IX) "Don't leave me!"

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Hirotaka was extremely frustrated after the confrontation with Ayame! Besides, it was already the school - leaving ceremony of Yurika.

"I don't care anymore if she breaks the engagement or not! But I am not going to marry her!", he was thinking in the staff room of the school.

"Mr. Hirotaka!", Miss Nami called him.


"Our school director wants to see you privately!! Please meet him! He said it's urgent so it will take time!" He nodded and started walking towards the director's office.

While going he saw Yurika outside the staff room. She looked very disturbed.
"Hiro-san! I want to talk to you-", she politely asked.

"Sorry, Yurika! I am going to the director's office. It will take time!"

"Okay! I will wait for you at the schoolyard then!"

"But it's cloudy today! I think it will rain! And the meeting will take time too. You should go home today Yurika!"

"No matter how long it takes I will wait for you Hiro-san!" she replied boldly.
Hirotaka smiled at her & left.
"Um Sir did you summon me?", Hirotaka asked while knocking the door.

"Ahh yes Mr.Hirotaka, come in & close the door." He replied in a deep voice.
"Sit down!"

Hirotaka obeyed and sat on the chair.

"I don't know how to ask all this but I got this information from some of your colleagues! Even a school student confirmed that!" He looked very serious.

"What's the matter sir!", Hirotaka was worried.

"Is something going on between you and a school student Mr. Hirotaka?", he asked directly.

Hirotaka was surprised by this sudden question. After being quiet for some time he replied- "Yes".

"I can't believe something like this would happen in our school!! You know Hirotaka our school is a respectable organization, how can you do something so pathetic?", he asked in anger.

"Pathetic? What's wrong in liking someone Sir?"

"Look Mr. Hirotaka! You are quite a reputed teacher of our school. But what you are doing will put the reputation of our school at stake! And if I am not wrong you have a fiancée too! This is treachery!"

"I have already talked with my fiancée to end our marriage, Sir! I don't think I have done anything disgusting!" He replied boldly.

"Mr. Hirotaka I don't care about your opinion! I am the director of this school & what you did here is against the rules! A student and a teacher's relationship can't cross boundaries! So I called you here so that whatever relation you are having with that girl, just end it! It's not good for the girl too! She has her whole life remaining!! How can you do such a silly mistake?"

"Mistake!! Are you calling my love as a mistake? What's wrong with everyone? Someone is saying I am a pervert!! You are saying I made mistake! Why can't anyone accept my love for her?? Don't I have the right to be happy!"He replied desperately.

The director was quiet for some time. "Look, Mr. Hirotaka, it's human nature! We can't control our emotions! But we always can't do whatever we want! There are some taboos! Some of the colleagues reported me that they saw you two holding hands on the terrace! But I didn't believe it unless a student confirmed it!"

"Who confirmed it?", Hirotaka asked in a curious voice.

"Yes, I have called the student here. She must be coming here soon!"
"Sir!! May I come in?", A voice came from behind. Hirotaka looked back and he was extremely shocked!! It was -- Taki! The only person Yurika considered as her friend!!

"Mr. Hirotaka, she confirmed that you two are together! She is the friend of that girl you are hanging out! What's her name-- ahh Yurika Nanami."

"Friend?? Do friends betray each other like this?" Hirotaka looked at Taki with a disgusted face & she was silent.

"Mr. Hirotaka! So whatever relation you are having with that girl end it today! Let the girl free-"

"Sir why are you blaming me? I didn't do anything wrong!! Is loving someone a crime??", he protested violently.

"If you don't listen to me Mr. Hirotaka then I will suspend that girl from the school & she won't receive any degree from here!"
Hirotaka was glaring at him with wrath.

"Mr. Hirotaka you can imagine if she doesn't get the degree all the years of her hard work will be wasted! She won't get a job anywhere! Her life will be ruined! Do you want that?" He asked him.

"Sir? Are you threatening me?"

"I don't know what to say Mr. Hirotaka, but if you want to consider it as a threat do so. You can't continue your relationship with that girl! If you want to continue, that will cost her to get suspended from school now. Today is the school closing ceremony! End everything today & start a new life with your fiancée Mr. Hirotaka!
If you really care about that girl, let her go!"

Hirotaka's heart was aching. In a moment of time, all his newly built world was falling apart! He stood there for some time.

"You can leave now Mr. Hirotaka!", the director said.

While walking away Hirotaka looked at Taki with resentful eyes, "don't- don't ever consider yourself as her friend!", he said. "I am sorry sir!" Taki quivered in tears.

Hirotaka was extremely frustrated & fuming with rage after hearing all these. "How- how can I tell her all this! How can I let her go when I love her so much! Why! Why is everything happening to me?? What for I am getting punished? How can I say to her to leave me! How?"

In a moment his world fell apart!

Hirotaka spent 4 hours on the terrace with this disturbed mind. When he got down, it was already raining.

"Hiro-san!", Yurika came & greeted him. She was still waiting for him after 4 hours. He felt that his heart was tearing apart! He couldn't look at her eyes! With a cold expression, he said, "Yurika it won't stop raining. Let's go home!"

