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Join by entering a cat on the Sign Up page.

One chapter in the game = one game moon. Every three days is a season.

Roleplaying is optional. Don't just join someone elses roleplay chains. Ask first.
Roleplaying affects nothing.

A task is something your  cat can do that will use energy.

Healthy cats have two energy.

I will reply to your commands with the results.

If your cat has not used all their energy they will either train a cat that has tagged them or join a patrol or hunt that isn't full.

If you train twice a day, you will not eat that day.

If a cat doesn't use their energy they won't eat no matter if there's prey or not.

Skill Levels
Skill levels affect how much prey or herbs you can collect. It also affects your hits in battle and ability to heal.

Skill levels go from Level 0 to Level 5

Hunting, foraging, healing, and battling are separate skills and must be leveled up separately.

To level up you need to train with someone with a higher level in that skill.

Medicine cats have healing and foraging skills. Warriors have hunting and battling skills.

You need to train twice to level up once.

Health and Hunger
Cats can get injured from twoleg traps while on patrol if they are traps in the territory.

There are three types of injury; slightly injured, injured, and severely injured.

Medicine Cats can use herbs to heal!

When injured you will lose energy.

If you are severely injured and aren't healed by the next day your cat will die.

Hunger depends on how well your cat has eaten every day.

Cats automatically eat at the end of the day in order; kits, queens, medicine cats, warriors, medicine cat apprentices, apprentices, deputy, leader.

One day without food makes you hungry, two makes you starving and you loose one energy, three days without food and your cat dies.

Every day the eating order for each rank is randomized.

You can use the command /don't eat which will make you eat last so that other cats can get a chance to eat.

Sometimes depending on the season the clan can be hit by an event. These can range from fires, droughts, floods, thunderstorms, blizzards, frost, thieves, twolegs, and attacks.
The weather related events depend on the season.
The thieves and attacks depends on the Clan's border strength though even at full sometimes may happen these can kill you.
Twolegs place traps which can injure and kill cats on patrols.

When two cats breed they will have 3-5 kits. Their skill levels are zero. They have one energy and only one command. You can only have kits every game year. /Play. Kits can play once everyday. Mothers and fathers can play eith their kits. If you play all six days as a kit you can start at skill level 1.
Password is the first three letters of your username!

Ages and Rank Up
After 6 in moons kits can rank up to apprentices.
When you rank up you will be assigned a mentor, BUT you can still train with other cats.
After six more in game moons you can rank up to a warrior.

Dying and Re-joining
When your cat dies you can rejoin as a new cat. You will go to the end of the waiting list and have to wait to be born.


List of Commands

/Hunt with...
Sends your cat hunting with the rest of the cats listed. Can have up to 4 cats in a hunting patrol. Uses 1 energy.

/Forage with...
Sends your cat hunting with the rest of the cats listed. Can have up to 4 cats in a foraging patrol. Uses 1 energy.

/Patrol with...
Sends your cat patrolling with the rest of the cats listed. Must have at 4 cats to work. Uses 1 energy.

/Train ___skill with (name)
Must tag the other cat both cats must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.

/Heal (cat's name)
Heals the mentioned cat with herbs based on the Healing Chart. Uses 1 energy.

/Bond with (cat's name)
Bonds you and the other cat. You may only bond with one cat each day. Doesn't use energy.

/Breed with (cat's name)
A male and female breed to have kits. May have 1-5 kits. Uses 1 energy.

/Search for kits
Used by a cat in a relationship in which they cannot make kits together. Uses 1 energy.

/Wander in heat
Used by a cat not in a relationship or in a relationship in which they cannot make kits together. Uses 1 energy.

Makes your cat play with other cats. Used by kits and queens. Can be done once a day.

Defends the clan against the enemy. Effectiveness and injury of your cat depends on yours and your enemies battleskills. Only warriors and apprentices can defend. Uses 1 energy.

Hides your cat during battle and keeps them safe from enemies. Cannot use other commands while hidden. Doesn't use energy.

/Kill (enemy name)
Kills a passive enemy. Must be done before any other actions or else it could result in injury or death. Number of cats needed ranges and will be stated with the event. Uses 1 energy.

/Don't eat
Puts your cat at the end of the list (makes them eat last that day.) Doesn't use energy.

/Rankup to apprentice
Ranks up your kit to an apprentice only applicable to kits over six moons. Doesn't use energy.

/Rankup to medicine cat apprentice
Ranks up your kit to a medicine cat apprentice only applicable to kits over six moons. Doesn't use energy.

/Rankup to (new warrior/medcat name)
Ranks your cat up to a warrior or medicine cat. Only applicable to cats over 12 moons old. Doesn't use energy.

/exile (cat's name)
Must be used in a chain. Half of the clan must use the command. Doesn't use energy.

Hunting Chart
Skill Level 0: catches 0 prey
Skill Level 1: catches 0-1 prey
Skill Level 2: catches 0-2 prey
Skill Level 3: catches 1-2 prey
Skill Level 4: catches 1-3 prey
Skill Level 5: catches 2-4 prey

Battle Chart
Skill Level 0: score of 0
Skill Level 1: score of 1-20
Skill Level 2: score of 10-30
Skill Level 3: score of 20-40
Skill Level 4: score of 30-50
Skill Level 5: score of 40-60

Foraging Chart
Skill Level 0: forages 0 herbs
Skill Level 1: forages 0-1 herbs
Skill Level 2: forages 0-2 herbs
Skill Level 3: forages 1-2 herbs
Skill Level 4: forages 1-3 herbs
Skill Level 5: forages 2-4 herbs

Healing Chart
Skill Level 0: cannot heal
Skill Level 1: can heal slightly injured and cough (uses 2 herbs)
Skill Level 2: can heal whitecough, and hayfever (uses 4 herbs)
Skill Level 3: can heal injured (uses 5 herbs)
Skill Level 4: can heal greencough (uses 7 herbs)
Skill Level 5: can heal all but nightcough (uses 10 herbs)

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