XXIII) The Approach!

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It was around 5 pm. Detective Wan stopped by a departmental store to buy some groceries. Struggles of a single man! He was looking for some essential commodities but in the meantime, his phone rang...

He looked at the screen and it was from his subordinate officer. He abruptly picked it up-

"Hello?" He answered.

"Umm sir, Detective Ken speaking!" The voice was very deep on the side of the phone.

"Yes? Any important news?" He asked a bit impatiently.

"Yes sir! Our investigation team has found out a piece of reliable information! The car in which Mr. Myobi left the Osaka hotel belonged to Mr. Tamaki from JP corporate group, Osaka branch. We will contact the owner to know about the detailed talk between him and Mrs. Ayame." The person answered quite firmly.

"Ahh! Good job junior! Your promotion will be confirmed if we can solve this complicated case!" Wan sounded a bit glad about the information.

"Thank you, sir!" Mr. Ken seemed very happy with his assurance over the call.  "Umm, sir I have another news too!" His voice sounded a bit cryptic. 

"Go ahead!" Wan replied to him a little anxiously.

"Sir, Mrs. Ayame had her life insurance policy of worth 2 million Yen and her husband was the benefactor of that huge amount! From our investigation, it's known that her husband left Osaka after her death case was closed by the Crime Bureau department of the Osaka Police Station with that amount." He sounded mystical while informing him about the details.

"Woah! That creepy man indeed received a gigantic amount! It's enough to sustain a comfortable life! But why did he appeared so shabby to me?" Wan seemed lost in his thoughts immensely.

"Hello, sir? Are you listening?" Mr. Ken was calling him out over the phone.

"Ahh yes, that's indeed good information!" He praised his subordinate with a small grin over his face.

"And one more news sir, our investigating team has retrieved the CCTV footage of that fateful day when both Mrs. Ayame and Mr. Myobi met each other for the last time! We will get the footage recording by tomorrow morning--"

"That's great news! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Wan almost jumped in excitement after hearing about it while interrupting him. "Mr. Ken, we can easily point out anything suspicious from that meeting and that will make our job much easier to catch the culprit!" He spoke obliviously.

"Sir, are you suspecting someone?" Mr. Ken asked him in a low and cold voice.

"Till now, I am pretty much sure that Mrs. Ayame's husband has something linked with this case! But I need abundant proof to get a grip on him! Once I get any deadly proof, I am not going to let him escape from my clasp! My intuitions are never wrong Mr. Ken!" He clenched his wrist while grumbling in a low tone.

"Okay sir, then see you tomorrow in the department!" Mr. Ken greeted him politely while disconnecting the call.


"You are an angry young man!"

 Wan flinched with the sudden voice behind him and immediately turned back. Hirotaka was standing behind him outside the departmental store with a dark obscure smile on his face.

He felt a bit anxious while facing him suddenly like this! Hirotaka's eyes were very shallow! He was carrying some goods in his hand wrapped inside a black carry bag.

"Hello, Detective Wan! Did I surprise you?" He slowly started walking near him. 

There were many people around the store.

"Fr-From when are you standing behind me?" He gulped nervously while asking him.

"Well from the time when we were talking to someone about grasping someone deliberately! You are quite an angry young man! I like angry people!" He was talking very casually in a hoarse voice.

"Hey, Mr. Hirotaka! You shouldn't eavesdrop on people! That's very shabby!" Wan whined at him while appearing a bit uptight.

"Ohh, sorry for that if you feel offended! But I really like to tail people!" Hirotaka answered quite mystically while gazing at him nonchalantly.

"This man seems maniac!" Detective Wan thought while avoiding eye contact with him.

"I actually came here to buy some beer. If you have time you can join me. It feels nice to have a chilled beer while cooling off your stressed brain! We can have a chit-chat too!" Hirotaka asked him in a dense voice while pointing to the bench outside the store.

Wan gazed at his wristwatch, "well I have some spare time now! And it will be better if I can ask him about that information!" He looked at Hirotaka while thinking spontaneously. "Okay!" He answered gently.


As they were sitting on the bench, Detective Wan sensed that Hirotaka was constantly glancing at him with his dark eyes. It was a bit uncomfortable to apperceive.

"Umm, why are you staring at me, Mr. Hirotaka?" He asked him sharply.

"Well, you seem to have some questions for me! You can go ahead!" He replied boldly with a small grin.

"Woah are you a mind reader?" Wan smirked cryptically while asking him.

"Well, I can understand human psychology pretty well. From your gesture, it's clear that you are very uncomfortable around me!" Hirotaka spoke nonchalantly while gazing at him intensely.

"To be honest, you appear very mysterious to me! It seems that you are wrapped with a dark aura! But, yes I have some questions for you!" Wan looked at him straightly while interrogating his point.

Hirotaka chuckled with his response. "Sure!" 

"Did your wife had a life insurance policy worth 2 million Yen? Were you the benefactor?" He asked in a hoarse tone.

"Yes! I have received the money!" Hirotaka responded almost wittily.

"So what did you do with that money? I guess that amount should be enough to live in a comfortable lifestyle, but why are you living in that small apartment complex?" Wan seemed very curious while questioning him.

"I gave the cheque to someone who needed it the most to pay debts! Though I am not sure she will use it or not! But it was my choice not to spend a single penny from that amount!" Hirotaka spoke nonchalantly.

"Really? Who is that person?" Detective Wan immediately retorted his answer.

Hirotaka stopped drinking and stared at him with his intense eyes. "Is this information related to the case? I am sorry but I don't think I should share her details!" He stated his points in a firm manner.

"Well it's not related to the case but that person must be very important for you!" Wan snorted in a low voice while sipping his beer.

