XV) Broken heartstrings!

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Yurika was in shock after seeing the cheque of 2 Million Yen! She couldn't believe her eyes!
"Yes! I hope this money is enough to pay off your debts and also to save enough for Irie!" He replied casually.

Yurika almost choked her voice!

"Wh-What are you telling? Ho-How can I take this money? It's huge! It's too big amount! Almost similar to a life insurance benefactor amount! " She uttered with difficulty.

"It's fine! You said you want to return the favor to me! So if you take this money & live a life with less stress I will be happier for you! Trust me! I don't want anything more!" Hirotaka gently held Yurika's hand to console her.

"Do you want to buy us with your money?"

Hirotaka turned his head around and saw Irie was glaring at him with a disgusted expression.
"Kid! Why do I want that?"- he replied gently.

Irie slowly came walking towards them. Yurika was still in shock.
"I don't know what are you up to, but do you think you can buy the miseries of our life with your money?"

"Irie, just stop it now!" Yurika stood up from the chair and scolded him.

"Why? Are you insecure about me? Do you think I will take your mom away from you?" Hirotaka asked him in a deep voice.

"Hiro-san please stop blabbering nonsense!" Yurika was panicked.

Irie was fuming in rage, "you can never do that! My mom loves me the most in this world! She will never choose anyone before me!"
"And I am someone who has been close to your mom's heart for a very long time kid! You didn't even born at that time!" Hirotaka continued the bickering with a dark expression in his eyes.

"Irie go to your room now! I don't want to listen to anything!", Yurika tried to shove off Irie to end the heated argument.

"Why should I? Why did you even invite this weird man to our house? Why are you taking his side mom?" Irie sounded very disturbed.

"I am not taking anyone's side! Hiro-san, let's go outside we need to talk!", Yurika replied in a bold voice.

Hirotaka looked at Irie with enraged eyes, Irie didn't seem to back off though!

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you want to kill me? So that you can take my dad's place in our family?", Irie almost shouted at him.

"And what if I take your dad's place?" Hirotaka angrily replied.

"Enough both of you! Hiro-san I told you to let's go outside! Irie! Just go back to your room!", Yurika yelled at them.

Irie violently walked to his room and Yurika walked out of the house. Hirotaka slowly followed her outside. Before going, he looked at Irie's room with an intense gaze.

"Hiro-san, I told you that day! Don't blabber nonsense in front of Irie! Why did you do that?" Yurika asked him sharply while standing outside.

He looked very serious, "I didn't start anything! It's your son who can't stand me Yurika!", He replied in a low voice.

Yurika looked at him with an extremely fierce expression, "Hiro-san I respect you that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want! You don't have any right to toy with my life! You don't have the right to make everything more hard for me when life has been awful all these years! You don't even know how much I have struggled to give Irie a good stable life, there were so many days we didn't even have any food to eat! I couldn't afford him any luxury still he never complained! Today was his birthday! I invited you so that we can share happiness together! But how can you bicker with a small kid like that?"

"Do you think life has been only miserable for you? Have you ever thought about how I have lived all these years?" Hirotaka asked in a painful voice.

"How should I know? When you have always selfishly decided everything according to you! You decided to ask me that day to end everything without my consent! You decided to give me your phone number & asked me to call you! You decided to show up in my life again and make things more complicated! Why is it always that you show up when my life is going miserable and make it hell for me?" she frustratedly replied.

"Did you call me selfish?" Hirotaka had a sad expression on his face.

"You- You have been always selfish! You never even thought once how I felt! You were unnecessarily kind to me & I mistook your kindness as love and fell for you! Then you suddenly asked me to leave everything behind & start a new life! Then why did you show that kindness to me? Why did you make me fall for you? Why did you torture my heart so much?" Yurika suddenly started sobbing.

Hirotaka couldn't say anything, he was staring at her with eyes full of pain.

"Don't tell me anything more! Just-- Just leave now, please! I don't want to see your face now! Go from here please!" she replied while sobbing bitterly.
With teary eyes, Hirotaka slowly left. While going he turned back once and saw Yurika was crying bitterly all alone, he couldn't say anything more, & slowly walked away.

