Chapter Ninety Eight

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During that faithful night that Kira and Shigure had gotten engaged, it did not take long for word to get out.

A day that had transformed into months of preparations, had only began. Since Akito's and Kureno's wedding was kept under wrap until a week of their actual marriage-no one wanted to let this chance slip.

Also, since Shigure and Kira was practically socialized around the family, it was not as if their wedding day would be slipped past anyone.

However, it was fully uncontested by them to allow others to be part of their special day, because it was what they wanted anyways.

Since the news had reached his parents, Kira had been practically kidnapped by his mother and he knew it was futile to save her from his mother's clutches.

Though, what got back to him was that while his father was not doing the part of spending days on end about the wedding, there was Ayame-who was dead set on making their outfits. None of them argued knowing there was no stopping him regardless of what anyone said.

But it was not as if Kira and Shigure wanted to argue, because for them it was even more of a reason for them to look forward to the day. There was a lot of thought going into their day and wearing something from someone they cared for only gave it more anticipation and symbolism of their relationship.

During one of the busy days where the bride and groom had been often taken for preparations, they were for once left uninterrupted. Making it when they bumped into each other only a couple hours since waking up confused.

"Shigure, you aren't with anyone today?" Kira asked looking around

He chuckled shaking his head," Not today, but I guess I can ask the same with you, or did you manage to escape?"

She looked at him puffing her cheeks," Hey, I wouldn't do...." She glanced behind her and even tiptoeing to see over him," Okay, I would, but I'll have you know, it's only if it's something we've been over. If it's something new, then I'll tolerate and not run"

"If I was nimble enough, I would sneak away any chance, but Ayame has always been agile, so if I tried-it would only deem useless"

"Hmm, the traits of being a former host for a snake" Kira nodded placing a hand under chin," It seems reasonable that he'd outwit you" She concluded with a playful smirk," You have the stamina, but not the ability to sneak away"

"Hey" Shigure tilted his head letting out a breath," You don't make it sound as good"

"What? I can't do that~ Mr. High school girls~ Really such a dog thing to do"

"It was only an act, you know that" Shigure pouted but Kira waved her finger and shaking her head.

"Mhmm, that is your excuse," Kira closed one eye grinning," You know, Mayuko told me a lot about your days in senior high-My future husband was a lady's man, oh how scandalous!" Kira acted dramatically," He must have gone for me, my pure and innocent body!"

Shigure snickered just watching her," Just to let you know, my future wife, but you are the one who taken my innocence,"

"No way~" Kira waved him off," I don't believe it"

"Really?" Shigure hugged himself," But I remember the night when my-

"Oh my god, you two stop, before I literally throw up!" The pair both jumped at the door next to them opening to reveal Kyo and a flustered Tohru next to him.

The adults just snickered looking at Kyo who was trying his best to hide his own red face with a frown and disgust.

"Oh, Kyo kyo, don't be such a party pooper, it's just a little roleplaying, you should try it" Kira winked making him turn and gag.

"Oh, the innocence" Shigure tilted his head placing a palm on his cheek," How rare these days"

"Shut it! Not everyone is like you, dirty old man!"

"What? Oh Kyo, I am only a few years older than you," Shigure placed a hand to his chest and letting out a dramatic sigh

Kira giggled and greeted Tohru as the males went off bantering," Did you guys come here for something?"

"Oh, we were actually hoping to run into you two. We both figured with how busy your days had been that you both would like to join us for lunch"

Kira's eyes lit up and held Tohru's hands," Oh, that would be absolutely lovely! Please tell me you are cooking"

"Oi! Stop going for her just for her cooking!" Kyo turned hearing the females as he had one of his hands on Shigure's face trying to push him away.

"Don't be stingy Kyo kyo! You'll have her for a long time! Share sometimes" Kira huffed wrapping her arms around Tohru's arm," You can borrow Shigure sometimes"

"As if I want to borrow him!!"

Kira snickered and walked ahead with Tohru," Make sure to keep him in check!"

"Hey! Don't you dare" Kyo trailed behind them and Shigure laughed following along.

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