XX) Cruel breakfree!

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The next day, it was around 10.30 am. Myobi was waiting for Ayame at a table in the food court of the hotel. He was a bit puzzled with the sudden plan of meeting.

"Mrs. Ayame sounded very disturbed last night! I guess something has happened to her! But why does she want to meet me?" He was thinking confusedly.

"Sorry for the late, I guess you didn't wait long!"

Myobi heard a voice behind him and turned back. Ayame was standing there with a small smile but her face looked very pale.

"Ahh, no problem! Please have a seat
Mrs. Ayame!" He greeted her with a warm smile.

Ayame obediently sat on a chair opposite to him with a little sigh.

"Umm Mrs. Ayame, are you okay? You seem very tired today!" He sounded very concerned while looking at her.

"Yes, you are right! I am very tired of everything! I am sick of it!" She replied firmly.

Myobi was silently gazing at her with confusion.

"Mr. Myobi I need to talk something important today. So please pay attention!" She replied in a deep voice.

He nodded his head.

"Do you love your wife Mr. Myobi?" She asked him directly with his surprise.

He was quite flustered with the surprising question. After being amazed for some moment he uttered, "pardon?"

"I am asking do you love your wife or not?" She continued.

"Of course! What kind of question is that Mrs. Ayame? My family is everything for me!" He sounded a bit agitated.

"Then I am sure you don't want someone to show up and snatch your wife from you?"

"What?" He almost jolted with the question. "What do you mean Mrs. Ayame?"

She had a dark expression on her face. While looking at him with a dense gaze she slowly replied, "something bad will happen to your family! It can separate you from your wife!"

Myobi looked very disturbed. His smile faded away completely. "What do you mean by all these Mrs. Ayame? Why are telling me all these?"

"Mr. Myobi it's up to you whether you want to protect your family or not it but someone will show up in your family and the person is a crazy obsessed one! He can do anything to fulfill his chase! So I am here today to let you escape from this situation!" She replied very coldly.

"I-Is he after my wife? Will he approach me too for my Yurika?" He asked with a frowning face.

"All I can say is yes! He will definitely try to reach your family before you! He is a crazy person! Mr. Myobi you are in a dangerous situation! Anything can happen and I just want you to escape!" She rolled her eyes mysteriously while speaking.

"Then what should I do now? I don't want to lose my wife! She is all I have in this world!" He replied with a poignant gaze.

She took out a pair of keys and kept before him on the table. "Here, take these keys. I managed to get a car for you from my subordinate. Just hurry up and go back to your wife!" She sounded very firm.

Myobi was looking at her in the utmost confusion. He couldn't say anything.

"If you are thinking to refuse my help, then you will be taking the most stupid decision of your life! I am the only one who can save you and your family from that person now! Don't think too much, take the car and go back today! You will reach faster than that person if you go back by car!" She tried to convince him badly.

"But I have a meeting today Mrs. Ayame around 12 pm. And how do you know about all these?" He asked.

"Ahh, I don't like it when people ask me too many questions! Don't ask anything further  Mr. Myobi! Think of it as a help and believe me you will be grateful to me forever for my help today!
And after your meeting, complete all the works you have here and leave by evening!" She answered him quite profoundly.

Myobi looked downwards for a moment with a puzzled face and reluctantly took the keys. Ayame smiled a bit by witnessing her victory of convincing him to leave by today.

"Okay, I will leave by today. But when do I have to return this car?" He asked gravely while looking at her.

"Don't need to worry about that! Contact me after reaching Fukuoka, I will tell you about it later... I should leave now! And take the route by the Zig Road, it's a bit insecure route for night driving, but you will reach Fukuoka faster! Goodbye Mr. Myobi and good luck!" She stood up from the chair.

"Wait, Mrs. Ayame! Why are you helping me here?" He stood up and asked her restlessly.

She remained silent for some time. With a sad smile, she slowly replied, "as we are in the same boat! We both fear of losing someone whom we have chosen for ourselves!"

Myobi was completely confused and speechless with her answer. He didn't get the courage to ask anything further as she seemed very upset.

"I will leave now Mr. Myobi. Hope you will be reunited with your love happily soon! I will be cheering for you! Goodbye!" She extended her hand for a valedictory handshake.

Myobi silently nodded with a smile and followed it.


Hirotaka watched everything while standing behind a  big pillar of the food court hall.



It was around 1 pm. Ayame was standing near the wall of the terrace of their hotel holding her phone. It was just a floor above their room. However, the terrace was on the rear end of the hotel. That part is always deserted and it feels peaceful for Ayame.


She heard a voice and turned back. Hirotaka was standing near the door with a dark expression on his face. 

"Yes? Are you done with your packing? When are you leaving?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Ayame I heard everything!" He grumbled in a deep voice.

"What? What do you mean by that?" She seemed a bit nervous.

"Why are you still acting so pathetically Ayame? I heard your conversation with that moron! You even gave him a car for escaping! Woah! You had promised to help me finding Yurika! What the hell--"

"And you believed that? Haha!" She interrupted him and started laughing out loudly.

