Chapter 37: Tantrums

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"You should be able to skate on your own by now." The scarlet haired says, a ghost of a smirk apparent on her lips as she releases the sable haired. Maki retreats out of reach, leaving the twin tailed senior standing alone once more.

Though not as frightened as before, Nico was not quite satisfied with how the first year was teasing her. "Don't wanna!" Incensed, she folded her arms before her and gave the first year a petulant pout.

"Don't...wanna?" The scarlet haired quirks a quizzical brow at the senior, though she fails to hide her amusement. Nico shifts in response, her arms now akimbo.

"Just half a round?" Maki points to the opposite side of the rink, her lips quirking up into a half smile as she tried her best to convince the sable haired.

"Just half a round?" The third year repeats hesitantly, earning an enthusiastic nod from the first year and because Maki looks so hopeful, she can't bear to resist. "Fine..."

Lifting one leg, the third year pushes gently at the ice. The motion startles her slightly, the absence of Maki's support now well emphasized. She gazes at the first year who stood a stone's throw away from her. The scarlet haired gives a nod, an endearing smile still plastered across her lips. A form of encouragement. Resigned to her fate, the sable haired progresses forward, making sure not to lose her balance.

Maki moved back as Nico pushed forward, the crimson haired trying to keep the distance between them constant. When the first year finally reached halfway round the rink, she came to a halt. Nico's face lit up at the sight, increasing her speed slightly and flying straight into the open arms of her girlfriend. Letting out a squeal of utter joy, Nico's heart swelled with a sense of achievement.

The scarlet haired pulls back to meet Nico's gaze, only to be greeted by the raven haired senior's adorably shy smile. Maki leans down. With one hand under Nico's chin, she brought the third year's face up and pressed her lips against Nico's. The involuntary gasp that escaped Nico gave the first year's tongue an opening. Maki takes full advantage, her tongue expertly exploring Nico's mouth. The raven haired realised that her heart rate is through the roof as she returned the fervent kiss.

After a beat, the scarlet haired breaks the kiss though remaining close to Nico, their foreheads touching. The twin tailed glances up to see that Maki had her eyes closed. Gazing at the first year she saw Maki raise a hand up to her left cheek. The first year's palm came to a rest on Nico's cheek as Maki's thumb tenderly stroke the third year's cheek.

The third year beams with blissful delight, "That proud of me?"

The crimson haired's eyes fluttered open at the question before pulling back with a furious blush painting her cheeks red. "Nope. Not very." She hurriedly denies and releases the twin tailed from her embrace. Nico's face falls that the first year's outright denial. Frowning in distaste, she watches as Maki places distance between them once more.

"You said half a round!" The sable haired protests, raising her left feet to give a petulent stomp, though only to startle herself as her left leg started sliding forward on the ice. "Woah!" Nico flails as her rebellious left leg continues to inch forward without her control. She swayed and just as she was about to lose her balance, a pair of arms caught her. Holding Nico by the waist and torso, Maki hoists the third year into a proper standing position once more.

"You'll be fine if you stop throwing tantrums." The scarlet haired half chides as she brushed aside a stray hair from Nico's face.

"You're very mean, you know?" The raven haired jumps at the opportunity to wrap her arms around the first year before resting her head on Maki's shoulder.

"No, I don't." Maki replies matter of factly, "I'm trying to teach you and you don't seem to have quite the knack for this." The first year chuckles.

"Geez, I don't want to skate anymore!" The third year fumes as she pulls back from Maki, though her tiny hands remain clasped around Maki's jacket, not letting go of her support.

"Well, sure you can take a rest...but the exit is there." The crimson haired points at the opposite end of the rink, where the entrance was located. "We're gonna have to finish the next half of the round to be able to exit." The first year gave Nico a smug smile as she spoke.

Following the direction of Maki's finger, Nico's ruby eyes stared begrudgingly at the entrance that was at the opposite end of the rink. "You had this planned, didn't you?"

"No, not really?" Maki chuckled nervously in response, "Well, kinda..."

"We'll just cut across then." The twin tailed stated simply as she switched her attention back to the first year in front of her.

"Rink rules are that the center is for professionals who do stunts. Beginners go round on the outside in one directio-"

"Maki, there's no one else here except the two of us." The sable haired rolls her eyes, an action in which the scarlet haired chooses to ignore.

"Yeah, but rules are rules."

"No, rules will only be rules."

"No, rules are made for a reason."

"Okay, then in this case for what reason are they made?"

"For the safety of the ice-skaters, of course, to prevent people from colliding into one another."

"Yes correct, which also means now that there is only the both of us, rules are a moot point."


In a beat, Nico grabs the junior by the hips and pulls Maki towards her. Nico's mouth claims Maki's as the first year's hands instinctively move to Nico's head.

"No buts." Nico mutters as they break free. They gaze as each other silently as the third year patiently awaits a response. After a deliberate pause, the crimson haired pulls back and takes both of Nico's hands in hers. Maki starts skating backwards across the rink, bringing them a swift arrival to the exit of the rink.

"There, happy now?" They came to a slow halt right beside the exit as the scarlet haired released Nico.

To be continued

Author's Note:
Hi guys, finally publishing after an eternity haha. What kind of an author am I right? I've recently noticed quite a few responses and votes on my chapters, including an increase in followers. As such, I was really compelled to say a big thank you to everyone who has shown me support thus far. At the same time, I also have to admit that my current college life is busy as heck. As for this book, my audience is pretty much dead and the words don't flow as much as I would like them to anymore. I'm still on a hiatus but I'm considering dropping writing this book entirely too. Let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys next time I guess?
(⌒-⌒; )

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