Chapter Ninety Six

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"I mean it, if you two even think about returning anytime before what I scheduled, I will make sure to forcibly send you both back and extend the time even longer," Kira said calmly but dangerously and Shigure so happened to have come across her in the hallway she was walking down.

"I love you, but if you don't-" Kira chuckled," Thank you, Kureno, make sure she doesn't get hold of the phone for the remainder of your stay. You two need this more than anything, so take care of each other you sickly sweet newlyweds"

Shigure laughed now grasping the situation and he walked over wrapping his arm over her shoulder and taking the phone from her hand," And that goes for you as well, Kureno, just enjoy your couple of months off, we have everything handled"

He did not let the male retort and hung up putting the phone back into Kira's hand. They both shared a small laugh before giving each other a quick kiss before going back to their duties.

Akito and Kureno's wedding was a very small and private wedding that was only between them, Kira, Shigure and Tohru. The pair did not want anything grand, explaining that it was not their own thing.

Once they married, however, Kira was sure she'd lose her mind because they had not planned to have a vacation, so she had taken things into her own hands to make it happen. Shigure had also joined in aiding the newlyweds retreat knowing just how stubborn they would have been.

The same arguments of 'But we need to work' or 'We don't have the time' it was along with the similarities that only made Shigure and Kira rush their plans because they knew the more that they said it-the harder it was going to be to even let them leave the Estate.

The first few days had been stressful for Kira and Shigure, but somehow, they were able to manage everything. Thankfully, they had pulled through and were able to accomplish everything they needed.

There were a few times that they failed in time management that led to their odd sleeping schedules, but once a couple of weeks had gone by, they were able to go back to their normal routine.

Among them, they were even able to attend some gatherings at their former home and enjoy their time just slacking off and spending time with the family.

Due to the extra workload on Shigure's end that was usually managed with Kureno, he had been unable to attend the recent gathering and he insisted that Kira still went over staying home alone that night.

It was oddly something that she had not experienced in a long time. She's only realized it, that every single day since the start of restoring, she and Shigure always had the same time off and they always spent it with each other.

So, while it was only temporary, it was a strange occurrence that she knew would eventually happen in the future, however, that was nothing for her to overthink about.

"Oh, Kira" Tohru had seen Kira arriving while she was also just returning home with bags of groceries," I see that it's just you today"

"Yeah, Shigure works late today, so he told me to go ahead and go by myself," Kira said as she slyly took a few bags from Tohru, who did not bother to argue knowing how futile it was. The teen was already beginning to rely on others, despite being later than one would hope.

Kira and Tohru were greeted by Kyo and Momiji, both not even giving the females a chance to walk in before all the bags they were carrying was snatched away from them.

A few hours later, Shigure had ended up arriving since he ended up finishing things earlier. Although, when he arrived, he had not expected to arrive with Kira drunk out of her mind with Ayame as they both were dancing to an old dance that he remembered he did with Ayame back in one of the earliest Banquet's.

"Oh, Shigure," Hatori was the first to notice and welcome him," I see you ended up arriving,"

"What are they...doing?" Shigure sat next to Hatori

"The two had a drinking competition and then Momiji had suddenly suggested they do something else since it was getting boring watching them drink-and I have no idea how it ended up turning into this"

"Hmm" Shigure looked around to the other family members just cheering and laughing," Well, it looks like they are enjoying the entertainment"

Hatori lit a cigarette," While the Banquets was often nerve-wracking, it would seem that everyone misses it in their own way," He took a puff before glancing at Shigure," Have you ever considered having a yearly family gathering?"

Shigure looked at him shocked at the suggestion," I don't know if...that is what anyone wants,"

"Well," A voice appeared behind them, making the older males turn to Kagura and Momiji," Instead of just being the members, why not make it where everyone in the family or friends of the family can come?" Kagura explained

"It'll be a renewed one that no one dreads going to. Of course, when we say everyone, we, of course, mean Kureno and Akito. Since they never do come to these gatherings,"

"It's kind of hard for them," Shigure looked forward," But, I think that the idea is a great one. I'll make sure to bring it up to the others,"

"Great! You know, it was Rin who actually first mentioned it" Kagura whispered to Shigure," She still can't forget everything, but she said that there is no use to continue the cycle of unforgiving someone, who clearly is showing that they are changing"

"They are growing, more than you can imagine" Hatori commented having heard what Kagura said after she skipped away to enjoy the rest of her time.

"Yeah, they all are,"

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