Chapter Fifty Nine

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Kira almost dropped her cup of tea after Shigure had broken the news about Yuki deciding on attending this years Banquet.

Somehow, even if it was a good idea for the sake of Akito's unpredictable anger-most of the idea was not at all a great one.

"Is it really surprising that he's decided to come?" Shigure carefully took the hot cup of tea, not wanting to be held responsible for Kira's clumsiness. He really was sure that Kira was trying to make his hair turn grey at the rate she was going.

Kira stood up and started to pace back and forth, which caused Shigure to grab things away from her walkway, "But...I mean, yes, it's most likely for the best, but then again...Yuki...and then..."

"Words, Kira, Words" Shigure lightly chuckled as he waved his hand

"Listen," Kira pointed to him," I just..." She stopped in place and dropped herself to the floor," I've seen how moody and anxious my sister has been, I am not entirely sure if things will go well"

Shigure nodded but then leaned on his palm," But we are not strangers to Akito's violent outburst,"

"I understand that, but that doesn't mean anyone needs to go through it anymore. The more she does it, the harder it'll be for others to ever..." Kira stopped speaking as she bit her lip.

"You need to start finishing your sentences" Shigure pointed out making Kira look at him before bringing her hands to her face.

"I know how merciless Akito has been and heavens forbid I am not proud of all the things she has done, but I am somewhat apart of it for not stopping her. Maybe it's selfish of me for wanting others to believe she can change"

"Do you think she can?"

Kira looked up and dropped her hands," Of course I do, she can change without a doubt she can..." She found her hands fidgeting not speaking for a few seconds," Akito just didn't have the chance as I did, being on the outside-knowing the family without looking down at them"

Shigure jolted seeing Kira suddenly looking down as tears fell down her face.

"Kira...?" He called out to her carefully, not knowing if he should go over and comfort her or if he just let her cry by herself, however, it was easily answered by her going over to him and embracing his torso tightly.

"Oh god..." Kira slurred through her sobs," I I a bad person for not realizing this sooner?"

"About Akito?" She just nodded making him sigh and place his hands on her shoulders and gently pushing her back," Listen Kira" He said but she didn't turn to him, which made him move one of his hands under her chin," Kira, listen to me, it is not your accountability to feel like what she does or doesn't do is your fault. While yes, I agree the times where you could have been there-it can not be changed. However, the part of feeling as if you having the opportunity to experience what she couldn't is not your failure. You did this on your own accord, " Shigure moved the hands under her eyes wiping her tears," You are the one who chose to get involved on the outside"

"Why are there times when you just know what to say?" Kira closed her eyes leaning into his palms," Then there are times when you annoy the hell out of me and times when I can't stand the things you say"

"It's a talent, I suppose" Shigure teased before leaning forward and placing a kiss on her forehead," Now stop overthinking so much and if something does happen-let's pray nothing does-then do what you worked so hard on wanting to do" Kira closed her eyes before slowly opening them to lock eyes with him and nodding.

"Good, now let's finish our lunch before Hatori arrives, we don't need him getting mad at you not touching your food"

Kira chuckled before going back to her spot. A part of her had not wanted to admit that she wanted to stay near him longer, but again, those are one of the things Kira was far from ever admitting.

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