Chapter 26: The celebration

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"Yosh!" Nico stood at the end of the table as she raised her glass into the air, "Kanpai!"

"Kanpai!" The rest of the eight μ's members echoed after Nico as they clinked their glasses together—orange juice glasses, that is.

"Congrats on your recovery!" Kotori squeaked as she placed her glass back down onto the table. The petite third year was greeted with an avalanche of congratulating wishes before they all finally settled down. Nico had a lopsided grin plastered across her face the entire time, more than glad that she was the main lead for the celebration today. Being in the spotlight was where she really belonged after all. Before them laid a wide array of dishes, all prepared thanks to Maki's personal chef. There was yakitori, karaage, takoyaki, katsu, yakisoba and even sushi.

"Well, thanks for all the well wishes. I guess it can't be helped that all of us are gathered here today because of Nico. After all, Nico is the numeber one—" The twin tailed third year had her palm placed on her chest, ready to command attention and give a speech when someone interrupted her.

"Onigiri!" Hanayo exclaimed as she reached for a rice ball and cupped it in her hands, her eyes sparkling with delight. The innocent first year sinked her teeth into the rice ball, sighing in satisfaction as she began eating. The others followed suit, thankful that Hanayo's ignorance had just saved them from being subjected to an egoistical talk.

"Hey! I'm not done talking!" The raven haired third year protested, folding her arms in front of her as she pouted. She was the female lead for today and yet they were ignoring her, simply atrocious!

"Hey, quit sulking." Maki's voice came from beside Nico, "Sit down and eat." The scarlet haired first year tugged at Nico's hand, persuading her to take a seat. The twin tailed sighed in defeat as she pulled her chair beneath her and sat down. Soon enough, all of them were too busy indulging in the feast to care.

-After their dinner-

All of nine of them sat at the palatial living room, gathering in front of the television. "There's nothing interesting to watch, nyaa~" Rin grumbled as she held the television remote in her hand, switching from channel to channel as the rest watch with disinterest.

"Let's play truth or dare." Nozomi's voice caused everyone to switch their attention to her.

"Truth or dare?" Honoka tested the words on her tongue.

"Sounds good to me." Eli added as she leaned forward from her seat. They were soon gathered on the floor of the living room, sitting in a circle on the mat with an empty bottle in the middle.

"Who's going to spin it?" Hanayo inquired.

"Me! Me!" The sable haired third year raised both her hands in the air, "I'll spin it! I'm in charge!" Nico exclaimed, literally bouncing with excitement. She leaned forward and gave the bottle a light spin, commencing the game. The bottle came to a stop, pointing towards Kotori, causing the second year to gasp.

"Truth or dare?" Nico, the person-in-charge asked with a gleeful smile.

"T-truth..." Kotori squeaked.

"Ok. Is there someone you like?" Nico's question caused Kotori to blush furiously as the rest of the μ's members widened their eyes in anticipation.

"Eh...? What kind of question is that?" Kotori tried to stall, "Eh...? I...Y-Yes..." The taupe haired second year stuttered her answer as she glanced around nervously.

"Ooh..." The rest responded in unison, all their mouths forming an 'O', causing Kotori to blush even furthur. Nico gave the empty bottle yet another spin and this time, it stopped at Eli.

"Truth." The blonde third year answered calmly.

"Oh? Have you gotten drunk before then?" Nico shot her a question, grinning madly and thoroughly enjoying her authority.

"No." Eli shook her head, smiling apologetically at the μ's members disappointed response. Nico nodded, acknowledging her answer before proceeding to spin the bottle yet again.

"Wait a minute, Nico-cchi." Nozomi held her hand up, stopping Nico from spinning the bottle. Everyone turned their attention to the violet haired as the stared in anticipation.

"It's boring if you all keep choosing truth you know. Its called truth or dare for a reason." Nozomi stated simply as a few nodded in agreement. The purple haired then beckoned Nico to spin the bottle for the third time and this time, the bottle pointed towards...

-To be continued-

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