1. Hiba

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💙18th January 2021💙

"And do not follow the footsteps of satan. indeed, he is to you a clear enemy"

Sural Al-Baqarah -208


"A brand new day in a new college in a new city.. you're gonna shine Hiba" I encouraged myself on entering the college compound while in reality my legs were on the verge of giving up by dragging myself and 2 duffel bags of my belongings straight from the bus stand.

"right now all I got to do is dump my bags in the dormitory and return back to class.. okay where are the girls dormitories" I was scanning the large map beside the college gates when two other girls apparently thought it was okay to crash on me and not look back.. its completely fine right, its no big deal right?

no big deal my foot, I staggered forward crash hugging the map board and hit the floor pretty hard on my butt while my bags went flying in their respective directions..

"ouch my nose.. my bags and my stupid first day too" I cried out in frustration, a bit too louder than I intended too..

I was about to go searching for my bags when a pair of hands helped me to get back on my feet..

"Thanks.." I Murmured dusting my jeans and readjusting my hijab..

she walked to my bags lying a couple of feet away haphazardly and picked them for me..

"It is not a stupid day you know.. just some stupid minutes.." she smiled..

she was literally of the same height as I was, with a petite frame clad in a Shalwar kameez and matching hijab..

I smiled awkwardly.. " I know.. sorry I was a bit loud in my cussing"

"haha that's no big deal, a fall like that and you sure are allowed to cuss" She chuckled again " so where are you headed?

"I was trying to find my way to the girls dormitories before umm- this "accident" happened" I air quoted rolling my eyes..

"then you just got lucky.. come on I'm headed to right there to wake up a friend.. " she smiled walking through the crowd of people towards a basketball court ringed with  bushes towering high above.. she walked with her eyes glued to the phone texting furiously.. she crossed the ground and headed towards a hardly visible path cutting through the bushes and emerged at the entrance of a 4 storied  building hidden behind the tall bushes..

"welcome to the girls dormitories.." she announced..

"wow.. this is what you call strategically placed.." I marveled..

"what do you mean?"

"you see the girls dormitories cleverly hidden behind the wild bushes? Im pretty sure the engineer should have been a woman with a very good taste in basket ball players.." I confirmed..

"what? taste in basket ball players? she bursted into giggles..

"yup.. now look all thanks to the engineer that all the girls will have a proper view of all handsome guys sweating their way out in the grounds.. the best part is they wont even know they are being watched.." I smiled cheekily.. "it's like getting a constant fresh supplies of crushes..

"that's some view you have in there.. You know youre hilarious.." she laughed.. for which I gave her a bowing gesture..

"so? 1st year?" she asked..

"nope 3rd year business management.. you?"

"hey what a pleasant surprise, we are gonna be classmates.." she said happily

"Im kadeeja Hiba.."

"nice name.. I am..-"

I never got to know what her name was because a shrill scream from the ground floor interrupted our conversation.

" you idiot.. while I was waiting for you to come join me, you thought a chit chat would be a better option?" the owner of the scream walked towards us..

"hey hiba meet my best friend Eshaal.." the girl introduced the new comer..

"sunny it wasn't nice.. " Eshaal snapped..oblivious to my presense..wait? sunny was her name?

if the other girl was petite.. it wasn't anything when compared to Eshaal she was tiny and so petite that she resembled a middle schooler than a under graduate yet her scream had a kind of energy which made the other girl cower..

" Eshaal.. I was helping this new girl to the dormitories.. I was gonna come to your room in a few seconds.." sunny or whatever her name is reasoned..

"whatever now that you're done.. come I've gotta show you something.." she walked away pulling Sunny who was shouting directions to the classroom at me over her shoulders..

"not a very bad beginning Kadeeja Hiba.. few hours in the college and you've already met two interesting characters.."

Following my saviour aka Sunny's instructions I found my way to class only to be greeted back with a constant chatter with backpacks dumped on benches and students on the tables..

"ironical class just like you hibs" my conscience remarked..

I scanned through the class for a empty place only to find none..

Finally I settled at the third row to the left which just had 2 bags on it..

I made my self home on the left corner of the row not moving the bags even an inch from their original places and started scrolling through the feed when a tap on my shoulder brought me back..

It was Eshaal with a furious expression on her face and hands on her hips.. I was about to greet her when the death glares she was shooting at me made me think otherwise..

"Excuse me.. I believe that as I already  left our bags here, this seat belongs to us.."  she fumed.. Sunny had an unnamed expression on her face and stared down at the ground biting her lips

"Well yeah sure.." I agreed..

"So move away.." she growled..

This was point blank rude..
" well I assume this entire bench seats 4 students and what's your problem.. it's not like you need such a big place.. this bench would probably seat around 6 girls like you so shut it.." I retorted back at her making her go beetroot red in the face.. well she deserved it okay..

"Hibaaa..." Sunny chided while Eshaal was shooting ugly looks at me..

"How dare you.." she whispered and was about to pounce on me when Sunny held tight to her..

"Eshaal stop, everyone is looking.."

"Hiba or whoever  you are why dont you find another seat.. you see this is our usual place and I dont like sharing.." Eshaal spoke through gritted teeth..

"Eshaal please she is new.. we can share for the day.. Sir will be here any moment" Sunny pleaded..

"I am not sharing with her Hira.." Eshaal snapped..

"Not that you are my first choice either.. just sit if you want.. I dont mind having your unusual big head beside me for a day" I rolled my eyes..

"You...-" she was stuck in mid air when the professor walked into the room greeting and it was chaos while the kids returned to there respective places..

Having no other choices Eshaal plopped next to me while Sunny occupied the corner..

"First you keep sunny with you while I wait for her and now you barge into our seats too.. I wish I never walk in to ever again stranger.." Eshaal fumed staring at the bench..

I grinned..she was too much for words..

"Naay you're  an okay kid.. I'm not moving away.. not even in your dreams.." I winked..

Authors note..

Hello hello helloo hiiii..

Here comes the first chapter...

So team Hiba or team Eshaal??

I  sure enjoyed writing their bickering.. wbu guys did you like reading them??

If you did .. lemme know by tapping on that lil star and telling me how you felt..

Soo until next time allah hafiz lovelies..

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