Chapter 30: The bath

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Maki groaned in discomfort as she attempted to move, only to realise that Nico was sleeping soundly on top of her. The crimson haired was feeling warm, all too warm as the third year remained wrapped around Maki like a vine. Staring down at Nico's face, Maki took the opportunity to scrutinize the third year. She would be perfectly cute if she wasn't so annoying at times. The first year thought as she contemplated her options on getting Nico off her, knowing fair well that it would be hard to get Nico to budge since Nico was a deep sleeper. "Nico-chan?" The crimson haired makes her first attempt, calling out to Nico as she shook her lightly. The third year remains stock still, sleeping in pure oblivion. Rolling her eyes with an exasperated sigh, Maki called out to the raven haired yet again, shaking her harder this time.

"Maki-chan...don't be mean..." Nico grumbles, clinging onto the first year even tighter than before. Having a soft spot for Nico, the scarlet haired decides to bear with the heat for an additional ten minutes before continuing her mission of waking the sleepy head senior.

-Ten minutes later-

With much resolve and determination, Maki calls out to the sable haired yet again. "Nico-chan~" The crimson haired sang, dragging out the syllable of Nico's name on purpose. Though Nico's eyes remained tightly shut, her fingers twitched slightly, as if instinctively responding to the first year. "Wake up." Maki pokes at Nico's cheek several times, in hope to stimulate some response but to no avail. Desperate to escape from the evil clutches of Nico, Maki decided to abandon the mission of waking the third year up. Instead, the first year chooses the easy way out—to shove Nico off her.

"Quit being so clingy." The scarlet haired admonishes as she places her palm on Nico's arm, using force to get the senior off her. With much effort, Maki finally succeeds in getting the third year to roll over. Nico turns onto her back sluggishly, obviously still in deep sleep.

"Nico-chan." The scarlet haired calls out yet again as her arm was currently trapped under Nico's head, "I need to take a shower. So do you."

"No..." Nico grumbles in protests as she turns again, facing her back at Maki.

"I'll carry you into the shower if you don't wake up." The first year teases, in attempt to wake Nico. The sable haired turns around to regard Maki with one eye open. As if goading the crimson haired, Nico flashes an amused smirk before letting her eyes slide back to a shut. Deciding to accept the silent challenge, Maki throws the blanket off the both of them. Sitting up slightly, she used her right arm, which was still currently under Nico's head to lift Nico's torso off the bed. Holding the half asleep third year close to her, Maki proceeds to slide her hand under Nico's knees.

"You're very heavy, you know?" Maki complains as she lifts the raven haired onto her lap, craddling Nico. Nico remains silent, choosing to ignore the negative remark the first year had just passed since she was perfectly comfortable being in Maki's arms. Scooting off the bed while still carrying Nico, Maki proceeds to head into the palatial bathroom.

"I'm going to put you down." The scarlet haired informs the sleeping senior before dipping down her left arm and allowing Nico's feet to touch the cold marble of the enormous bathtub. Nico whines slightly in protest as the cold marble that came into contact with her feet sent a shiver down her spine. Though she was now standing, Nico clings onto the first year obstinately, burying her face at the crook of Maki's neck with her eyes still tightly shut.

"Shower or bath?" Maki asks as she holds Nico close to her with one arm and reaches out of the shower head with another arm. Turning on the water, Maki indulgently allows Nico to lean onto her.

"Bath..." Nico replies with a yawn, obviously going for the lazier option.

"Alright." Maki complies as she reaches for a panel of buttons on the wall and pushes on a particular button, allowing the mechanism to plug the drainage hole of the bathtub, preventing water from flowing away. Water fills the entire tub quickly, since the speed of the water flow was easily adjustable. When the bath was ready, Maki proceeds to settle in, taking the half asleep Nico along with her. Sitting down cross legged, Maki was settled in the bath with Nico sitting on top of her lap. The third year throws her arms around Maki, resting her head onto the first year's shoulder as she straddled Maki.

"Just how long more do you plan on continuing to sleep?" The scarlet haired frowns as she wets Nico's hair slightly with warm water. Nico grins sheepishly in response as she opens one eye to regard Maki, obviously enjoying how the junior was spoiling her.

"Come on, wake up already." The crimson haired prompts and Nico obeys. The third year straightens herself, a grin still playing her lips as she cupped both of Maki's cheeks with her tiny hands. Leaning down, she pressed her lips against the first year's, giving Maki a rewarding kiss

-To be continued-

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