"Wait Hiro-san! I need to tell something!", she said.

' Should tell her now! I should let her go now!'- He thought.

"Yurika let's stop meeting each other! You have a whole life, to begin with! Let's stop this", He told her with an unbearable pain stabbed his heart. She was quite shocked. She didn't expect such a confrontation.

"Let's go Yurika!" He didn't turn back towards her & started walking away to avoid eye contact.
"No, I can't look at her now! I can't hold my tears if I look back!", He thought.

"Please wait Hiro-san!", she yelled. He stopped.

"Hiro-san! I- I really love you!! I know it's an impossible wish! I know I was living in a dream! I knew someday my world would fall apart! But still, I love you! I mistook your kindness as love and fell for it! I knew my love was pointless! But why did I fell for you!", she started weeping bitterly.

Hirotaka couldn't hold back himself. The unbearable pain to let her go, the painful confrontation was too much for him. He went straight towards her & hugged her in the rain.

Both of them were weeping bitterly until their tears were washed away with the rain! Although they couldn't cry their hearts out but held each other tightly for the last time!
Hirotaka walked home with staggering steps. He couldn't believe his dream would end this pathetically! He lost his balance & fell down on the ground & started crying loudly- "I am sorry! I am so sorry! I don't deserve your love! I don't deserve you! I am so sorry!

Please forgive me if you can! Please! I want to die! I really want to die! Please let me free from this life! Please!", He yelled while crying.

Time flew away. It was already the graduation ceremony of Yurika! As he did what the director asked to so that Yurika can get her degree & live a good life. Hirotaka was waiting for her at the school gate on her graduation day. He waited patiently for this day so that she can be free from school. He also thought of quitting the school & applying for somewhere else. He was terribly disturbed with all these conflicting decisions.

"Hiro-san!" Yurika called him with a smile. Hirotaka felt alive again after seeing her smile! It seemed like a pain reliever for him. He congratulated her for graduation & held her a piece of paper with his phone number written on it.

"Hi-Hiro San! When you are getting married?", She asked in a painful voice.
Hirotaka thought of telling her all the truth about his confrontation with Ayame, Director- but he didn't want to make her worried on this day. "Maybe this year or next year!", he lied to her.

"It won't matter if I lie today! After resolving everything I can tell her the truth!", He thought.

Yurika bid him goodbye and slowly left. He stood there watching her leaving behind. It was too painful to hide everything from her but he did it for the sake of dreaming a future with her.

"Yurika! Just get a job and call me! I will sort out everything here within that time!", he thought.
It was already 3 months after her graduation. Hirotaka had already moved out of his house to a small rent apartment near the school with Na-ri. He already gave interviews to other schools and was waiting for the result.

"It's been 3 months Na-ri! Why didn't she call me? I am sorting out everything here! I even moved out of my house! I am applying to other schools too. I thought I would tell her everything after meeting her but why isn't she calling me?" He was puzzled & talking to Na-ri. 

Na-ri was unbothered & playing on her own.

"I should go to check her house! Maybe she is angry with me!"He thought.
That evening he slowly walked towards her home. He had already collected her address from the school's student application form. It was a small rental house. He walked slowly hoping for a sudden hug from her when they will meet.

"Um, Mister? Are you interested in this house?", an old lady came to him "Huh? Interest?" He was very confused with the question.

"Yes, the apartment is vacant! Do you want to take a look?"
Hirotaka received a huge blow on his heart. His legs were trembling.

"Vacant! Wh-where is the tenant? A girl with her grandma used to live here right?" He asked in shock.

"Ah yes! But last month her grandmother passed away suddenly. Poor girl! She didn't have anyone except her grandma. So she moved out from here", the lady replied.

"Moved out? Where did she go??", he was devastated. "I don't know young man! She didn't tell me anything! She just gave me the remaining rent and left."

"Why didn't you ask her where is she going? She doesn't have anyone! How can she leave like this!"

"Young man before leaving she said to me that she will live her life on her own in a new town! I am happy she will start a new life now!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Why didn't I come here before! How could I let her go! How can she disappear like this! Why didn't I come here earlier? Fuck!" He was completely frustrated.

The lady was surprised by his reaction. She didn't say anything and left.
Hirotaka was feeling dizzy. His whole world fell apart completely. Yurika left him too like his father. Again he was left alone!  Again!

Devastated and heartbroken he started walking back home. All his efforts, all the things he did to protect Yurika went in vain! All the hardships went in vain!

"I was so happy because I met you Yurika! But you didn't keep your promise! You left me too! What I am going to do now? How I am going to live now!" He was mumbling like crazy.

He reached home with disbalance steps. Na-ri was playing with a ball. She came happily to him- "Meow!"

"Na-ri! Yurika left me too! She left me too like my dad! She told me that she would never turn her back towards me!! But she left me too! I am alone again! I am alone again Na-ri! Why do I end up always being alone! What was my fault! I didn't even get a chance to tell her that I love her! I couldn't get to tell her!!"-- He broke down in tears.

"I couldn't even get to tell you that I love you so much! I love you so much Yurika!"


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- to be continued...

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