Chapter 47: Anguish, Devastation, Agony

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Note: I'm sorry this chapter is late. It slipped my mind to upload 😅 Enjoy :)

"Nico-chan!" Came a loud, shrill voice from the entrance of the classroom. The third year's head snapped up as she was jolted out of her own, dazed reverie. Nico's heart sinks immediately. A slight stabbing disappointment keeps her rooted to her seat as she lays her disinterested eyes on the underclassmen.

At the door of the classroom stood an ever familiar first year, Hanayo. The hazel haired was panting. She stood bent over with her hands on her knees at the entrance. Her face was red and dotted with sweat, as if she had just ran a marathon.

"Nico-chan!" Hanayo repeats as she straightens herself and advances towards the twin tailed senior. The raven haired remains immobile, incapable of moving a muscle as she stares blankly at the first year.

"Nico-chan," The junior says again as she reaches Nico's desk, "Maki-chan transferred out. Out of school." The first year says in a rush, still attempting to catch her breath in between her words.

The news Hanayo brought hits Nico like a bullet train, knocking the wind out of her and for the second time in less than 24 hours, Nico felt the world fade away from her feet. As if she has just been thrown off the edge of a cliff, a knot tightens in her gut and her throat constricts. She remains silent, however.

"Did you already know?" Hanayo asks as she tilts her head to one side, her voice laced with concern, seeing that Nico remained mum.

"Yes." Nico lies, the tension in her voice loud and clear as color drains from her face.

"Oh." The hazel haired first year murmurs, sensing the third year's reticence. Deciding not to probe further, Hanayo bows and mutters a few words of apology before wishing the twin tailed senior well. She then left as quickly and abruptly as she had arrived.

Other than the shocking news Hanayo had brought, Nico had not registered a single word of what Hanayo had blabbered. By rote, she began packing her belongings. Stationery goes in the pencil box, the pencil box goes into the bag. Worksheets goes into the bag. Water bottle goes into the bag.

She walks briskly, exiting the classroom, zooming past corridors, out of the school and heading home. The further she was from Otonokizaka, the faster her legs moved. She was almost running by the time she reached her apartment.

Bursting open the door to her room and flinging her school bag to a corner of the room with reckless abandon, she throws herself onto the bed. Grasping onto her pillow, she gasps and the levees burst. With that, she lets the tears flow.

The sable haired sobs, sniffs and reaches for some tissues. Tears course unbidden down her cheeks, flooding her vision, drenching her pillow, flowing relentlessly and copiously.

All that has happened was just too overwhelming. It was nauseating and heartbreaking. Sorrow washes over her in waves as she weeps and weeps. The pain is indescribable. Physical. Mental. Everywhere.

This is anguish. Devastation. Agony.

Nico curls up in her bed, desperately clutching onto her pillow and tissues, and surrenders herself to her grief.


Days after days past and for Nico, time has flown by in a haze. Maki never turned up for school after that day nor did she reply to any of Nico's calls and text messages. Nico turned up at her apartment, only to find that it was sold to a stranger who had no clue as to where Maki or her family could be. It was as if Maki had vanished from the surface of the Earth. Without a trace, without a word.

For Nico, a pattern develops: wake, school, study, cry, sleep. At least, she tries to sleep.

Even in her dreams, Nico was never fully able to escape from it all. She buried herself in her studies and nothing else. She was careful to avoid anything that reminded her of the particular red head, a painful and hollow reminder of her loss, at all costs. She spoke to no one and became her own island state. A ravaged, war-torn land where nothing grows and the horizons are bleak.

Nico couldn't bear to look at the night sky, couldn't bear to listen to any music, couldn't bear to visit the rooftop of the school, couldn't bear to sing or dance, couldn't bear to look at idols anymore. She had nothing. Absolutely nothing left to break.


Author's Note:

And that marks the end of this book, my friends. I know this ending is depressing and probably not what most of you had expected, I apologize for that. BUT good news is, I will be releasing an Epilogue to close this book as well as a second book. A continuation to this.

I will be taking a month break and the date of release of my second book will be on the 10th of May 2019. During this break, I may or may not upload another Love Live one shots book, depending on how many of ya'll would like to see it. Let me know down in the comments section! I sincerely apologize for the long wait but I promise not to disappear on a hiatus again even though I will be busy with school work for the whole of this year. I hope you will look forward to the second book and give it lots of support as well!

I would like to thank each and everyone of you who have been with me on this journey or have been supporting me all this while (Despite my irregular posting and never ending hiatuses). Whether you are a silent reader or an enthusiatic supporter, the love you have showered me with is something that I will always be grateful for. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. ( ◠‿◠ )

Special thanks to some of my avid readers: SPY2810, RoxyRocket666, Turdbergler, misaka5621-, TheSingingMusician, CatArmor, pancakelover45, -SKYPJM, lambaka-san, NicoMakishipper109, makinicofan, innocentpenguincub, Link31, Tanuki-pyon, luke615, GODGOKU131, MorriganH, Moonbyul-Yi_Is_Daddy and Twizims.

Along with many, many more others.

This author's note is getting a bit long so, lastly, can I just all of you only seem hyped for lemons(≧∇≦)All of you little perverts haha ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But, I find it endearing :)

Goodbye for now. Until next time, my fellow friends. (=゚ω゚)ノ

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