Chapter Eighty One

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Kira had still refused to allow visitors and Hatori continued to fabricate saying she was not in a condition to have visitors yet. She told him he did not have to do that and tell them the truth, but Hatori was not going to listen. He wanted her to stop being stubborn and just see the light of things, but nothing was going through her head.

Kira knew how selfish she was being and there was no excuse for it because in truth she was just scared. If she did not like the truth, would she really make it overwrite everything in the present?

She simply did not know and she was too scared to face it.

At one point, she started to hallucinate in seeing her younger self often in her room. She was scared at first, but then realized that her fears had manifested through her eyes. She was scared to accept the past, because if she did-it would change a lot of things.

Hatori was definitely right about how she shouldn't let her past control the present, but somehow, she couldn't put the pieces together.

She was gentle, understanding and loving-but the present she was beyond those gentle features. She's opened herself to being resentful, uncaring and immature.

"You know, all of it is you," Her younger self said from the window she was looking out," I don't know why you think being one version of yourself is important"

"But the better-

The child her laughed and turned to shake her head," What? A better version? I don't think you understand that there is no better version. This is you, whether or not you lost your memories for a while, in the end, that part always remained and you know it yourself. You were gentle to the younger ones; you understood the pains they all been through and you loved them no matter how much you want to deny it"

Her younger self skipped over and sat on the foot of her bed and crossed her legs," Then the person you became, just showed you were truly human. I mean, tell me one person in the entire world that can be all of what we been in the past?" Kira did not respond and it caused the child to giggle," See, you can't. No one is perfect and you know it. You were just so obsessed with keeping yourself in the better light, but that doesn't make you a bad person. You were just insecure like everyone else"

Kira just lowered her head and her younger self continued," Tell me, do you want to dwindle in thoughts as you let the days go by? Are you willing to just let all those people who care and love you slip away?"

"Of course not," Kira's voice cracked

"Then stop being foolish and just accept all of you" She looked up seeing her younger self reach out her hand," The past may have had a few bad memories, but without them, we wouldn't grow. Just rewrite them with better ones, because you can"

Kira slowly lifted her hand but before she reached over, she stopped," Will I be able to tell apart, from my past and present?"

"That depends on you, if you truly want to move forward, you will be able to do it. So, just remember one thing and that it's not so bad to be afraid. There will be obstacles everywhere we go and that is for everyone as well, we are not invincible, but that doesn't mean we will break so easily"

Kira's lip slowly lifted into a smile as she took the hand of her former self. Once she did, she felt all of her memories properly flow into her head. It took her a moment to let it all sink in before her tears fell down her face.

"I am finally home," Kira murmured feeling everything settle in place.

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