Irie was standing near the basement and overheard all the conversations of Yurika & Hirotaka. His heart was torn apart to see his mom sobbing bitterly. He couldn't say anything to comfort her & slowly walked away outside with sad eyes.

Hirotaka slowly walked into his room with unbearable pain in his heart. Helplessly he laid on his bed and tears were rolling down his cheeks,

"I wish--I wish I could tell you how I have lived without you! I wish I could have told you about my feelings! I never got the chance to confess my feelings, you...will never understand my helplessness Yurika...."

It was around 1 am. Irie still didn't return home. Yurika was extremely worried for him as he left his phone behind too.

(Doorbell rang)

Yurika almost rushed to the door and saw Irie was standing there.

"Irie? Where have you been? Why did you leave the phone behind? What happened?"-she was extremely panicking.
"Mom! I was just angry so I went outside to cool my head! I am absolutely fine!"- Irie comforted her while slowly walking inside & making her sit on the sofa.

"But why did you disappear suddenly? Don't you know how I have felt all these years after your dad went missing?" Yurika's voice almost choked in pain. Tears were rolling down from her eyes.

"I am sorry! I won't go again without telling you! I promise!", Irie slowly wiped her tears & put his head on her lap.

Yurika gently patted his head & said, "I am sorry too for making you angry on your birthday Irie! I am sorry too!"

"You never did anything wrong, mom! Maybe fate has been always cruel to you, but mom, even if dad never returns to us- I won't leave you alone as I have promised him! I will take care of you for my whole life!"- tears were falling down from his eyes while saying.
Yurika smiled painfully a bit.

7 days passed by, Hirotaka didn't stop by the cafe. Even Yurika didn't call him again. Both of them were silently upset with the emotions of each other. But the ego let them remain silent.
Yurika was taking care of her customers & the doorbell rang, a woman in her late 30's walked in.

"Welcome, Ma'am!" Yurika smiled a bit at her. But the woman seemed very familiar to her.

"Yurika? Is it you?" She asked her.

Yurika was gazing at her with curiosity, she seemed very familiar.
"Who are you?" She asked.

"Taki! Remember? Your high school friend Taki! I know I have aged now & I even went under plastic surgery to remove wrinkles from my face, that's why maybe you are not recognizing me!", the woman was smiling at her.

"Whoa! Taki? How are you? Oh my God, I can't believe I am seeing you again!" Yurika exclaimed in joy.

"I know! Though I am in a bit hurry, I never got the chance to meet you after high school! You even left Kanazawa suddenly!"

"I know Taki! Come let's sit and talk!",she slowly walked towards a corner table.

"Whoa! Is this your cafe? It's so beautiful!" Taki was looking around the cafe.

"Yeah, but I still have debts to clear for applying the lease of this cafe! But how did you find me?" Yurika was curious.

"Well, I was just passing by with my husband and I looked at the counter and saw you! I immediately recognized you."

"That's great Taki! Are you married now?"

"Yes! I have a daughter too! She is 13 years now. Are you married Yurika?"

Yurika remained silent for some time. "Ye-Yes Taki! I have a son too!"-she replied.
"Really! It's great! Ahh, Yurika I have something to tell you, actually, I want to confess something!"She looked a bit serious.

"What Taki?"

"Do you still have contact with Hirotaka Sensei? You remember him right?", Taki asked her straightly.

Yurika was quiet for a moment, she slowly said - "No".

"Ah I knew it, he really did his job well to protect you Yurika!"She replied in a low voice.

"Protect me?" Yurika was very surprised.

"Yes! The director of our school threatened him if he doesn't let go of you then the director will suspend you from the school! Hirotaka Sensei really loved you from the heart. He even wanted to break off his engagement for you! He also protested when the director was badmouthing about you! To protect you from all rumors & hardships he took every blame on himself & agreed to break off the relationship.." Taki answered slowly.

Yurika received a huge blow in her heart. Her legs were trembling, she was feeling dizzy.

"Wh-What are yo-you saying Taki? Wh-why didn't you tell me all this earlier?" Yurika's voice was shaky.

