.

"Seriously?" The first year gaped at Nico but the senior was too jubilant to notice. The scarlet haired followed after the third year with much reluctance and purchased a crepe of Nico's choice.

"Want some?" The third year waved the crepe at Maki's face after taking a few munches. The crimson haired eyed the crepe that was shoved in front of her face before taking a tentative bite, melting as the flavor of the crepe exploded in her mouth. It was a traditional crepe but it tastes divine.

"That was an indirect kiss you know." The sable haired stated with a smirk before retracting her hands and taking a bite off the crepe—exactly where Maki had just bitten.

"Tha-That doesn't ma-matter." The red head stuttered, a blush creeping across their face.

"I want to go window shopping." The revan haired said with a glee as she deposited the empty crepe wrapper into a bin, smacking her lips with delight.

"Mhmm" The scarlet haired twirled her hair between her fingers, her reply insouciant. She had figured Nico would suggest something like this, seeing that Nico had a fervent ardour for fashion.

"Stop being so indifferent, you promised you'd willingly be subjected to my orders." The senior placed one arm on her hip, squaring her shoulders and successfully gaining Maki's attention.

"What? I never did!" The first year's eyes widened in alarm as she attempted to protest.

"It doesn't matter whether or not you did. Just take me to window shop." The raven haired took her junior's hands in hers, dragging Maki in the direction of the nearest shopping mall.

"What are you looking to buy?" The scarlet haired groaned in exasperation as she reluctantly trudged along.

"Clothes probably." The twin tailed shrug, her eyes sweeping over the myraid of shops as she browsed for signs of merchandise that may seem to fit her taste. Her abrupt halt causes Maki to bump into her from behind.

"Why'd you stop all of a sudden for?" The red head muttered indignantly though Nico remains oblivious, her sights fixated of the shop to her left. The entire shop was painted with a colour of pale pink together with white, giving off a feminine aura. Inside were dozens of lingerie sets, in a wide range of colours. Along with garters and silk stockings that were in their brand new packaging. However, none of these had seemed to intrigue the third year except for a particular dress that hung at the entrance of the shop, demanding for the attention of by-passers.

The dress was cut in a classic garden party style, with a knee-length skirt that flared out from the waist. It was even white with flowers. The strapless form gave it edginess and the alternating layers of black and crimson satin underskirt gave it volume. It was no wonder it had Nico's interest piqued. The sable haired stood awestruck in front of the gorgeous dress, obviously dazzled by the sheer beauty of the dress.

"Go try it on." Maki's voice broke the silence as the third year turned to regard her junior who was currently holding out a dress of the same model as the one on display. It was obvious she had retrieved it from the rack right beside the display dress. Nico gaped in response as the crimson haired proceeded to shove her into the dressing room to try on the dress.

-To be continued-

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