Chapter Fifty Six

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The first day rolling in for preparations for the Banquet was the busiest, as usual. It was the same routine, but something about this New Years just did not sit well with Kira. Mostly because she did know that Akito was definitely moody, however, she just had other feelings that things about it were not going to go smoothly.

While Yuki was absent the year prior, every single member had already met Tohru. All of them with resolutions to being someone better and some of them with stronger wills to keep their heads held high.

Tohru may not see the effect she has on each of them, but to them-she was someone they all needed in their lives. As ambiguous the thought of a complete outsider walking through the untouched traditions, it was only understandable for it to undo the shackles that opened doors to danger.

Kira walked along the corridors, trying her best not to stress over something that had not happened yet," Kira, can you tell me why Gure is sulking at Hatori's?" She looked over her shoulder seeing Ayame walking her way.

"Is he now? Good for him, I don't want to see him right now"

"Oh, what did he do now?"

Kira sighed walking ahead, making Ayame follow her," The question should be, what didn't he do, anyway, have you already fitted Momiji's costume?"

"Yes, that boy is growing so fast, I was worried that fitting him today would be useless" Kira lightly chuckled, also almost believing that to be true. Just within over the year, his growth spurt had started and it was only in time that'd he even be taller than her.

Kira had felt uneasy whenever she thought about Momiji. While he was the same as ever, she could feel the waver within her heart. She was sure Akito could feel it, however, since he was one of the two, she disliked the most in the Zodiacs, Kira was sure that Akito would not be able to feel is as strong as she did with Kureno.

Momiji was fleeting with the wind and slowly unravelling the pain he's endured for so long.

"Ki-...Kira" Kira jolted from her spot, making her turn to Ayame

Kira let out a breath before placing a hand on her forehead that was drenched with sweat," I...I'm sorry, Ayame did you say something?"

"Just about how I need to take your measurements, for your outfit"

"Oh, right, yeah we can do that tomorrow "Kira mumbled feeling a headache forming," I think I need to take a break; can you hand these to the staff in charge of catering?" She turned to hand Ayame the clipboard in her hand. He didn't get another word because she had scurried off, making him sigh.

Ayame had done as she asked, but then decided it was only reasonable if he told Hatori about what happened.

"Aya, I was wondering where you have gone off to" Shigure called out to him

"I had just gone to search for the reason of unease in your heart, Shigure" Ayame quickly went to his antics with Shigure. However, Hatori had already known from the look in his eyes that something was not right.

"Ayame, what happened?"

"Oh," Ayame let go of Shigure's hand," Right, that was the reason I came here in a rush. I ran into Kira; it would seem she was feeling a little under the weather"

"You should have said that first," Hatori shook his head getting up and walking into his office

Ayame smiled suggestively, "Are you worried, Gure? You can just follow, Hatori"

"I'll check on her later tonight, for now, I'll just allow Hatori to do his job" Shigure shook his head, knowing that there were times he had to just sit back and let things be done professionally. He did not want to take this situation lightly, knowing how fragile the circumstances truly were.

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