"I know, I should have told you this earlier! I even went to your place & saw you already moved out! I- I am also guilty Yurika! I told the director everything when he asked me about you two! I know I should have supported you but I was afraid that Hiro-san must have been toying with you! I- I know it's an unforgivable sin I have committed but please at least don't hold any grudge on him! Maybe he has been suffering much more than you!"- Taki was very ashamed of herself.

Yurika couldn't say anything, she wanted to cry bitterly but there were people around. She held the cry inside but her eyes were teary with the pain of guilt & helplessness.

"I should leave now Yurika! I hope you can forgive me someday!" Taki slowly left and Yurika was still sitting there like a stone.

After some time she regained her senses, she immediately took her phone & called Hirotaka.

(Phone ringing)
It rang twice but he didn't pick. She dialed again desperately, this time he picked up.

"Hello", a low voice answered.
"Hiro-san! Can you meet me now?" Yurika asked desperately.

"Why? What do you have to tell more!" Hirotaka seemed a bit upset.

"Please Hiro-san! Please meet me once!"
she was on the verge of tears.

"Okay! I am coming near your cafe" He disconnected the call.

Yurika almost rushed outside, her heart was aching terribly. She couldn't believe she has committed such a grave sin! "Why! Why did I leave Kanazawa! I- I should have stayed beside him! He fought for me so much & I left him all alone! I should have died now! ", she cursed herself.

Meanwhile, Hirotaka slowly appeared there. He seemed disturbed.

"Hiro-san? Are you okay?" Yurika asked him politely
"What do you want to tell me?" He replied in a deep voice.

"I- I met Taki today! She told me everything! Why- Why did you lie to me Hiro-san? Why didn't you tell me about the threatening you received? Why did you lie that you would get married? Why? Why did you bear all the pain alone?" She started weeping bitterly. Her voice was choked in pain.

Hirotaka stood there frozen. He couldn't say anything.

"I left you all alone! I am the sinner! I have committed a grave sin Hiro-san! I shouldn't have left you! Why the fuck I left Kanazawa! I- I don't even have the right to ask your forgiveness! I am ashamed of myself Hiro-san! I am so sorry...."

Hirotaka slowly wiped her tears.

"Yurika, I thought I would never get to say you this-- but, I-I love you Yurika!", tears were rolling down from his eyes.

"I am so sorry Hiro-san! I am so ashamed!" She was grasping his arm tightly while weeping.

"I never got the chance to confess my love Yurika! But, I have always loved you! I always kept my promise, you are my first & last love!" He uttered slowly.
Yurika couldn't look at his eyes anymore. She broke down in tears.

"Can I hug you once?", Hirotaka asked her with a sad smile.

Yurika hugged him tightly & started weeping helplessly.

"I am so sorry! I am so sorry Hiro-san! I am very sorry!"- that's all she could say.

"Maybe we didn't belong to each other, but we were always made for each other!" Hirotaka replied in a teary voice.
Both of them silently felt each other's warm tears on their shoulder.

After an emotional reunion, Hirotaka wiped her tears softly. Her eyes were swollen.

"Look at you! Mother of a big kid but crying like a small baby!" Hirotaka patted her head.

"I should go back inside now Hiro-san! I have many works to complete" She softly replied while wiping her eyes.

"Sure! I will come to see you tomorrow! Go home safely with Irie!"He gently replied with a smile & slowly walked away.

While going he turned back and waved his hand gently at her. She responded back with a smile.

(Phone ringing)
Yurika took out the phone from her pocket & it was Detective Wan calling.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hello? Mrs. Onodera?" A deep voice replied.

"Yes Sir. Is there any important information?" She asked politely.

"Yes! I have found very important information & I think I need to see you soon Mrs. Onodera. I will be visiting you tomorrow at your cafe!"He sounded very serious.

"What is the information, Sir?" She was a bit worried.

"Well, I have found out the lady whom your husband met on his day of the disappearance. But mysteriously that lady committed suicide to that day!"

Yurika was very surprised, with a shaky voice she asked- "Who is she?"

" Mrs. Ayame Takeshi!"

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-- to be continued!

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