Hirotaka looked at him with an odd gaze and smirked vaguely. "Yes! The person means the world to me!" He replied to him in a strange tone.

"What? Pardon?" Wan seemed very confused with his answer as he was gasping at him with a frown face.

Hirotaka stared at the sky with a blank gaze in his eyes for a moment before responding to him. "I have someone in my life who is the reason for my life! And not only me, that person indeed has loved me more than anyone in her life!" He had a proud smile on, his face while speaking.

Detective Wan seemed completely perplexed with his answer. "Are you talking about your wife?" He asked him skeptically.

"I never loved my wife! I have never loved anyone else in my life except her! But our tragic destiny separated our ways... Though I am just happy to stay by her side until I am alive!" He continued nonchalantly.

"Well Mr. Hirotaka, why are you telling me all this?" Wan looked perturbed with his explanation and asked him curiously.

"It doesn't matter anymore! You should know everything before leaving!" Hirotaka sounded very dark while answering him.

"Le-Leaving?" Wan seemed stunned with his vague reply.

Hirotaka stood up from the bench with a wide grin over his face, "Well don't you want to leave today?" He laughed out obliviously while speaking.

"Ahh, one thing I should let you know, tomorrow we will be checking the CCTV footage of that food court where Mrs. Ayama and Mr. Myobi met for the last time! I don't think the criminal will escape from me now!" Detective Wan answered with a dense expression on his face while looking at Hirotaka.

"That's good! You are a very courageous person, Detective Wan! I appreciate people like you!" Hirotaka reciprocated his smile with a devilish gaze in his eyes.

"Thank you! I guess I should leave now! Goodnight Mr. Hirotaka!" Wan prepared to leave from there after greeting him.

"Mr. Wan! Do you have a family?" Hirotaka asked him a bit impatiently.

"Huh? I have my parents in my hometown! Why?" He looked suspicious of Hirotaka while interrogating him.

"Nothing! Your parents must be proud of you of having such a brave son!" Hirotaka replied to him gleefully.

"Well yes, they love me so much! Okay, I should leave now. See you soon Mr. Hirotaka!" Detective Wan slowly started walking towards his car after greeting him. 

Hirotaka was watching him from behind with a malevolent smile on his prey as if a beast is gazing at his prey!

"You should have not challenged me, detective Wan! Have the last goodnight's sleep!" Hirotaka groaned with an evil smirk on his face...



Yurika was slowly walking to her home from the charity house. She seemed very joyful while returning back as her gesture was pretty joyful.

"I can't believe such kind people really exist!  They agreed to pay off our debt so we can apply for the lease! Irie will be so happy to know this!" She exclaimed cheerfully.

Suddenly she saw a tall cryptic person standing outside their apartment a bit far from the street light post. Yurika felt a bit afraid as she felt that the mystical figure apparently looked at her.

Though there was a streetlight, still the area was comparatively dark. she gulped in nervousness as the figure started approaching her slowly.

As soon as the person came closer to her, Yurika was dazed to see him there unexpectedly!  It was Hirotaka...

"Hiro-san? What were you doing outside my house at this hour? Ahh damn, you scared me for a moment!" Yurika almost huffed in relief after confronting him.

"I was waiting for you..." Hirotaka answered politely with a small smile over his face.

"But how did you know I was outside? Why didn't you call me?" She was questioning him a bit impatiently.

"I just guessed that!" Hirotaka sounded a bit gloomy with a cryptic grin.

"Is there something you want to tell me Hiro-san?" Yurika seemed a bit concerned while asking him.

On the spur of moment, Hirotaka's smile faded completely. His expression was extremely dark while his eyes appeared to be tormented in pain...

"I-I feel, I am gonna lose everything now... Yurika! So before that, I just wanted to see you..." He had a poignant gaze over his face before answering her compassionately.

"W-Why? What's gonna happen now?" She was very perplexed while exclaiming to him.

Hirotaka slowly held her face with the utmost tenderness while looking at her intensely.

"Can you promise me something Yurika?" His voice seemed cold while asking her gently.

Suddenly Yurika's heart throbbed a bit. She was tensed to notice Hirotaka acting all strange! She grabbed his hand and politely nodded her head.

"This time, all I could do was waiting for you helplessly. But, in the next life, can you be the one waiting for me? I will make sure to come and find you prior! I will be someone worthy of you! Just don't choose anyone and wait for me..." Hirotaka's voice choked in pain while asking her.

She was surprised by the sudden question. "Why are you asking me all these Hiro-san? Is something troubling you? Why do you look so pale?" She sounded very worried.

"I... just want an assurance from you, Yurika! Can you give me that?" He spoke mournfully while gasping at her.

Yurika's eyes filled with tears with such a heartwarming request from him. Her cheeks were stung in agony as she wanted to cry out badly...

She slowly patted his head with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Of course! I promise,  in our next life, I will be the one patiently waiting for you till we meet again! We will definitely live a happy life that we didn't get to live this time, Hiro-san!" Yurika mumbled slowly while consoling him.

"Thank you, Yurika! Thank you for your promise!" Hirotaka uttered smiling painfully with his teary eyes.

"But Hiro-san--"

"I should leave now. Go inside Yurika!" Hirotaka commanded in a dense voice while interrupting her.

She looked at him for a moment and sighed deeply. "Okay, goodnight Hiro-san!" She greeted him in a low voice while turning back towards the inside.

"Yurika?" Hirotaka called her suddenly when she was leaving.


"Remember... I love you..." Hirotaka slowly waved his hand towards her with a small smile on his face.

"I have... always loved you too... Hiro-san!" Yurika thought silently while waving her hand tearfully to him...

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