Chapter Four

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Kira held a hand to her chin as Yuki and Shigure both walked behind her. She had kept the posture for a while since walking through the path back home. Her lack of response to anything they said had brought them out from their small talk. The three has all met up to eat dinner out, not wanting to eat take-out that night.

"What's wrong, Kira?" Yuki asked politely and carefully as he picked up his pace to walk beside her.

The older female took a moment before letting out a sigh," You know, that girl, from this morning?"

Yuki couldn't help but recoil slightly at the sudden interest that she had. The nerve-wracking insecurity of being afraid that she'd tell him to not grow any closer to her filled his thoughts. However, another voice inside his head had practically scolded him for considering that Kira would even suggest such a thing.

He knew they were different, he trusted they were different.

"What are you curious about?" Shigure had this time took the chance to speak, making Yuki let out a discreet breath not wanting to even show a single ounce of doubt and mistrust towards Kira.

"Well, for one" Kira turned suddenly making the pair almost collided into her. She waved her hand behind her head and then used a thumb to point.

"Oh, isn't that Tohru, walking over there?" Shigure walked forward-leaning onto Kira, practically suffocating her in his chest as he looked over her head. It did not take a second for her to push him off and primp her hair after it was smothered by his upper arms.

"Scary...that you remembered her name"

"That's nothing special!" Shigure said proudly to Yuki who rolled his eyes

Kira had now turned, still being able to see the young female walking through the path, "Right, yes disregarding Shigure's unhealthy talent of remembering female names so well, it's late what exactly is she doing out here?"

"Uhm, She really lives close by?" Shigure shrugged, "I heard her mother just passed away...maybe she moved here!"

"But impossible, I am aware that the lands around here have not been rented, after all, it belongs to the family and I handle all of the financial transactions"

Yuki nodded saying, "Right, yes that is true, but what does-" They all fell silent and shared worried looks. It did not take a moment after for them to follow after Tohru.

As the three walked down the path, Kira let out a low whistle seeing a little tent up ahead. Yuki picked up his pace and went forward the two adults in a boosted speed.

"I'll wash my face to wake myself up...ah I feel light-headed" A meek voice filled their ears as the tent opened slowly to Tohru holding a small wash pan. She froze seeing them stand before her and the sound of Shigure suddenly laughing wildly made Yuki and Kira close their eyes in shame.

"Shigure, that's enough," Yuki said with irritation lacing his tone. The older male had not listened making Kira tighten her fist and whack his head.

"I think, we should all have a talk at the house, don't you agree?" Kira said softly lowering herself to near Tohru's height and smiled gently. On one of her hands, it had a tight hold onto Shigure's ear, who only winced and cried.

She used her free hand and placed it before Tohru who was still on the ground. The younger female nodded copiously and took the elder female's hand.

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