Chapter 3: Peck

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"Maki-chan!" Nico waved to Maki from four feets away as she took swift steps forward, advancing towards the first year. The scarlet haired spun round upon hearing the ever so familiar voice of a particular third year. A shy smile crept across Maki's face at the sight of her beloved as memories of the previous evening resurfaced. Maki-chan, I like you. Will you be my girlfriend? Her senior's words echoed in Maki's mind, causing her grin to grow slightly broader.

"Let's go to the library. As the president of the Idol Research Club, I have some researching to do." The raven haired explained gleefully, snapping the crimson haired out of her private reverie. Not allowing time for the junior's response, the raven haired took Maki's hand in hers and headed off in the direction of the library. The familiar odd current ran through their hands once more as their hands came into contact.

"What has your research have to do with me?" Maki protested though she showed no signs of resistance against the raven haired, obediently following her through the crowd.

"I thought you might be of some help. After all, who wouldn't want to be in the library with cute Nico?" Nico quipped, turning back to smirk at her junior, tightening her grip around her junior's hand, leading her through the throng of students. The crimson haired rolled her eyes at her senior's comment but made no attempt to retort as she jostled through the crowd hand in hand together with Nico.

-At the library-

"Here." The upperclassmen directed her junior to sit beside her as she laid her research books onto the table. The raven haired had chosen a table that was positioned at a deserted corner of the library as she placed her books down.

"Why are we in such a desolated corner?" The crimson haired queried as she stood at the opposite end of the table, staring quizzically at her senior. The upperclassmen returned her gaze, remaining silent as if searching for an appropriate answer. The junior folded her arms and raise her eyebrow at Nico, anticipating an answer.

"So that no one can disturb us and I can have you all to myself." The raven haired eventually murmured as she took her seat, beckoning the crimson haired to settle down beside her before switching her attention to the books in front of her. Though the senior's voice was quiet, it hadn't escaped Maki's ears. The junior rolled her eyes yet again at Nico's remark though she complied.

The two were soon engrossed in their research, consulting each other every now and then. "Ne, Nico-chan, is this the one?" The scarlet haired inquired, pushing the book towards her senior for her to examine, shifting her seat closer in the process. The raven haired leaned in as both their eyes remain fixated on the book, not realising the proximity of each other. Silence engulfed them for a moment before the third year finally raised her head to answer her junior, only to realise that their faces could nearly touch had they been any closer. The first year remained oblivious as she surveyed the details of the research book before her.

Sensing that the scarlet haired was unaware of the distance between their faces, the third year leaned in furthur as she planted a soft, chaste kiss on her junior's cheek. Maki's eyes widened in alarm at the contact of her senior's soft lips on her right cheek though she made no attempt to move. The scarlet haired remained frozen as a shy blush crept across her cheeks and a grin tugged at her mouth. The raven haired pulled away slightly, still lingering inches from her junior's face.

"You can open up to me, don't put on a composed act. I will embrace you tightly." Nico whispered into Maki's ear before pulling away and turning her attention to her books. The crimson haired blushed even harder, biting her her lower lip as she assessed the words she was told. The first year anxiously glanced at the petite girl beside her, registering her senior's grin before silence englufed them once more as they resumed their research, leaving each other to blush.

Nico spoke after a while, "Maki-chan, go on a date with me. Tomorrow." her words forthright as usual as she raised her head from her books, turning to regard the crimson haired.

"Eeeh?" Maki exclaimed as she looked up from her books, raising a brow at the sable haired, unsure if she had heard her senior right.

"Go on a date with me." The raven haired repeated as if it was the most obvious thing on earth. The first year blinked, gaping at the third year's direct proposal. Nico gave the scarlet haired a smile as she turned her body to face her, awaiting a reply. The scarlet haired gave a slow gradual nod, her face flushed. Nico beamed at the first year as they both resumed their focus to the reasearch materials in front of them once more.

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