Chapter Thirty

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Kira drank her warm tea just outside of Hatori's clinic in the Main Estate, as she welcomed Hatori and Shigure who had just come back from the entrance ceremony. The pair had both sat on each side of her both sighing.

"What did my sister do?" Kira said through the obvious tension and the two older males both let out another set of sighs.

"Why didn't you come with us? It would have made it easier" Hatori confessed without restraint as he took out a cigarette from the pack

"I am curious as well, normally when Akito leaves you always tend to go where she does"

Kira looked at Shigure offended at his words but didn't bother to entertain it with a snarky comment that only end up backfiring," Well, in case you have forgotten, Tohru still doesn't know my relation to Akito and my position in the family. I want to keep it hidden until the time calls for it, imagine if she figured out by now, she wouldn't be doing what you desperately need, Shigure"

Shigure raised his hands and shrugged," I have no idea what you mean"

"Don't take me for a fool" Kira mumbled taking a sip of her hot beverage. While she did say that, Kira was not fully aware of Shigure's true intentions on wanting to break the curse. She knew of him wanting to use Tohru, but not in any way that she can fully comprehend.

She and Akito were using her as well, but it was purely out of seeing what the teen could do. It wasn't with a goal in mind, it was just a trial to see what can unfold. However, the twins had not thought much of it, since they didn't think Tohru had the power to waver their bond with the Zodiacs.

Tohru did cause a stimulation, but nothing that forced them to fear anything strongly.

Hatori lit his cigarette and tilted his head," Akito said Tohru is ugly or rather, absolutely horrid" He voiced nerved with the words," She said she isn't worried because Tohru's brain doesn't seem any good"

Kira winced and shook her head," Akito can be vulgar sometimes, but that's not what she truly thinks"

Shigure lifted a brow and leaned on his palm," How confident are you about that? You know as much as the next person that she can say rather unpleasant things"

"I am confident enough to know my own twin. Anyways, she said something else, didn't she, Hatori" Kira kept her head forward as her eyes turned to him

He nodded and removed the cigarette from his lips," She mentioned Yuki and how he'd return, simply because his eyes were scared and that it was evidence that he cannot forget her" Shigure let out a breath and tapped his fingers on his cheek.

"For such a long time, locked in a dark room, suffering such severe psychological torture. It truly isn't very easy to forget, especially with such a deep scar on his heart. When Hatsuharu approached me to save Yuki, the desperation in his eyes was something that made me realize I had to do something"

Kira lowered the cup in her hand and closed her eyes. She remembered seeing Yuki reach out to Ayame and when he did not help him, Yuki felt hopeless. Some part of Kira had awfully coveted she done something, but she felt as if it was not her duty.

Yuki needed saving from someone that did not strike fear in him and Kira was most definitely the one that'd do that, even if she was not violent as Akito. She did not care about him, because he did not interest her, so saving him was not a thought that ever crossed her mind.

"Akito will never understand those who hurt others will also hurt themselves...the pain between them will exist...forever"

"Forever, huh?" Kira voiced running her hand on the rim of her empty cup," I've learned one thing, about the scars one can place on you, it will never disappear, but it can be forgotten"

"Well" Shigure smirked leaning forward," A lot of courage is needed to forget the pain"

"I don't think I will ever understand it," Kira leaned back on her palms," I am naïve when it comes to understanding people. I can observe them and speculate around it, but sympathy is something I am afraid doesn't run within me. It feels as if that emotion alone has been lost, but I don't know when or how. It just feels as if it disappeared"

Hatori paused and Shigure tightened his fist that was hidden on his side. The males fought back the nightmare that flashed before their eyes.

"But I might just be imagining it and I just genuinely don't have that emotion" Kira laughed it off, not even being able to feel the unease that was present within Hatori and Shigure.

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