Hirotaka stood there frozen. He seemed extremely angry.

"Well, it's good that I don't need to do that crappy acting anymore! But you are really naive Hirotaka! How did you believe a wife would let her husband go to another bitch?" She spoke in a tense gaze.

"Yeah! It was all my fault to trust you Ayame! I shouldn't have done that!" He groaned while gazing at her.

"The promise was just a trap to lure you here with me and you easily fell for it! I still don't understand that bitch has a husband and a son now! Still, why are you madly obsessed about her?" She asked in a loud voice. 

"Then why are you obsessed about me Ayame? Why can't you just let me go?" He shouted.

"Why should I? I sacrificed my whole life waiting for you! Why should I spare you? You are mine!" She yelled fuming in rage.

"I was never yours! The only person I ever loved in my life is Yurika! You were always the curse of my life!" He groused while looking fiercely at her.

Ayame was gawking at him infuriatingly. The atmosphere between them was dense.

"I am leaving right now! You are just suffocation for me!" Hirotaka replied angrily and turned back to leave.

"Don't ever think of leaving me behind! If you take just one step outside I will immediately call the police and make a false allegation that you abused me!" She shouted desperately in order to stop him.

Hirotaka looked back at her with glaring eyes. His facial expression was dense.

"You are awful Ayame! You are just awful!" He mumbled with a disgusted look on his face.

"Yes, I admit! I am a cruel person! I will try every means to stop you from going after her! If I find that bitch before you- I will burn her to death!" She was trembling in wrath while replying.

"Stop cursing her!" He screamed suddenly.

"Why? You can't even hear anything bad about her? Woah! I am so fucking jealous! First you and that Myobi- both are crazy about her! And hereafter choosing this pathetic life I got nothing! Just keep in your mind, you will never be able to go to her till I am alive!" She grumbled violently.

"Then die!" He replied in a cold voice.

"Wh-what?" Ayame's voice stumbled.

Hirotaka started walking towards her with a dark and fierce gaze. Ayame shivered while looking at his expression.

"You only said that I can't go to her till you are alive! Then just die!" He told her very calmly.

"Why are you walking towards me? Do you want to kill me? You want me to die for that bitch now?" She started moving backward with a fearful body language. Soon she reached the dead-end of the terrace. Hirotaka continued to walk towards her. Quickly she understood, she can't escape from him.

"I never wanted you to die! But I guess the time has come to end this forceful bondage! And only your death can free me from that!" He walked very close to Ayame and stood before her with a devilish smile on his face. 

"Don't do this Hirotaka! Don't become a murderer! Don't dip your hands in blood! You won't achieve happiness like this! Even Yurika will despise you! No one loves a criminal!" She was terrified and on the verge of tears.

"I don't have anything to lose now Ayame! Everyone abandoned me in this life! You just ruined my life to compensate for your waiting! You are sly as a fox! But don't worry, everyone will know your death as suicide! I will cover up for everything! Hope you reach the paradise Ayame!" He sounded very calm with a dark gaze in his eyes.

She looked all around being fully terrified but the whole area was deserted. She gazed at him and watching his demonic smirk she realized that her end is near! Soon she started sobbing bitterly. "Yo-You will never get her! Not even after my death! Your sins will never leave you alone! You will never be happy again! I curse you! I hate you!" She replied while crying.

"And I hope I will never meet you again! Goodbye, my wife!" He pushed her fiercely from the guard wall of the terrace.

"AAAAAAAAEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!" That was the last sound heard from Ayame.

Hirotaka looked down and saw Ayame was lying on the ground covered in a pool of blood. Her left leg was moving a bit.

He immediately took out his phone and dialed someone.

(Phone ringing)

"Hello?" The person answered.

"Hello, brother Baek? Hirotaka speaking!" He replied in a tense voice.

"Ohh Hirotaka! Yes?"

"Brother, can I get a powerful anesthetic spray like benzocaine? I need it urgently!" He sounded very restless.

"Yes I have that but it's illegal to use it outside clinics! Why do you need that?" The person sounded a bit agitated.

"My leg pain is killing me! I will have surgery soon! I just need that to relieve my pain!" Hirotaka replied abruptly.

"But it's illegal! If anyone knows about it--"

"I assure you no one will ever know about it! So can I meet you this evening?"

"Okay!" The person replied reluctantly and disconnected the phone.

Hirotaka slowly put his phone in his pocket and looked down. Ayame had stopped moving. 

"Ahhh seems like she is dead now! Rest in peace dear! But why don't I feel bad after killing her? I even didn't feel sorry when I removed the oxygen mask from my mother's face! I don't know why but I enjoyed seeing them dying! Their death somehow gave me mental peace which I was searching for a long time! I feel so free! Damn, I must be really a devil!" He smirked while grumbling softly.

He stood near the wall for some time and looked down one last time to assure her death.

"I guess I need to call the reception and fake some tears too! And soon, need to complete the remaining...

Myobi! I am coming for you next...!" He uttered while looking at her dead body.

-- to be continued....

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