Chapter Sixty Six

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"Why did you decide to tell Tohru?" Kureno asked as he stood next to Kira just before they opened the door to enter the Main Estate.

"Do you mean to ask, why did I tell her and not the others?" Kira asked carefully as she glimpsed at him.

"I think earlier...with the way you reacted towards me confirming Shigure's suspicion, was enough to answer that curiosity. You don't want to give them high hope"

"It's useless to feed into their anticipation for the chance to break it. Imagine if they did, how would they react? If Hatsuharu or even Isuzu-if they found out, who knows what they'd do. I am not scared if they approach me, but Akito-it's a different story"

Kira brought her hand to her head as she felt the anxiety form, "My sister will only be consumed into a void that scares her into a corner. She'll then react by going through lengths of making sure they don't escape or even hurt them more than she already has done"

She felt her eyes sting as tears formed," It's so close, yet so far, Kureno. I can feel it and if things are led to the wrong expectations, the more pain all of you have to endure. I can't..." She raised her hand to her chest, "All because of my memories that I've lost, I can't do anything, I don't-" Kira had soon had a tight grip on Kureno's shirt," I don't want...Shigure to have to continue to be the bad guy for my own sake anymore, Kureno...I don't want-

"Okay" Kira's head was suddenly pulled pack as a hand covered her eyes," Okay, you don't have to say anymore, Kira" Her throat hitched easily recognizing Shigure's voice and warmth.

"Shigure..." Kira mumbled as he back was rested into his broad chest," Shigure" The tears kept falling as his other arm made it around her waist to turn her his way.

"Somehow, I came here being angry-with what I finally have gotten the answer to, but now it seems to have vanished" Shigure mumbled tightening his hold around her," You are such a cry baby, Kira"

Kira sniffled pushing her face into his chest," Shut up, you idiot..." Kureno had taken the chance to slip away, knowing that he's been gone long enough.

"I don't mind them hating me, by the way...because in the end, what they think about me doesn't matter" Kira didn't reply to those words, not knowing how to even respond to it. Shigure had shown countless times that he's never cared who hated him-all except...

"Shigure...I want to go home" Kira finally said

"Do you want me to carry you in? I am not sure if that's-

"No" Kira stopped him and drew herself back," I want to go back to our home,"

Shigure blinked at her before shaking his head and chuckling," I never thought I'd hear you say those words" He removed one of his arms around her back and placed a hand under his chin," 'Our' huh? Wait until Aya gets a load of this"

Kira narrowed her gaze before letting out a huff," On second thought, I think I'll just stay here"

Shigure laughed and pulled her back into his arms," Your sister is not going to like this, you do realize, that right?"

"I don't know if you realized that we haven't been on the best of terms, since New Year's, she has refused to see me once. It might be a bad idea, but I don't care right now, I just want to really eat Tohru's cooking again"

Shigure sighed tilting his head," So, in the end, it was truly for the food. My poor innocent heart"

"What? You have one?!" Kira got out of his embrace saying with a look of horror," I almost believed you for a second"

"You always know how to fire back huh?"

"Really? Do I? I wonder" Kira lifted her hand poking his chest," Who-was-it-that-taught-me-that?" Shigure laughed playfully whacking her hand.

"Must have been some random stranger"

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